
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 18, 2014

WAKE UP NAJIB! A ‘Holy War’ is building up right under your nose

WAKE UP NAJIB! A ‘Holy War’ is building up right under your nose
After the September 11 incident more than a decade ago, the United States waged a war against Afghanistan to exterminate Osama bin Laden along with al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
I remember this incident took place in this country back then.
A young Malay man rode a motorcycle across the Malaysia-Thai border and as soon as he crossed into Thailand, he was stopped by the police there. The Thai police found him acting suspiciously and asked him where he wanted to go.
The young man said absent-mindedly, "Well, I'm going to Afghanistan to fight the Holy War. I want to help the Taliban get rid of the heretics."
The police officers were puzzled. Thailand is thousands of miles from Afghanistan and one has to traverse mountains and hostile terrain to get there.
The young man was riding a motorcycle that was without any special equipment and almost at the end of its life. It was simply impossible for him to make it overland to Afghanistan without the necessary border passes.
He was later repatriated to Malaysia, and became a laughing stock in town.
Perhaps the behaviour of this young man could be funny, you might say, but not the motive behind it.
Fanatic religious passion could burn one's head, making one unable to tell what is right or wrong, and dash blindly towards the "holy war' battlefield without bothering about safety of one's life.

For the next 10 years, the United States successfully crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaeda and killed Osama.
Many thought religious extremism would become a thing of the past, and democracy and progress whould reign.
No way! While the US triumphed in the battlefield, it fumbled in politics. Unable to control the post-war situation, it had to withdraw its troops from both Afghanistan and Iraq, giving the Taliban fresh opportunities to make a comeback.
Meanwhile, the Islamic State managed to establish a stronghold and took over large swathes of territory in Iraq and neighbouring Syria.
The siren of "Holy War" has once again sounded, in fact louder this time. Religious fanatics from all across the globe have been lured to fight alongside the Islamic State militants.
In the past they only managed to stop a dumb young man on the way to Middle East in his motorcycle. Today, we have one after another batch of young men and women heading to the Islamic State war zones, from 14-year-old students to civil servants.
They are not on their motorcycles, but flying to either Turkey or Jordan where arrangements are made for them to infiltrate into Syria and Iraq.
Despite numerous deaths in the battlefront, that would not stop them from charging ahead, as they take pride in being crowned "martyrs" by extremists here for sacrificing their lives in the name of religion.
Remote and abstract as it is, what has kept so many motivated to travel half the world to lend a hand to what the rest of the world brands as a blood-thirsty Islamic State outfit?
To them, this is going to be a duel between the Sunnis and Shias, the orthodox and the heretical.
In the past, the Sunnis in Iraq and Syria were living under the Shia regime, and this is the time for them to wage a full vengeance. The rise of Islamic State has somehow managed to rally all Sunnis under its leadership.
The offensives by Western forces against the Islamic State and other Sunni militants have given them valid reasons to launch a "Holy War" against the heretics.
Fourteen jihadists-to-be were nabbed by the Malaysian police this week, but we have no idea how many more are still at large and how many more are being converted each day.
If we condone these fanatics, it is foreseeable that they will gain in strength in this country. – mysinchew.com

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