
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 18, 2016

Why The Jihadis Are So Crazy About Pornography, Woman, Woman, Woman, Sex, Sex, Sex

I was reading the news about laptop computers seized from ISIS shaytans whose memory disk drives were 80% full of pornography. Here is the news :

  • laptops seized from ISIS jihadis are filled up to 80 per cent with porn films 
  • graphic films inures extremists to carry out their hideous brutality
Well I disagree with the reasoning as to why the jihadis download so much pornography. I believe there is a much simpler reason. First here is more news about Islamic societies and watching pornography.  This report from Google says that Pakistan occupies top position among countries watching pornography.

2.  Pakistan tops list of most porn-searching countries: Google
  • Data reveals six of top eight counties on list are Muslim
  • data by Google, Pakistan tops list of most porn-searching countries 
  • Pakistan leads in porn searches for animals like pigs, donkeys, dogs
  • six of top eight porn-searching countries were Muslim
  • number 2 Egypt. Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Turkey at 4,5,7 and 8
  • porn trends within region can be tracked
Six of the top eight pornography watching countries in the world are Islamic countries.  

So I want to say to all the Muslim mothers who give birth to and raise their generations of Muslim children in these Islamic countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Morocco and Turkey.  

It looks like all your influence, your teaching and your value systems have given rise to generations who like watching prostitutes and whores perform in pornographic movies. How come? So what type of value systems are you teaching your children?

Despite having legions of mullahs, ostard wal retards, maulanas (nauzubillah), Tuan Gurus and such, despite being so proud of your religious credentials, your children (and most likely your husbands, brothers and fathers too)  like to watch naked men and naked women in pornographic films.  

In Malaysia, Terengganu and Kelantan also occupy top slots in the 'Porn Watching League'.  Here is a website that has some info on porn watching habits in Kelantan and Terengganu -  perhaps the two most "religion" infested states on the Penonsula.

Well I have a slightly different theory as to why these "Islamic" states have the highest rates of watching pornography. Do read on. 

Here is a shocker of a fatwa from Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia. Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia says it is ok to watch pornographic pictures and movies :

  • Semakin lama semakin banyak orang2 sarap yang dilabeli ustadz, bahkan kiyai haji, bahkan mereka di puja2 sebagai pembaharu. 
  • Padahal mereka adalah orang yang paling rusak.
  • mengenai melihat gambar porno atau melihat gambar aurat wanita
  • DPP Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) Syamsuddin Ramadhan atau Fathiy Syamsuddin Ramadhan An Nawiy memberikan 'fatwa' yang sangat mengejutkan dengan menyatakan bahwa hukum melihat gambar aurat wanita atau gambar porno adalah boleh (mubah)
  • "Atas dasar ini, kebolehan melihat foto porno didasarkan pada dalil-dalil yang bersifat umum.", simpul ustadz HTI yang dilabeli sebagai "KH (Kyai Haji)"
  • disebutkan ustadz HTI penulis buku "Panduan Lurus Memahami Khilafah Islamiyah Menurut Kitab Kuning" 
  • Menurut ustadz HTI, kebolehannya ibaratkan melihat foto babi. Babi haram dimakan tapi tidak haram dilihat. Jika dilihat langsung saja boleh, maka fotonya juga boleh. 
The Indonesian ostard wal retard here is a real moron.  There is nothing much to say. Not only are these people shaitan but they are stupid. 

And they can be so stupid because people like you (yes you, dear reader) are slightly more stupid than them. You listen to these stupid people. That is why they get away with so much nonsense.

I agree with another opinion why the ISIS shaitans have downloaded so much pornography into their laptops.  They believe that after they die they will go to a heaven where they will be serviced by 72 virgins and an unlimited number of little boys who will satisfy all their wildest sexual  fantasies.  In such a heaven there will be no need for decorum, no rules and no one to apply the brakes. Their 72 virgins will be totally uninhibited.

This is where watching the pornography comes in. They are watching previews of what they would like to see in their versions of heaven.  It is like a 'movie trailer' for them. This is more apt than you may think - movies are indeed fiction. There are no 72 virgins mentioned anywhere in the Quran.

The Pakistanis, the Arabs, in Terengganu, Kota Bharu etc watch porn also because their societies are so controlled, restricted and constrained.  They are so worked up over segregating the sexes. Their behaviour is unnatural.  

Not only watching porn but the rather new disease 'sumbang mahram' or incest is also quite rampant.  

Its quite the opposite  in "kafir" societies where women are not segregated from men, where women are not forced to wrap themselves up like ninjas then there are very much less or almost no occurences of incest or sumbang mahram.  

Sumbang mahram is hardly a social issue in Singapore or Japan or Finland.  If it happens it is rare.   But in our Serambi Kepala Hotak states the sumbang mahram has become a major social problem.  

From the statistics, young girls are safer from 'sumbang mahram' in the kafir societies than in these so called Islamic societies.

This is what happens when you impose unnatural laws and unnatural rules on the people.  It creates new psychological aberrations which never existed before.  You cannot even wish them good luck. They are doomed. 

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