
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 24, 2012


DESAH is fully charged up and destined to ensure a one-to-one contest in the 13th.General Elections between UMNO/BN and the Opposition in Sabah, Malaysia.

As an organization that has been promoting debates between the respective Political Parties in Sabah, one cannot help but imagine that the Opposition Front in Sabah, must be consolidated, solidified and unified as ONE ENTITY in facing UMNO/BN.
DESAH is now poised to draw up the PEOPLE'S DECLARATION,in an effort to show and help pave the way for the Opposition that the PEOPLE of Sabah not only expects a clean and fair elections,but a contest where the Opposition will declare to the PEOPLE their solidarity.

DESAH as well as our COALITION of NGO'S in Sabah have join forces in ensuring that the voice of the PEOPLE be heard loud and clear.

We are taking measures and forward steps in inviting the PEOPLE to sign our online petition which would be handed personally to the respective political leaders, for their endorsements.

Please assist DESAH in promoting,sharing,forwarding,distributing and signing our online petition with all your friends and your friends friends.We call upon all Malaysians wherever you maybe to support DESAH's cause.

This online petition was created with DESAH's full support by ATAMA KATAMA. Thank you. Click this LINKto sign petition. - Sabahkini


  1. Will Atama becomes one of the opposition candidates in this coming election?

    1. Kalau dia jadi salah satu calon, I doubt dia dapat sokongan ka tak nanti.

    2. Tiada ciri2 untuk jadi calon dia ni. Aktif dalam perhimpunan Bersih pun sekadar untuk buat publisiti diri saja.

  2. Pastikan PRU13 ini akan berjalan dengan lancar dan baik. SPR perlu memastikanya perkhidmatan yang diberikan adalah yang terbaik.

  3. Semoga PRU kali ini akan berjalan lancar dan calon yang menang adalah pilihan rakyat.

  4. DESAH ni sibuk saja pasal politik.. kalau suka sangat masuk campur urusan politik, baik tukar saja DESAH kepada parti politik..

    1. DESAH ni ada juga ka kelulusan dari ROS??

    2. sekarang ni semua nak masuk campur dalam politik.

  5. The Opposition should not fool the people with claims that elections in the country are not clean or fair.

  6. When the Opposition won five states in the last general election as well as the Sibu by-election, they did not question the Election Commission (EC).

  7. But now, all of a sudden the EC has been condemned as though elections in Malaysia are dirty and unfair. If they are not clean or fair, show us the proof.

  8. We do not want to be elected based on fraud. The Government that has been elected are in accordance to the people's wishes.

  9. The majority of the people voted for Barisan Nasional because they knew it was the better choice, not because they were deceived.

  10. The present government have proven their ability to lead and have a clear agenda for the country, to bring it towards greater development and becoming a high-income nation.

  11. The Opposition has no agenda and no proven leaders. Their ability and credibility are questionable. So there is no need for them to accuse the EC and the Government or try to deceive the people.

  12. Najib said the Government did not deny the Bersih 3.0 protesters their right to demonstrate but they should not cause disorder or tarnish the country's image.

  13. He said the Government did not allow them to use Dataran Merdeka because it was the symbol of the country's independence.

  14. He said the Government did not allow them to use Dataran Merdeka because it was the symbol of the country's independence.


  15. Bersih activists merely wanted to paint a negative image of the Government to the world and confront the police so that they could throw allegations of police brutality to the public.

  16. However, he said the Government had offered Merdeka Stadium as a venue and he had even instructed the city's police to ensure the protesters' safety.

  17. They are not concerned about fair and clean elections. It's all about politics and taking over Putrajaya. They know that our election is clean and fair.

  18. Last year, Barisan lost some seats in the Sarawak state election as well.

  19. Otherwise, would BN have lost in the Sibu by-election by about 400 votes? If it is unfair, do you think BN could not have manipulated those 400 votes?

  20. Otherwise, would BN have lost in the Sibu by-election by about 400 votes? If it is unfair, do you think BN could not have manipulated those 400 votes?


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