
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Syaitan Selalu Bersama Syaitan

These pictures and news are going viral in the Middle East. The ISIS are getting their butts kicked everywhere.  Right now the liberation of Mosul in Iraq has begun. 
The ISIS satans are suffering high casualties and injured in the fighting.  Injured ISIS terrorists are being shipped to hospitals in Saudi Arabia for treatment.

Many of the ISIS senior commanders are Saudi Arabian. This is the case because the money for the ISIS also comes from Saudi Arabian "private" donors.

This picture shows one senior ISIS commander in hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 

An important Saudi VIP Prince al Waleed bin Talal is seen here visiting the notorious ISIS military commander Abu Omar al-Maghribi in a luxurious hospital in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. Here is the news :

Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal visits injured ISIS commander in hospital

Tue, 05 Jul 2016 (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) -- Yesterday, a picture surfaced on Arab social websites, showing Saudi Prince and multi-millionaire media tycoon al-Waleed bin Talal visiting notorious ISIS military commander Abu Omar al-Maghribi in a luxurious hospital in Riyadh.

al-Waleed bin Talal spearheading Saudi media campaign to give innocuous and friendly picture of ISIS and terrorist organizations to Arab viewers

Bin Talal's blatant visit to an ISIS warlord is an overt peace accord between Saudi Arabia and ISIS
    al-Waleed bin Talal infamously admitted Saudis themselves created ISIS
      Riyadh proxies, namely ISIS and al-Nusra Front

      fierce clashes in Fallujah ended with ISIS' total defeat

      ISIS injured fighters in Saudi hospitals

        Syaitan Junior recovering in Saudi hospital
      Money and resources flowing to ISIS from Arab regional players  

      My comments :  This is the real situation folks. Saudi Arabia helped create and support these syaitan. Syaitan bersama syaitan.

      Do you all know who is al Waleed bin Tolol? Do you remember when Liwat was released from jail by Bodowi  sometime circa 2006? A  "rich Saudi friend" sent a private plane to take Liwat for medical treatment in Germany or somewhere (where Liwat made a super miraculous instant recovery from his "life threatening" back pains). 

      That "rich Saudi friend" is the same al Waleed bin Tolol in the picture above. Syaitan selalu bersama syaitan folks. The Wahhabis have long ago cultivated Liwat.  

      Folks, dont be stupid ok. Especially you Malay folks. Jangan jadi bodoh. The Saudis have been exporting their satanic Wahhabi ideology all over the world since the 1970s.  Their export model of Wahhabism is called 'Salafism'.  Dua-dua kepala bapak syaitan.
      I have a question.  If the Saudis helped set up ISIS, if the Saudis are funding the ISIS, if the Saudis are treating wounded ISIS in their hospitals etc, then certainly they will also be encouraging ISIS all over the world. Just like they exported Salafism.  

      The most important question for today is : just exactly how stupid are you? Yes I am referring to you dear reader.  What is the level of your bodohness? That is the question for you today.  

      Look at Singapore. They have madrassahs in Singapore. There are 14 madrassahs in Singapore. But they have no wahhabism or salafism in Singapore. Takdak. No ISIS, no Abu Bakar Bashir, no Jemaah Islamiyah, no Zakir Naik, no Zakar Tak Turun etc.  

      Singapore is peaceful and harmonius.  So really the question is "how stupid are you?"

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