
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Meludah ke langit

Malaysiakini - Don’t listen to Najib’s version alone, hear ours too: Dr M implores rulers

Dr Mahathir Mohamad has requested the rulers to grant him an audience to explain about the situation in the nation instead of just listening to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

"We hope the rulers will give us a chance to explain things to them because so far we have not been given the chance to do so.

"The only things they hear are from Najib, but he is the one being accused of many acts which are not legal," the former premier told a press conference in Putrajaya.

This comes after the US Department of Justice announced yesterday that they have filed a civil lawsuit seeking the forfeiture and return of US$1 billion, which are alleged to have been laundered through 1MDB.

Amazing to hear this man appealing to the rulers to hear him out, when in 1992 he and his UMNO side-kicks whacked the raja-rajas kau kau (open slather).

Mind you, most Malaysians then believed he was not wrong, because one royalty at that time went too far and forgot he was only a constitutional monarch and not the 13/14th Century Sultan Mahmud. The royalty forgot that 20th Century ordinary citizens enjoyed basic fundamental rights as much as he did, such as protection from lawless thuggish big shots.

Mahathir then became very very popular, standing up as the much admired people's hero, although the real reason for him and his UMNO cohorts bashing the sultans were more for his unobstructed rule as PM, wakakaka. The royalty's naughtiness was the excuse Mahathir needed. 

But I wonder whether the sultans remember end of 1992?

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