
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Three more BN reps to jump, claims Lajim

Beaufort MP Lajim Ukin, who has quit BN and declared his support for Pakatan Rakyat, claimed that three more lawmakers from BN will defect after Hari Raya.

He told PKR organ Keadilan Daily that they will do so in stages in the coming months.

“This is not speculation or rumours but something which is true. However, we will not reveal their specific identity. 

“They will announce their resignation from the party and support Pakatan in stages from after Hari Raya until the dissolution of Parliament,” he was quoted as saying.

The former deputy minister also claimed that 18 out of 35 committee members of Beaufort Umno division have also followed in his steps to resign and switch their support to Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPS), which is a Pakatan’s ally.

“A few more Sabah Umno branch chiefs, former lawmakers and leaders who had been appointed as minister will also leave the party.

“The announcement will be made at the right time,” he added.

In another related development, Tuaran MP Wilfred Bumburing, who quit BN together with Lajim, told a DAP dinner at Kota Kinabalu last Sunday that the groundswell of discontent is building up within the Kadazan-Dusun-Murut bumiputra community in Sabah.

He said he observed the change of mood during his visits to four Kadazan-Dusun areas after he defected and formed Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS).

“Eighty percent of Chinese voters have changed their support (to Pakatan), now Kadazan-Dusun-Murut voters are also changing,” he was quoted as saying by Chinese newspaper Sin Chew Daily.
Bumburing revealed that he has met PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and both of them agreed that opposition parties should not attack each other during the next general election but work together towards capturing Putrajaya.

However, APS has yet to decide whether to join DAP or PKR as the current priority is to let Pakatan capture Putrajaya.


  1. Makin banyak ahli lompat katak ni ya. Kita tunggu sama ada ia benar2 terjadi ataupun tidak. BN tetap kuat.

    1. Nanti lepas ni.. lompat lagi macam JK.. sampai matlamat tercapai.

  2. I dont know it this true or not. who?! Only Lajim know the reps it is.

    1. Jangan saja bila ditanya balik2 menafikan macam Lajim. tapi last2 memang benar pula khabar angin tu.

    2. Biarlah mereka lompat parti.. yang penting BN tetap kuat dan masih di terima rakyat.

  3. jika tak ingin bersama Parti, lompat sajalah.

    1. Lompat saja..yang penting tidak tersilap lompat.biar anggota parti lega bila punca masalah sudah keluar dari parti.

  4. Lompat parti sudah menjadi kebiasaan masa2 dekat pilihanraya.PRU-12 pun berapa ramai juga yang keluar parti, termasuklah Jeffrey Kitingan.

  5. ini sahaja cara si Lajim untuk menghilangkan kutukan rakyat berkenaan dengan tindakannya melompat parti.. terpaksa dia umumkan kononnya ada tiga lagi katak yang akan mengikut jejak langkahnya..

  6. tunggu la selepas PRu13 nanti, jika Pakatan masih gagal merampas kerajaan, pasti si Lajim akan lompat lagi atau terpaksa tubuhkan parti baru..

    1. Hormatilah keputusan masing-masing, apakata kalau ada yang lompat ke BN?

  7. pemimpin2 yang berniat mahu lompat ni, kenapa hanya bertindak bila dekat2 pilihanraya?? kenapa bukan sebaik PRU12 berlalu?? nampak sangat merajuk sebab tidak dicalonkan.. tamaha betul..

    1. Ada juga yang lompat dari Pembangkang dan sertai BN bila dekat pilihanraya juga. Tiada beza sebenarnya Bn dan pembangkang.

  8. Ini pasti mendatangkan kesan yang kurang baik terhadap BN.

  9. Kalau masih ikhlas dan berkhidmat untuk rakyat, tiada beza sama ada di BN atau pembangkang.

  10. “Eighty percent of Chinese voters have changed their support (to Pakatan), now Kadazan-Dusun-Murut voters are also changing,” he was quoted as saying by Chinese

    I think Malay also will vote for changes. They know what they want.

  11. The people will punish the three politicians in Sabah who defected as the community in the state does not tolerate “party-hoppers”, said Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili.

  12. Ongkili, who is also science, technology and innovation minister, said the KadazanDusun Murut (KDM) community has traditionally been critical of leaders who defect, in reference to the recent crossovers by Sabah MPs Datuk Wilfred Bumburing (Tuaran), Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin (Beaufort) and Senator Datuk Maijol Mahap.

  13. Citing the example of the 1999 state election, which saw several political casualties, Ongkili said the people voted out several prominent politicians for having defected to Barisan Nasional (BN) from then opposition PBS.

  14. In 1999, we had state election for the first time after the (1994) hopping. Except for Lajim, Wilfred and (Tan Sri Bernard) Dompok became victims (of an unhappy electorate). He (Dompok) was chief minister, and Bumburing was deputy chief minister; that’s how Sabah people mete out punishment to people without principles,” he said after signing a memorandum of understanding on science and technology cooperation between Malaysia and Mozambique.

  15. Ongkili also criticised Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for saying more crossovers are expected from Sabah BN leaders.

  16. If Anwar Ibrahim continues with this plan, buying people, collapsing government through enticements and crossovers, then what kind of national principles do we have for politics and what kind of leadership will we put in Parliament.

  17. “They are just there for political expedience and we must reject this culture, we must reject this kind of behaviour.


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