
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 10, 2013

Sorry Mr DPM, I beg to differ!

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the results of the 13th general election is a message from the people that the Government must be firm, brave and strong in resolving all issues affecting the people, and that the people wanted a stronger effort from the Government to uphold the rule of law and protect the sanctity of the country's institutions.

“The people want the Government to act firmly to resolve all issues and the problems that they are facing. These are mostly related to regulations, law enforcement, crime prevention, corruption and other issues.
“I have received a clear message after meeting with the NGOs and people on the ground, that now the Government must be more effective, brave and ready to face challenges and not let any irresponsible groups derail or threathen the peace and unity of the nation,” he said at a thanksgiving function at SMK Temenggong Ahmad, Kundang Ulu in Muar on Saturday.
At a press conference later, Muhyiddin said all Barisan Nasional component parties were now studying the general election results and would implement initiatives to address challenges and issues faced by the voters.

Its more to what you had said in Muar. Of course the people wanted a stronger effort from the government in many aspect but BN government has been there since Merdeka and the style and approach did not change much although 'leaders come, leaders go'.

We have gone through a mindset revolution over the last 10 or 15 years that saw Malaysians are more responsive to whatever policy the government implemented. They are getting more abreast of the issues, be it politics, economy or social.

Our old ways of 'promising a bridge where no rivers flow' do not work anymore. We already have good and ample infrastructure although much more should be done for Sabah and Sarawak.

The rakyat wants a good government, a good governance that listen to them, not so much of granting them their wish for more schools, incentives or kampung roads but an open-minded leadership that take and weigh their good advise and proposals as how the system could be further enhanced.

The need the government to measure the characteristic of the administration by providing them with a room to 'speak up'. A benevolent government is not one that gives anything to the rakyat but one that listens and take into consideration their views and complaints.

Our 'Biro Pengaduan Awam' or Public Complaint Bureau is not functioning as it is as many major complaints about the government service were not attended to accordingly. Our senior civil servants do not usually attend to such complaints unless a VIP brings it up to respective authority or minister.

And it has been a trend among senior government officials such as secretary-generals, their deputies and others to claim success in each and every policy implemented although there are flaws and weaknesses.

I believe YAB DPM is aware of the failed 6P program under the Home Ministry about two years ago. The security element under the program was not really met as problems and issues pertaining to illegal immigrants in Malaysia still persist, and not even reduced!

However, the seniors at the ministry claimed it a total success although only 1.2 million out of the estimated 6 million foreigners in the country were registered under that 'very short' duration. When Saudi Arabia conducted a similar program in 2008 for the estimated 1.8 million foreigners, they took about 2 years to complete.

The rakyat, the people on the ground are the ones who have direct encounter with problems posed by the influx of illegal immigrants in the country, NOT those at the top. But people at the top seldom go to the ground to listen to their problems and get some leads as to how such a policy could be formulated.

We must admit the fact that things like this did adversely affect the results of May 5 general election. While the government and those at the helm of its various ministries and agencies rarely open the door to public opinion, the administration is sometimes seen as giving 'different treatment to different class of people'.

They need transparency too. Having high-ranking officers who refuse to admit mistake and weakness will add to more 'askance' towards the leadership, which in the end will translate into 'votes of distrust' in the next general election.

We also need to revamp or 'clean up' the mess at some agencies where public contracts were issued without valid tender, 'favoritism at many places' and 'cronyism' in many contracts. We cant deny this anymore.

I do not wish to touch on Umno although the party is plagued with so many teething problems. However, such problems are being swept under the carpet as an avenue to picture the party as problem-free.

There are other issues but I believe PM Najib and his Cabinet are aware of it. I agree it will not be that easy to correct such mistakes as it involves individuals but something should be done to uplift the system and the approach.

It is not a drastic and mean action to remove or reshuffle about 100 senior officers for the sake of getting a few million more votes in GE15. A 'sogososha' administration introduced by Tun Dr Mahathir in the 1980s could still be practiced.

This government is a 'kerajaan rakyat'. We need to listen to them since all policies affect their daily life and not much of the top brass.

It is our duty to provide them with the best but in order to formulate and prepare what is best for them, we should open the door for them to make suggestion and good feedback. Without the rakyat, how are we going to perform?

On corruption, which at some agencies is 'from head to toe'...  I will post something about it later on. Thank you.

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