
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Time for Malay rulers to save Malaysia

YOURSAY | ‘The future of Malaysia is in your hands, Your Majesties!’
Anonymous 1890491455255851: Notice PM Najib Razak's silence on this. This seems to be his usual strategy. He lets his people try to detract us from the real issues while he stays silent and pretends nothing is going on.
Surely if they feel there is nothing to this, then they have the responsibility to clear the air with facts. But their silence and attempt to instead focus on the whistleblower would obviously make us all more convinced of their guilt.
So far, from what we have read, these facts alone reveal that the Finance Ministry did not show sufficient care and responsibility over the way the 1MDB management went about their business.
The things they did look to be so fantastically reckless that it can only mean they were up to no good and had the courage to do them with no fear of being caught.
How did they do all that without the Finance Ministry's knowledge? Curious.
Mojo Jojo: Why classify the auditor-general's report as an official secret if there is nothing to hide?
1MDB is a state investment outfit that supposedly engages in financial investments, land procurement and power plant purchases, so why is the audit on the company kept secret?
I'm not certain who is committing treason: the ones creating public awareness of the government's misdeeds, or the ones robbing the country blind and subsequently classifying evidence as official secrets in an attempt to hide their trail.
Paul Warren: Indeed, what is so treasonous about leaking the audit report? Audit reports are required for all companies incorporated under the Companies Act.
When they are government-owned, like 1MDB, the auditor-general has every right to go in and audit it as part of his duty to the king.
His report is the outcome of his findings from his queries and investigations which include verifying and vouching to ensure everything is above board.
Maxit: This is our country. We elected you to manage it well. Now billions are lost due to poor or bad management. The rakyat even suspect there is extensive corruption and it is being covered up by these same leaders we elected.
The rakyat also feel the arms of the government – the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), police, Attorney-General’s Chambers, etc, have also been compromised.
However, some brave whistleblower has blown the lid of these 'treasonous' leaders.
The time has come for the voice of the rakyat to be heard loud and clear. Indeed, the time has come for the rakyat to cry out to their majesties, the king and the sultans, to take action against these leaders.
The future of Malaysia is in your hands, Your Majesties!
Tan Kim Keong: Is Salleh serving the rakyat and protecting the integrity of the Auditor-General's Office, Bank Negara and the MACC or serving only Najib?
Is Salleh only interested in exposing the whistleblower but not in the truth of the expose relating to the auditor-general's report? What national security is Salleh talking about when this issue is about corruption?
How is it treason when the action is about exposing corruption and defending the integrity of the Auditor-General's Office, Bank Negara and MACC?
Mushiro: Yes, leaks on national security is considered treason to the country. But leaks exposing corruption, embezzlement and misuse of government funds should be applauded as courageous, responsible and a service to the country.
The people who took the trouble to expose the information should be commended.
Well Thats Fantastic: I think what the PM, 1MDB, and everyone involved in helping them cover up their wrongdoings have committed treason. Apparently the only opinion that matters is that of the government of the day.
SusahKes: Salleh, are you even remotely aware of just how embarrassing this looks for Najib? Not just the revelations made by Sarawak Report, but at how you sycophants continue to defend the indefensible on all matters 1MDB?
Do you have no grasp of how the international media and political community view Najib henceforth? Are you sensitive at all as to how Najib's stature would hold up to glare when he attends global gatherings and summits?
It certainly appears that none of you could care less about such matters, and that you are only interested at maintaining a pseudo-dignified appearance for the sake of your rural vote bank.
Why, even Najib's new BFF (best friend forever), Abdul Hadi Awang, has declared that four witnesses are needed to prove Najib's culpability in the 1MDB debacle.
Phew, am I glad that the auditor-general's SOP (standard operating procedure) did not include such a criteria during the course of his audit.
Rupert16: The people committing treason are the ones who allegedly stole about US$7,000,000,000 of public funds under the guise of 1MDB. No question about it.

These are the guys who should be hung high and dry, and not those who exposed the crime. -Mkini 

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