
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 24, 2012

Sabah villagers cried foul over land

KOTA KINABALU: Instead of enjoying the wealth of toiling on the soil in Kampung Serudong Laut, Tawau, the villagers there are instead faced with a dilemma after discovering that they are not the owners of the land.

What saddens the villagers most was that the land they worked so hard on to eke out a meagre living are supposed to be theirs based on Native Customary Right (NCR).

They brought their plight to the attention of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Vice President cum Tawau Member of Parliament Datuk Chua Soon Bui who assured them of her assistance to get to the bottom of the matter.

According to the villager’s representative, Nalatan Simpoh, villagers of Murut descent will be coming to the state capital to attend the party’s celebration of the Sabah’s 49th Independence day celebration.

“Our presence at the celebration reflects our support to SAPP’s contention that Sabah’s independence is 49 years,” Nalatan said adding that they are grateful to SAPP for taking them under its wing.

The group is expected to arrive in the state capital on the eve of the celebration, Aug 30, he said.

Nalatan pointed out that that the villagers are sad to have lost their land and they do not want to lose Sabah’s history too.

“It is not right for the Government to say that we are celebrating 55 years of independence… we all know that Sabah was granted independence by the British in 1963, not 1957,” he stressed.

The Government, he added should set the record straight so as not to confuse the younger generation as to Sabah’s history.

Caption: Pic shows group of villagers led by Nalatan holding placards in protest against land abuse..Datuk Chua Soon Bui is seen at the back.


  1. Be alert, don't simply sell your land to others.

    1. kadang2 ada juga penduduk yang suka menjual tanah2 mereka.. bila tidak ada tanah, baru dia bising konon tanahnya dirampas.. malah ada juga penduduk kampung yang lebih suka menyerahkan tanah mereka kepada syarikat2 besar untuk diusahakan, bila keuntungan yang sampai kepada pemilik tanah sedikit, dia bising juga..

  2. Betul..Masalah sebegini perlu dipastikan tidak berterusan. Kepada penduduk kampung juga dinasihati supaya tidak terpedaya dengan perkara sebegini.

    1. lagi bagus jika penduduk kampung bawa terus kes ini kemahkamah.. atau minta bantuan daripada suhakam atau peguam kong hong ming..

  3. Semoga hal ini dapat perhatian sewajarnya daripada pihak yang berkenaan dan bantulah penduduk yang terlibat.

    1. yup.. mintalah bantuan dengan pihak2 yang boleh menyelesaikan masalah ini, bukannya sapp.. peimpin2 sapp ni hanya tahu abil kesempatan disebalik kesempitan..

  4. Bagi saya yang penting kita hidup dalam keadaan harmoni. Apapun, fakta tetap fakta dan perkara ini patut diperjelas supaya tidak ada yang keliru.

  5. kenapa agaknya banner protest itu ada lambang sapp?? adakah protest ini ditaja oleh SAPP?

  6. jika pengua kong hong ming mampu menyelesaikan masalah2 rampasan tanah menggunakan saluran mahkamah, kenapa pemimpin2 sapp tidak?? kenapa perlu bagi banner yang ada lambang sapp untuk buat protest??

  7. berdasarkan gambar di atas, nampak sangat la SAPP ni hanya mengambil kesempatan disebalik kesempitan atau masalah rakyat..

  8. ketika sapp memerintah negeri ini, hutan seluas lima kali ganda diberikan kepada kroni2 mereka.. itu belu campur tanah kampung milik penduduk..


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