
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 24, 2012


THE MAIN and only road leading from Sandakan town towards the road junction at Mile 32 to Kota Kinabalu and Lahad Datu is still a narrow road in spite of the many promises made by the BN government over the numbers of years since 30 years ago.

Many people had met in serious accident and had suffered deeply on the road. The government until today is still sitting there and doing nothing.
The Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament who visited Sandakan recently had experienced the rough ride and long queue along the road. It is not easy to drive on this road and any slight mistake means serious injuries or heavy damages to the cars.

He said he had been using this road for more then 30 over years now, but sadly there is no sight of a dual carriage high way being built and completed. There were only announcement and promises, and the “Janji Ditepati” remains as a nonsense slogan and meanwhile the Sandakan folks continue to suffer.

The work on this stretch of road seems under a “slow motion” mode. Why is it so slow or is it because the government has no money to speed it up or the contractor had not been paid? Hiew said all these cannot be the reason on the slow work rate, and there must be some acceptable reason to this.

The work we can see on site is here and there, and there is no real work progress on site. The bridge concrete girders are still sitting on the river sides and no machineries are operating there.

What happen and what is the logic behind all these? Is this the standard of work practice of the BN government? Sandakan had a new dual carriage high way built in Jalan Lai Fook Kim, but this only solved a small part of the problem on the traffic circulation.

The main headache is still the stretch of Jalan Labuk which is the main passage way out of Sandakan. There is no drastic improvement for over 30 years and it still remains the bottle neck. Why this was not done and resolved 30 years back?

Sandakan has the most number of BN high ranking people which include the Chief Minister Musa Aman, Liew Vui Keong, Raymond Tan, Au Kam Wah, Linda Tsen, Samsudin, Peter Pang, and Mohd Zakaria, but why none of them made the move to ensure this road is completed to be a highway soonest possible.

They funny part is that they didn’t even say a word about this. Are they not bother about the safety of the Sandakan road users? May be these people usually taking their air flights out of Sandakan, and they didn’t see what is happening here. This is proven that the government is always promising the people something that they can not deliver.

The people in Sandakan are really fed up with them. They want to change their representatives to some one who can serve them better and care for them. This is the time to change and change it is. - Sabahkini


  1. Because the lane is not double. The road will be upgraded steps by steps.

  2. Mungkin jalan utama ini sememangnya patut dibangunkan dan diperbesarkan.

  3. Memang betul lah jalan ni agak sempit dan selalu saja jem. Paling saya benci lagi kalau ada lori atau kenderaan besar berenti di tepi jalan. Aisshhh kin geram.

  4. Namun jalan ini pasti akan dinaiktaraf juga untuk keselesaan ramai:)

  5. pemimpin BN mana yang menjanjikan supaya jalan itu dinaik taraf kepada dua lorong? atau saja DAP main bedal saja tanpa usul periksa?

  6. apa jaminan bahawa kemalangan tidak akan berlaku jika jalan itu di besarkan?? lagi la pemandu suka memandu laju..

  7. sepatutnya DAP enasihatkan orang ramai supaya memandu dengan lebih berhemah dan berhati2.. bukannya menyalahkan jalanraya yang bagi saya tidak ada masalahpun jika dikekalkan begitu..

  8. apa yang saya lihat dengan DAP Sabah, mereka lebih banyak fokuskan masalah dibandar2 atau pekan.. kenapa tidak sekali sekali masuk kampung?? adakah memang niat DAP hanya mahu enguasai kawasan yang telah sedia maju dan membangun??

  9. ketika pembangkang lain sibuk dengan isu RCI dan Royalti Minyak, DAP pula sibuk dengan masalah jalan yang tidak nampak ada masalah pun.. tujuan mereka mahu membela nasib rakyat Sabah atau jalanraya?


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