
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 14, 2013

The Zombie-fication of Malaysian Society.

I have written a long time ago, about the political realities in this country. Malays and Bumiputera are the dominant groups in Malaysia. Any political organization which does not factor-in Malay interests and participation will fail to gain national relevance. It’s a practical requirement for now.

For a long time from now, Malays will still be the majority. Unless there is a catastrophic reversal in demographics, this fact will remain. And this fact is recognised by parties like DAP. The PM and the DPM will continue to be Malays. This country will never become a republic. All the institutions are controlled by Malays and unless Malays themselves elect to self-destruct, then others will take over.

The problem in this country is caused by UMNO. It haszombied Malays into believing they are under siege especially from the Chinese. The Malays who are dominant in almost all aspects of civil life in this country is besieged by a numerically inferior group? Thezombiefication by UMNO defies logic.

Unless all these mad things happen, Malays will keep their place. The only people worried about keeping their place is UMNO because it’s on the way out. What more under the confused leadership of Najib.

Who else except Najib who can hold contradictory ideas and believe in them at the same time? Who else other than Najib who can talk about inclusiveness one minute and the next minute is haranguing the Chinese for not supporting UMNO?  Who else other than Najib and UMNO who can run down the Chinese but the same time cavorting and doing business with Chinese friends? Who else other than UMNO leaders who can deride Chinese women but salivate at the sight of Amber Chia or Daphne Iking and other luscious looking Chinese girls adorning the numerous advertisement billboards?

 Who else other than UMNO leaders who can talk piously about law and order but sees nothing amiss in appointing a transgressor of law as Home Minister. Who else other than UMNO can appoint someone faggotty as Minister of Defence who described armed Sulu invaders as old men wearing sarongs and slippers?

We accept and acknowledge the Malay factor. We reject UMNO only.

Let’s take an example. People will soon hear more about Bukit Koman. It’s a village in Raub district where the inhabitants’ well being is threatened by the presence of a gold mine. The threat comes from the use of cyanide/poison as extracting agent. The use of this poisonous extracting agent has caused diseases and illnesses that cannot be eliminated by normal clinical responses. My opponent in the recent election suggested the use of different soap to get rid of the skin diseases. What a stupid jerk.

Concerned people  of Bukit Koman and of kindred spirit have banded together and are fighting for a cause. The cause is to ban the use of cyanide and to relocate the mine. So far the government has refused to listen to the people and has downplayed the issue claiming that people are exaggerating the dangers.

The people in Bukit Koman Raub whose well-being is affected by the presence of the gold mine using cyanide as extracting agent  will discover their cause will forever remain a mere irritant if it is championed  only by Chinese activists. Because their cause will always be seen in terms of a challenge and threat by a group of Chinese against a Malay dominated government. That’s a practical observation. No need for philosophical musings.

Let’s change the terms of the game. Show the presence of the gold mine affects the well-being of whole society including of Malays living in surrounding areas such as Kampung Melayu Sungai Lui, Kampung Gali. Then, the cause becomes a bigger issue. Find Malays who can champion the cause.

Two things will happen. The issue will no longer be cast in terms of a fight between Chinese and Malays. The issue is no longer narrow.

And here is the bigger issue. No political party can gain national relevance by ignoring the interests of the majority. The majority coincidentally is Malay. Hence their interests must be factored in and the cause of any political party must be structured around the interest of such groups. These realities, I think need not be belaboured on further

Where we disagree is the attempt to equate the interests of the Malays with the interest of UMNO. Or as the UMNO people want people to believe, the cause of the Malays, their interests are champion-able only by UMNO. The nature of Malay interests evolves over time and because of this development, UMNO which is feudal in nature cannot be the vehicle to fight for the Malay cause. That is why we continue to condemn UMNO.

UMNO is a feudal political party. The relationship within UMNO is structured on the lines of a lords, vassal and serfs. The lords of UMNO are the top leaders whose presence is sustained by control of economic resources and grants of patronage. The lords of UMNO are further supported by a layer of vassals who keep the majority in servitude and mental dependence. That the essence of feudalism. The lord provides for the serfs and exchange for protection and patronage. It’s a political party surviving on mental bondage and enslavement of needs.

So, unless you are severe learning disabilities, it should be clear that it is to not UMNO’s wellbeing that we are concerned with. To suggest that we have a longing to get back to UMNO as the motivation for writing about UMNO is too simple. Don’t flatter yourselves by thinking that you have made an earth shattering statement saying we continue writing about UMNO because we are still love-struck with UMNO.

It is not in the interest of Malays in the long run to stick with UMNO. UMNO is a feudal party where the social elite enrich and prosper themselves by keeping the rest in servitude. The essence of feudalism as Adam Smith defined it is a society structured on inheritable status. In such a society, social mobility is determined by ascriptive principles. Those predisposed and destined to succeed and to prevail over others, are determined by ascribed status. Because you are the children of parents who previously held high positions, you are assumed to have inherited success traits.

No matter how much you strive, control and leadership of UMNO revolves around feudal lords. Why waste time in such a party?

Posted by sakmongkol AK47 

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