
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 16, 2016

MIC, you also have to take the blame for Dr M's 'racist' policies

MIC should be reminded that it worked hand-in-glove with former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad as a component party in BN in his 22-year tenure as PM, and kept silent when racist policies and strategies were being implemented, which still exist under the Najib administration.
Perhaps it is time MIC took a break from the Malaysian political scene and reflect on its role, relevance, and existence as the sole party for Indians in the country – not only as far as representation is concerned, but also in looking after the socioeconomic welfare of Indians in Malaysia.
An MIC spokesperson yesterday had taken a swipe at activist Marina Mahathir, claiming Mahathir cannot be considered as a “Gandhi”.
He also claimed that “MIC and the other component parties lost in 2008 and are still fighting to remain relevant, because of the racist policies and strategies implemented by Mahathir, during his time as PM”.
There are two things that stand out in the statement made by MIC Youth leader Sivarraajh Chandran against Marina Mahathir, and Malaysians deserve an answer to these questions.
One, was MIC an active component member of the BN government from 1981 to 2003?
Did MIC not field Indian candidates in five general elections from 1982 to 1999 under the BN flag and under Mahathir's leadership?
Did MIC not have councillors, state assemblypersons, parliamentarians, senators and ministers in the cabinet at the time when Mahathir implemented his “racist policies and strategies”?
If yes, then what on earth were MIC leaders, from 1981 to 2003 doing when these racist policies and strategies came into existence through their prime minister at that time?
Why did they not question, challenge, object and protest against these racist policies when they convened for budget meetings, for national policy draftings, for nation building meetings, for race policy meetings with Mahathir at that time?
How convenient it must be now for MIC to shamelessly sling mud against Mahathir when he is no more in power, rather than stand up and criticise him for his policies at that time.
Blow below belt
MIC's response to Marina was a blow below the belt. MIC should list list down its achievements for the Indian community after being at the helm of power from 1946 till 2016, for a whopping 70 years, instead of lamenting pitifully against policies that it was in a position to change.
Secondly, MIC lamented that they and other component parties were fighting to stay relevant because of these race-based policies.
They are now playing devil's advocate. But these policies were drafted, debated and passed at all levels of administration with their knowledge.
Wake up and face the reality that Malaysians have no more faith in you or in your bosses, Umno/BN. This was clearly proven in the last general election when MCA, MIC and Gerakan suffered blows through the mandate of the rakyat who decided that 'enough is enough'.
While Malaysians are maturing and slowly discarding race-based politics and policies, here we have, MIC, a race-based party, the champions of the Indians, crying wolf that they are victims of discriminatory race policies and strategies by the very government they are still a part of.

Will MIC now, grow a spine, and leave the BN coalition because of these existing race-based policies and strategies?
Is MIC saying now that these racist policies and strategies don’t exist under Najib and Umno/BN's authoritarian rule?
I would like to remind Sivarraajh Chandran, his MIC leaders and also to MCA and Gerakan, it is better to die standing than to live on your knees, as said by Penang CM Lim Guan Eng.

KASTHURI PATTO is DAP MP for Batu Kawan and publicity secretary for Wanita DAP. - Mkini

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