
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Adapted from Murray Hunter's latest article August 12, 2024. As usual my comments in blue.

  • Murray's website is blocked. 
  • He writes such matter of fact, to the point articles. 
  • Professor Murray is an academic. 
  • You can see the no nonsense, academic style.
giving everything to billionaires 
the peasants are getting nothing
equity means privileges for the elite
Murray Hunter
Aug 12
OSTB : Another country tried the same business model. It was France in the 18th century.
The French elite got so carried away with their pro-bourgeois stealing, they totally lost their heads.  Sacres aristos.
1970s UMNO's ketuanan gomen engineered the NEP to benefit the rich. 
Poor Bumis certainly can’t afford to buy million Ringgit condos in Klang Valley
so why are Bumi discounts necessary on such luxury real estate?
OSTB : Why not? The poor Malays do not understand such things anyway.

Dr Mahathir created multimillionaires 
hoping they would create other millionaires. 
This didn’t happen.  

OSTB : From then until today Dr Mahathir never understood business. You simply cannot make a loaf from an oaf.  Or get an oaf to make a loaf.

  • in Dec 2022, great expectations for end of the rice monopoly
  • Today, SM still has his rice monopoly 
  • Malaysians pay more for their rice than they should

OSTB : My friends in UMNO and Bersatu and the persatuan2 Islam, NGO Islam etc used to complain loudly against the sugar and flour monopolies granted to the Kuok Group. Not because it was a monopoly (they cannot figure out until today why monopolies are bad). They did not like the Kuoks because they were Chinese. Race is more important.

Today the same UMNO, Bersatu and persatuan pengguna Malays do not complain about SM at all. Because SM is Muslim and considered a Malay. 

  • If a Chinese holds a monopoly it is bad. 
  • If a Malay holds a monopoly then it is ok. 

But in the meantime:

  • The poor Malay consumer has to pay more for rice? So what? Who cares?
  • The average Malay cannot figure out WHY they have to pay more for rice. 
  • The average Malay still cannot connect the dots that ALL monopolies are bad.  
  • Robert Kuok monopoly is Chinese. Bad. 
  • SM monopoly is Malay / Muslim. Good. 
  • As simple as that.

So who do you think is SM's best friend? UMNO, Bersatu and the persatuan2 Islam or the poor Malay consumer? Surprise, surprise : the answer is both. Dua-dua lembap.

  • However, you don’t have to be a privileged Malaysian just to receive special concessions from the government.  
  • Tesla and Starlink offered concessions any Malaysian business person would certainly fight hard for. 
  • Elon Musk in a 25 minute Zoom call got it all, without giving anything back.

  • concessions were laid upon Elon Musk, without any request by him
  • to purchase 40 Starlink internet stations for local universities
  • granted Starlink a 10 year license to operate in Malaysia, 
  • bypassing local equity rules
  • waved the need for APs to import Telsa cars into Malaysia
  • giving Tesla a great competitive advantage

OSTB : Well Elon Musk is not a Malaysian 'non'-Malay. Musk is a Mat Salleh. In the 90s Arabs listed as terrorist financiers (by the US) were given banking licenses to operate in Malaysia. Can a Malaysian Chinese, Malaysian Indian, born, bred and paying taxes here inside Malaysia get a banking license? Why not try flying kites?
Changing equity regulations help billionaires takeover profitable industries.

This is hardly fair when existing freight forwarding companies formed after 1976, are now required to have a 30% Bumi equity if they are registered between 1976 and 1990, or minimum 51% Bumi equity if registered after 1990.

100% equity allowed to foreign investors.
Foreigners actually have friendlier business rules than non-Malay Malaysian citizens.

OSTB : The Malays have an apt saying for this - kera di hutan disusukan, anak sendiri terbiar kebuluranI really wish Prof Murray Hunter could write in Malay.  They will declare you Public Enemy No. 1++.

  • Kampong Sungai Baru residents paid 25% of the value of their properties. 
  • water and electricity utilities were cut off to force residents to evict.

OSTB :  For years and years UMNO tried the same thing in Kampong Sg Baru. UMNO got kicked out in 2018. 

Then when Khaled Samad was the Minister of Wilayah (2018-2020) they tried the same thing. They got kicked out in 2020. 

  • Now these jokers are doing the same thing. 
  • Do they think they will get "kicked in"? 
  • The answer is no. 
  • Then why do it? 
  • Its called 'lets make hay while the sun shines'.

The human rights of the peasants are nothing if it gets in the way of the profits of billionaires.
The billionaires get everything, while the peasants get nothing.

OSTB :  Well we are still a democracy. So they have to be more tricky to achieve this. Just convince the ordinary Malay to believe that 'Chinese monopoly bad, Malay monopoly good'. Its as simple as that.

And outsource this task. Get Umno, Bersatu, the persatuan pengguna Melayu Islam etc to push this idea. The billionaires win. The Malays remain poor. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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