
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No one is above the law – Make a Police report

Written by: Dr. John Brian Anthony

DayakBaru Thoughts

No one is above the law, including the police. Any form of corruption and abuse of power is also wrong. When I read the article below, my first thought is why didn’t the farmers made a police report on those small and isolated numbers of policemen involved in such shameful act?

Does that mean that these farmers are ignorant OR the farmers are not too sure whether to trust the police or not. Many times those who are victim of “wrong doing” by other person are being victimize by the very authority that is suppose to protect them. Can we stop this happening from repeating again with “lesser” frequency through better personal integrity and professionalism through effective training?

Police must stand up and make the difference

Or has our police force got down to such low act that we cannot differentiate the difference between a policeman and a thug / gangster? If it is so, what and how will the Senior police Officer in Sarawak improve the integrity and professionalism of the police force. The below incident might be isolated but there maybe truth in what the farmers is experiencing.

Public perception of the police must be that to remain good and trustworthy

When the public perception changed to that of not “trusting” the police, then who do we have as protector of our community? Then our country will go into chaos and that will lead to failure in public security. That in turn will lead to a lawless land. Police corruption must be stopped through immediate and responsible action.

In this case, I hope the farmers will step forward to file a police reprt so that investigation could be carried out. Further the Police must ensure that their investigation is not an exercise of “formality” but ensuring that the truth be laid bare. If the truth could be established then corresponding action must be taken with fairness and dignity.

Change WE Must to make sure that no one in his country should be above the law of the land.

If this is true, the policemen involved is bringing shame to the police force.

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