
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, November 30, 2023



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Principal responded dismissively to ‘truant teacher’ complaint - witness


A witness in the case of a teacher who was accused of skipping school for seven months admitted to being surprised by the response of the principal of SMK Taun Gusi, Kota Belud to his complaint regarding the teacher's absence.

Teacher Ibrahim Jadoon told the Kota Kinabalu High Court today that the principal at the time, Suid Hanap, seemed to underestimate the potential of the school's students.

"I stayed until afternoon classes and Suid told me, ‘Ibrahim, don't stay so long, they are murid kampung (village students), they don’t have high potential’," explained Ibrahim when answering a question from the plaintiff's lawyer Shireen Sikayun.

Proceedings had to be postponed for a while after Ibrahim failed to contain his emotions and cried, reminiscing the words of the principal when he reported the issue of the truant teacher, Jainal Jamran.

Ibrahim also told the court that Suid blamed the school counsellors and the school disciplinary board for 'failing' to deal with the truant teacher when these bodies are only tasked with dealing with student problems.

‘No sense of responsibility’

Earlier, when Shireen asked about Jainal's attitude, Ibrahim said Jainal had no sense of responsibility towards his students and often skipped classes without regret.

He added that Jainal was also known for his temper and often embarrassed his students because of their level of English proficiency.

Ibrahim also said he once confronted Jainal, asking him why he was not teaching his class, to which Jainal replied that he did not like some of the students in that class.

Ibrahim said he had reported the problem to Education Ministry official Redzuan Ahmad, and among the actions taken was a visit from the ministry to the school for observation.

The lawsuit against Jainal was filed by a former student of the school, Siti Nafirah Siman, and she was represented by her lawyer Shireen while senior federal attorney Jesseca Daimis represented Jainal.

The trial at the Kota Kinabalu High Court continues tomorrow before judge Ismail Brahim. - Mkini

Sivakumar refutes activist’s claim on ‘significant illicit industry’ of modern slavery


Human resources minister V Sivakumar says the problem of forced labour in Malaysia is not as extensive as claimed by activist Andy Wallis. (Bernama pic)

KUALA LUMPUR: Human resources minister V Sivakumar has recognised the issue of forced labour in Malaysia, saying he acknowledges the problem but doesn’t believe it is as extensive as claimed.

“I’m not saying there’s no forced labour, but I don’t think the number is that big,” Sivakumar said.

His remarks came in response to assertions by UK-based activist Andrew Wallis, who claimed that modern slavery exists as a “significant illicit industry” within Malaysia.

Wallis also said there may be as many as 212,000 victims in the country at any given time.

While Sivakumar said he was sceptical about the extent of the issue, he did not deny its presence.

The minister also said the government is committed to taking strong action against employers found to be involved in forced labour.

“We are prepared to take severe action if any of our employers at all are using forced labour,” he said. - FMT

Rugi RM11 juta, 80 mangsa pelaburan gesa polis bertindak segera


Skim pelaburan itu menawarkan program menyewakan hartanah kepada pelabur dengan pulangan dividen lumayan dalam tempoh 45 hari.

KUALA LUMPUR: Seramai 80 mangsa penipuan skim pelaburan menggesa pihak polis supaya mengambil tindakan segera terhadap sebuah syarikat pelaburan yang sebelum ini berpangkalan di Kedah kerana telah memperdaya dan menyebabkan mereka mengalami kerugian lebih RM11 juta.

Setiausaha Agung Pertubuhan Kemanusiaan Masyarakat Antarabangsa Malaysia (MHO) Hishamuddin Hashim berkata kesemua mangsa yang kebanyakannya berasal dari Muar, Johor, Perlis dan Kedah telah membuat laporan polis sejak Mac lepas hingga bulan ini, namun masih belum ada sebarang tindakan.

“Syarikat tersebut kurang dikenali, namun mempunyai cawangan di beberapa negeri antaranya di Johor, Melaka, Kedah dan Perlis yang menawarkan program menyewakan hartanah kepada pelabur-pelabur dengan pulangan dividen lumayan dalam tempoh 45 hari.

“Pada peringkat awal syarikat itu membayar dividen seperti yang dijanjikan, namun selepas mangsa-mangsa menambah pelaburan, syarikat terlibat mula mengelak dan tidak membayar keuntungan, malah ibu pejabatnya di Kedah serta beberapa lagi cawangan turut menghentikan operasi kecuali di Perlis,” katanya kepada Bernama.

Berikutan itu, kesemua mangsa hadir di perkarangan Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial (JSJK) hari ini dengan menaiki bas dari Muar, Kedah dan Perlis untuk menyerahkan surat permohonan bagi mengetahui perkembangan semasa berkenaan kes itu.

Hishamuddin bersama wakil mangsa turut mengadakan pertemuan tertutup bersama Pengarah JSJK Bukit Aman Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf dan difahamkan sebanyak 15 kertas siasatan telah dibuka berhubung kes itu.

Ramli ketika dihubungi mengesahkan telah menerima lebih 80 laporan polis berhubung kes itu yang dianggar melibatkan kerugian jutaan ringgit.

Sementara itu, seorang jurutera sebuah syarikat pembinaan di Kedah yang mahu dikenali sebagai Razak, 45, berkata dia terpaksa berputih mata selepas semua wang simpanannya dalam Sijil Simpanan Premium (SPP) dan Amanah Saham Bumitputera (ASB) lebih RM500,000 lenyap sekelip mata akibat terpedaya dengan syarikat itu.

Razak mendakwa dia pada mulanya diyakinkan akan mendapat keuntungan berkali ganda dalam tempoh yang singkat jika melabur dengan syarikat terlibat yang menawarkan pulangan dividen sebanyak RM540 bagi satu lot pelaburan bernilai RM3,600.

“Setelah berkeyakinan, saya keluarkan semua simpanan ASB dan SPP dan tambah lagi jumlah pelaburan kepada 160 lot dengan jumlah keseluruhan kira-kira RM546,000 pada Okt 2020 sebelum syarikat itu menghentikan operasi,” katanya yang mendakwa turut mengalami tekanan perasaan berikutan kes itu.

Seorang lagi mangsa yang hanya merupakan pesawah Mohd Johari Ismail, 45, mengalami kerugian lebih RM20,000 wang simpanan selepas dipengaruhi oleh anak saudara yang kebetulan bekerja sebagai ejen pemasaran di syarikat yang sama pada 2021.

“Saya telah berkali-kali ke syarikat berkenaan mendesak mereka membayar semula modal, namun pihak syarikat hanya memberi RM50 ke RM100 untuk tidak menimbulkan kekecohan di pejabat, malah mengugut memanggil polis jika enggan beredar,” katanya yang berharap wang tersebut dapat diperoleh semula untuk menyara tiga anaknya yang masih bersekolah. - FMT

Menteri gesa pengguna jawab tinjauan subsidi bersasar KPDN


Pada masa ini, kerajaan memberi subsidi bagi komoditi seperti bahan api, minyak masak dan beras keluaran tempatan.

PETALING JAYA: Orang ramai digesa menyertai tinjauan awam mereka berhubung pelaksanaan penyasaran semula bantuan dan subsidi kerajaan, kata Pemangku Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup Armizan Mohd Ali.

Tinjauan dibuat Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN) boleh dijawab menerusi pautan https://forms.gle/GaysGRNcWm8No4FH7 mulai hari ini sehingga 31 Disember depan.

Armizan Mohd Ali.

Menurut Armizan, kerajaan mahu mengambil kira syor dan pandangan ramai supaya segala mekanisme dilaksanakan pada masa depan bertepatan aspirasi rakyat.

Beliau memberi contoh ada cadangan supaya subsidi disalurkan melalui kad untuk memantau ketirisan dan trend perbelanjaan rakyat.

“Namun ada juga pihak berpendapat bantuan dalam bentuk tunai adalah lebih berkesan.

“Kita perlu pandangan rakyat untuk membentuk reformasi mekanisme subsidi, bantuan dan insentif rakyat yang lebih cekap untuk jangka panjang,” katanya kepada FMT.

Pada 6 Nov lalu, Menteri Ekonomi Rafizi Ramli berkata subsidi bersasar dirancang kerajaan pada tahun depan hanya untuk warganegara Malaysia iaitu untuk individu, isi rumah, dan berasaskan kad.

Kerajaan hanya mengambil maklumat daripada warganegara untuk Pangkalan Data Utama (Padu), yang akan dapat diakses orang ramai mulai Januari.

Putrajaya beralih daripada subsidi pukal kepada subsidi bersasar berikutan lonjakan perbelanjaan tahunan kerajaan sebanyak 322% kepada RM55.4 bilion dari 2021 hingga 2022. Pada masa ini, kerajaan memberi subsidi bagi komoditi seperti bahan api, minyak masak dan beras keluaran tempatan.

Dalam wawancara bersama Bloomberg, Rafizi menganggarkan negara boleh menjimatkan sekurang-kurangnya USD1 bilion (RM4.73 bilion) hingga USD2 bilion (RM9.47 bilion) apabila beralih kepada subsidi bersasar. - FMT

Sports commissioner barking up the wrong tree


From Ashraf Abdullah

I am sure everyone agrees that sports in Malaysia is generally in a sagging state of affairs. But blaming a single organisation for the problem, like what sports commissioner Suhardi Alias has done, is both myopic and prejudiced.

It was wrong, uncalled for and ungentlemanly to single out the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) and a few individuals.

OCM should not and cannot be solely blamed for the sorry state of Malaysian sports. While the OCM plays a significant role in overseeing and coordinating Olympic-related activities in the country, various factors contribute to the overall sports performance, and these factors extend beyond the control of a single organisation or sports associations run by volunteers.

Firstly, the OCM primarily focuses on the organisation of the Malaysian contingent for the Olympic Games. The performance of athletes is influenced by numerous factors such as coaching, infrastructure, funding, and grassroots development, which fall under the purview of different entities including the youth and sports ministry, education ministry, national sports associations, and private organisations.

Expecting the OCM to single-handedly address all these facets is unrealistic.

Secondly, the OCM’s role is more administrative and regulatory, ensuring compliance with Olympic principles and guidelines. It may not have direct involvement in the day-to-day training and development of athletes. The responsibility for athlete performance lies largely with coaches, trainers, and the athletes themselves, who require a conducive environment for training and competition.

In addition, funding is a critical aspect of sports development. While the OCM plays a role in securing financial support for the Olympic contingent, the overall funding landscape of sports in the country involves collaboration with the government, corporate sponsors, and other stakeholders.

Limited financial resources impedes the comprehensive development of sports in the country, affecting training facilities, equipment, and talent identification programmes. Corporate sponsorships for sports hardly come by, especially when they are not doing well.

Blaming the OCM exclusively oversimplifies the challenge at hand. It overlooks the need for a holistic approach to sports development, involving collaboration among various stakeholders. The government, sports associations, educational institutions, and the private sector must work together to create an ecosystem that nurtures athletic talent, from grassroots levels to elite competitions.

Effective collaboration and strategic planning are essential to address the various factors influencing sports performance in Malaysia.

The government has the biggest share of responsibility.

I was shocked to learn from a teacher recently that a school in Negeri Sembilan, known in the 60s, 70s, 80s and even the 90s for producing some of the best hockey players in the country, cannot even form a team because the parents insist that their children go for tuition classes rather than sports practice.

Perhaps by going for tuition classes, the children may excel in the academic field, become professionals and earn big money later in their lives. But what good does it do if the sedentary lifestyles that they are forced to lead cause health problems in their early adulthood? We will have a population plagued with lifestyle diseases, resulting in the government’s healthcare bill skyrocketing. How will it help if we are successful in producing scientists, innovators, great leaders, etc. only to have many of them dropping dead from some cardiovascular disease in their 30s and 40s?

It is best that the government’s money be channelled towards promoting a healthy lifestyle through sports. Healthy habits established in childhood often persist into adulthood, reducing the burden on healthcare systems.

The government plays a crucial role in shaping the well-being and future of society, and investing in youth sports is a strategic and holistic approach. However, the government’s allocation for sports development in Malaysia is, for a lack of a better word, pittance.

And it has gotten worse. The allocation for sports development in Malaysia was more than halved from RM399 million in 2023 to RM184 million as announced in the budget for 2024. The estimated total healthcare costs for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, on the other hand, is a whopping RM10 billion a year.

This may sound like a lecture because many have said it before. But somehow the government does not get the fact that healthy living among children and youth can reduce the healthcare budget in a big way. It is an investment for the future. It has become even more worrying because in an era dominated by technology and screen-based activities, physical inactivity has turned into a significant health issue.

But besides funding, it is also the government’s responsibility to ensure that every child, at both primary and secondary schools, participates in sports. The mandatory “one pupil, one sport” policy which I assume is still in place merely promotes participation. It does not encourage children to excel in sports.

Schoolchildren’s participation in sports must carry marks, according to the levels of participation. They should get more marks when they represent the district, state and national levels in a particular sport, as opposed to those who represent only their schools. Universities and colleges must insist on these marks as an important criteria for admission. The institutions of higher learning must also insist that these students continue to excel in sports upon admission.

All this can only be made possible if the government is serious about making Malaysia a world-class sporting nation.

Only by addressing issues related to funding, infrastructure and sports policies which include setting up academies for certain sports where Malaysians can excel, can the government create a conducive environment for sports development, ultimately leading to improved performance on the international stage.

The sports commissioner, therefore, is barking up the wrong tree. He should have the gumption to tell the government that it is not doing enough, rather than take the easy way out by pointing his gun towards OCM and sports associations.

With limited resources from the government, there is nothing much these organisations can do. - FMT

Ashraf Abdullah is a former group managing editor of Media Prima TV Networks and an ex-sportsman.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

Video of daughter dressing up as ‘personal driver dad’ touches netizens’ hearts


KUALA LUMPUR: A wholesome tear-jerker of a video where a daughter dressed up as a personal driver like her father for a "career" themed session, has gone viral with the girl running to embrace her dad after sharing how proud she is of him.

The viral TikTok video shared by her father under the name @roy_scott76, shows him surprising her at school.

The video starts with the girl coming forward to speak to the class about her uniform and her father.

Dressed in a uniform almost identical to her fathers, in a shade of midnight blue with shiny black shoes, she speaks about his profession.

She shared that he is a driver and can be heard saying "saya bangga dengan babah" expressing how proud she is of her father, with her class clapping and cheering her on.

She then notices her father standing outside the classroom and bolts to him to give him a big hug.

The video ends with her holding him as she sobs with the doting father kissing her on the forehead.

In the caption, he thanked his daughter for being proud of him and said that he was just trying to make a living for her.

"I still remember when your mother was expecting you, I got the job as a driver," he said.

He said he works for her and her younger sibling and will love them till the end.

He then thanked the school for allowing him to surprise his daughter on Children’s Day.

The video touched many viewers who commented on how wonderful a daughter she is.

A social media user was quoted as saying "I’m not sure what my neighbour is cooking, but my eyes are starting to water a bit".

It was reported by a portal that the daughter, Keisha, attends a school in Hulu Bernam, while the father lives and works in Puchong, resulting in a challenging long-distance relationship with his family.

On Nov 24, Keisha’s school celebrated Children’s Day with a “career” theme, encouraging students to dress up as their future aspirations for a show-and-tell session. Aware of her father’s role as a personal driver, Keisha decided to honour him by dressing up as him. - Star

Jatuhkan kerajaan perpaduan hanya ‘mimpi kosong’ Dr M, kata Puad


Puad Zarkashi tidak mudah untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan perpaduan yang disokong lebih 148 Ahli Parlimen.

PETALING JAYA: Provokasi Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang membangkitkan cadangan menumbangkan kerajaan perpaduan pimpinan Anwar Ibrahim ibarat “mimpi kosong” dan sukar dicapai, kata seorang pemimpin Umno.

Bercakap kepada FMT, Ahli Majlis Kerja Tertinggi (MKT) Puad Zarkashi berkata berkata tiada sebab untuk mereka menyokong Perikatan Nasional (PN) ketika parti itu dalam “mood” kebangkitan dan pemulihan.

“Kenyataan Dr M bahawa kerajaan perpaduan boleh tumbang adalah provokasi. Ia sukar untuk dicapai. Hanya mimpi kosong,” kata Puad yang juga Adun Rengit.

“Umno dalam mood kebangkitan dan pemulihan sejak berkongsi kuasa dengan Pakatan Harapan (PH). Tidak ada sebab mereka akan tarik sokongan daripada Anwar Ibrahim.”

Semalam, Mahathir berkata Perikatan Nasional (PN) mampu mengambil alih Putrajaya sekiranya terdapat Ahli Parlimen blok kerajaan mengalihkan sokongan kepada gabungan itu, seperti dilakukan lima wakil rakyat Bersatu yang “menyeberang”.

Mengambil contoh situasi berlaku sebelum PRU15, bekas perdana menteri itu berkata kaedah berkenaan pernah digunakan 15 Ahli Parlimen Umno yang tidak lagi percaya terhadap Muhyiddin Yassin, menyebabkan pentadbiran diserahkan kepada Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Mengulas kenyataan itu, Puad berkata bukan mudah kerajaan perpaduan yang dinaungi lebih 148 Ahli Parlimen rentas parti untuk menarik sokongan terhadap pengerusi PH itu.

“Kewujudan kerajaan perpaduan atas rundingan dan tolak ansur,” katanya merujuk kepada titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong supaya suatu kerajaan perpaduan dibentuk agar sebuah pentadbiran stabil dapat ditubuhkan.

Dakwanya, ia berbeza dengan penubuhan kerajaan PN diketuai Muhyiddin Yassin sebelum ini yang didasari atas buruk sangka dan menikam belakang. - FMT

Mengaku 3 tuduhan tipu, bekas CEO didenda RM30,000, dipenjara sehari


Hakim menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap Aziedy Abd Talib yang menukar pengakuan kepada bersalah dalam prosiding hari ini, yang ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan. (Gambar Bernama)

BUTTERWORTH: Bekas CEO sebuah syarikat teknologi maklumat didenda RM30,000 dan sehari penjara oleh Mahkamah Sesyen di sini, selepas mengaku bersalah terhadap tiga pertuduhan menipu berhubung kerja pembekalan peralatan keselamatan pada 2016.

Hakim Zulhazmi Abdullah menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap Aziedy Abd Talib, 42, selepas menukar pengakuan kepada bersalah dalam prosiding hari ini, yang ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan.

Mahkamah turut memerintahkan tertuduh menjalani hukuman penjara lima bulan, jika gagal membayar denda itu.

Mengikut pertuduhan pertama dan kedua, tertuduh didakwa memperdaya kakitangan Mutiara.Com Sdn Bhd bagi mendorong bayaran RM50,000 dan RM25,000 bagi kerja pembekalan peralatan rakaman televisyen litar tertutup (CCTV) dan pemasangan interkom bagi projek Pangsapuri Seri Bayu, daerah Barat Daya.

Bagi pertuduhan ketiga pula, Aziedy didakwa memperdaya kakitangan sama bagi mendorong bayaran RM40,000 untuk kerja perkhidmatan “Kaspersky Antivirus License Renewal Consultation Service” yang tertuduh tahu ia tidak benar.

Semua kesalahan itu dilakukan sekitar Mac hingga Oktober 2016 dan pendakwaan dilakukan mengikut Seksyen 417 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara lima tahun atau denda atau kedua-duanya. - FMT

No need for new formula to replace Sabah’s 40% claim, says Masidi


Sabah finance minister Masidi Manjun says the percentage of federal development allocations spent by the state was still low as of October, totalling RM3.513 billion or 66.7% of the amount set aside. (Bernama pic)

KOTA KINABALU: There is no need for any new formula to replace Sabah’s claim to 40% of the federal government’s net revenue, the state assembly sitting was told today.

State finance minister Masidi Manjun said this was because the Sabah government would not deviate from claiming its cut of the net revenue, which is part of the Federal Constitution.

He said the state government extended its highest appreciation to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and the federal government for increasing and providing an interim special payment of RM300 million on Tuesday.

“We trust that the ruling unity government, in the spirit of Malaysia Madani, will respect and fulfil Sabah’s demands. I hope all members of the state assembly will support the state government’s right to claim the 40%.

“I don’t care what others say, because what is important is what is stipulated in the Federal Constitution,” he said when winding up the debate on Sabah’s 2024 budget.

Shafie Apdal (Warisan-Senallang) then stood to express support for the claim, saying the effort should be backed by all parties, regardless of background or political beliefs.

“As the opposition leader (in Sabah), I support the effort, but I want all members of this assembly to make a resolution or stand that the demand must be consistent and cannot be delayed,” he said.

Fellow opposition member Assafal P Alian (Warisan-Tungku) also stood to express support, and stressed the need for a conclusive solution as the matter had been deferred for over 50 years.

Meanwhile, Masidi said the percentage of federal development allocations spent by Sabah was still low as of October, totalling RM3.513 billion or 66.7% of the revised allocation of RM5.262 billion.

Masidi however also expressed confidence that it would increase next month.

“For projects implemented by state government departments or agencies, spending has consistently reached 80% or more each year. This shows that state government departments or agencies have been quite good at implementing federal development projects,” he said.

The assembly later passed the state budget with a majority voice vote. - FMT

Job vacancies posted online surge 23.5% in Q2 2023


Most of the job advertisements posted online in the second quarter of the year were in May, with 109,262 vacancies. (Rawpixel pic)

KUALA LUMPUR: The number of job vacancies advertised online surged 23.5% in the second quarter of 2023 (Q2 2023) to 261,231 vacancies, from 211,509 vacancies recorded in the first quarter (Q1 2023), Chief Statistician Uzir Mahidin says.

He said according to the Big Data Analytics Job Market Insights and My Job Profile: Job Vacancies Advertised Online in Malaysia released by the statistics department today, Q2 2023 saw 70,571 establishments offering job vacancies, a notable increase from 55,006 establishments in the preceding quarter.

“In the meantime, job vacancies registered a year-on-year increase of 29.3% in Q2 2023 compared with a 32.9% annual rise in Q1 2023.

“Further disaggregated by month, most of the advertisements were posted in May with 109,262 vacancies. Additionally, there were 103,826 and 48,143 vacancies in June and April, respectively,” he said in a statement.

Uzir said in terms of the distribution of job vacancies by occupation, professionals accounted for the largest share during Q2 2023 with 48.1% or 125,625 vacancies, followed by technicians and associate professionals (18.3%), managers (15.1%) and service and sales workers (6.9%).

“The most in-demand jobs during the quarter were advertising and marketing professionals (20,846 vacancies), managing directors and chief executives (12,703), administrative associate professionals (12,284), accountants and auditors (10,781), and software developers (7,779),” he said.

As for job vacancies by economic sector, Uzir said services formed the largest percentage share of job vacancies advertised online at 59.0%, registering a total of 154,134 vacancies in Q2 2023.

“All economic activities recorded increases in the number of job vacancies in Q2 2023 except for the arts, entertainment and recreation; mining and quarrying; other service activities; electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning, and water supply; sewerage; and waste management and remediation activities,” he said.

Uzir said it was also observed that wholesale and retail trade dominated vacancies at 18.2% or 47,597 jobs, while manufacturing recorded a total of 27,429 vacancies (10.5%), followed by professional, scientific and technical activities at 18,667 vacancies (7.1%) and financial and insurance/takaful activities at 18,665 vacancies (7.1%).

He said from the perspective of popular jobs offered in the technical and vocational education and training category, advertising and marketing professionals registered the highest number with 20,846 vacancies.

Meanwhile, he said the top three positions in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics category were technicians (2,758), project managers (2,171), and software engineers (2,098).

“As for the critical occupation list, the highest demand was for advertising and marketing professionals (20,846), managing directors and chief executives (12,703), and accountants and auditors (10,781),” he said. - FMT