
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, October 2, 2014

CRUEL BN! Real fuel cost dropping, yet Umno-BN rushes to burden the people

For a government touting to care about the rakyat, Barisan Nasional & PM Najib sure gets its priorities wrong. Oil prices are on the down trend if the RON 97 reduction in September are a gauge. The price of RON 97 dropped by RM0.10/litre less than a month ago on September 9th, the cheapest it has been in the last one year.
Despite that, the government is now increasing the RON 95 prices by RM0.20 to RM2.30 at midnight, at a time when there is no clear need for the government to slash subsidies. In fact, the subsidy bill for RON 95 would already have been lower than initially projected with the overall downtrend in fuel prices.
This will hit hard the already struggling lower and middle class group. As is common knowledge, that every time there is a RON95 or diesel price increase, prices of everything else goes up in tandem. These prices, once up, never will come down.
BN needs to justify and show us the need to reduce the subsidy. Where is this savings being channeled to? What we need to see is serious eradication of corruption, and proper practice of open tender to best use the tax payer ringgit before increasing the burden on the ordinary folk.
Rajiv Rishyakaran, Ahli Dewan Negeri Selangor
N.34 Bukit Gasing

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