
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, December 31, 2015


Mudah-mudahan sebelum tibanya detik 12 tengah malam hari ini di mana tirai tahun 2015 akan melabuhkan episod suka dan dukanya, Najib Razak yang mungkin sekarang ini sama ada sedang berada di Dubai atau Hong Kong, akan segera tampil dengan janji yang pernah dibuatnya pada 14 Jun lalu. 

Dalam janji yang dibuatnya di hadapan kira-kira 1,500 ketua penerangan dan setiausaha UMNO bahagian seluruh negara pada tarikh tersebut, Najib memberi jaminan bahawa isu berkaitan 1MDB akan diselesaikan sebelum akhir tahun 2015 ini. 

Tetapi, selain daripada penjualan Edra Energy kepada syarikat China yang menyebabkan negara hilang aset berharga, tiada apa-apa yang ternampak dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan hutang 1MDB berjumlah RM42 bilion itu. 

Bila lagi isu hutang 1MDB yang menimbulkan kritikan ramai dan misteri itu mahu diselesaikan?  

Apakah ketua-ketua penerangan dan setiausaha-setiausaha UMNO bahagian seluruh negara masih ingat dengan janji Najib itu? 

Apakah jika tiada janji dan jaminan yang dibuat Najib itu, mereka masih sedia memberi sokongan kepadanya? 

Atau adakah maksud "selesai"  itu hanya kerana berjaya memecat Muhyiddin Yassin, Shafie Apdal, Ghani Patail, melantik orang pilihannya sebagai  Peguam Negara yang baharu, merombak Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara dan melakukan kacau ganggu terhadap SPRM yang sedang melakukan penyiasatan terhadap 1MDB yang sarat hutang itu? 

Di hari terakhir 2015 ini dan sebelum memasang azam atau menaruh sebarang harapan baharu untuk tahun 2016, jika janji yang satu ini dapat ditunaikan, tentunya ia  sudah cukup memadai buat kita semua, walaupun Najib turut memungkiri banyak janji lainnya, terutama ketika kempen PRU 13 lalu. 

Bagaimanapun,  kiranya janji yang satu ini tidak juga mampu ditunaikan sebelum tenggelamnya detik 12 tengah malam 31 Disember ini, bermakna tiada apa lagi yang boleh diharapkan kepada Najib seawal bermulanya hari pertama tahun 2016 nanti. 

Sudah tentu, selain rakyat biasa, Najib telah mengecewakan kelompok pimpinan dalam UMNO sendiri dengan pemungkiran janjinya yang pernah dibuatnya itu. 

Tahun 2016 hanya menjadi tahun yang kosong buat kita semua.


The point that Dr Zuhdi made was that a serious allegation has been made against DAP (more serious than what Chong Zhemin said) and DAP never denied it nor took legal action against Mohamed Razali. Hence the allegation still stands and would, therefore, raise questions regarding DAP’s relationship with Israel.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
“DAP offered RM1.2 billion to win GE13, build Israeli military camp as reward, claims PAS research director,” reported The Rakyat Post yesterday (READ HERE). And that started an avalanche of criticism against Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki who was ridiculed for saying what he did not say.
This is the problem when most people just read the headlines and not the content, or the news has been distorted and what is reported was not what was said.
I can understand Dr Zuhdi’s predicament because I, too, have suffered the same thing and even after seven-and-a-half years I am still being accused of saying what I did not say. And when I try to explain that I did not say that Rosmah Mansor was at the scene of the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder they accuse me of doing a u-turn and of retracting what in the first place I did not say.
Anyway, you can read Dr Zuhdi’s full statement (below) that was published in Harakah two days ago.
What Dr Zuhdi said was that the statement by Chong Zhemin of DAP Perak regarding the banning of Israeli sportsmen/women from entering Malaysia is not as serious as the statement by Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, the special officer to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, four years ago.
Dr Zuhdi then mentioned what Mohamed Razali had alleged. Dr Zuhdi then added that Mohamed Razali’s allegation is more serious if what was alleged is true. Dr Zuhdi also said that over the last four years since that statement was made DAP has never denied Mohamed Razali’s allegation.
Dr Zuhdi further said that DAP should take legal action against Mohamed Razali if the allegation is false (because it is a very serious allegation, as you can read below) and failing to deny this allegation will raise a question regarding DAP’s relationship with Israel.
So there you have it. Where in that statement did Dr Zuhdi say what he was alleged to have said? This is yet another attack on PAS and meant to make the PAS people look like a bunch of idiots.
The only recourse left open to DAP is to drag Mohamed Razali to court, which is what they should have done four years ago. After all, is this not what they have suggested that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak do (sue those people who alleged he stole RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money if he really did not do that)?
The point that Dr Zuhdi made was that a serious allegation has been made against DAP (more serious than what Chong Zhemin said) and DAP never denied it nor took legal action against Mohamed Razali. Hence the allegation still stands and would, therefore, raise questions regarding DAP’s relationship with Israel.
The same thing has been said about Najib. If Najib is not guilty of the allegations against him then sue those who made these allegations. And if he does not sue then we have to assume that he is guilty. And by applying these same ‘standards of proof’ used against Najib that would mean DAP is also guilty.
Najib has been asked to prove his innocence, and until and unless he does that means he is guilty. DAP, too, must prove its innocence, and until and unless it does that would make DAP guilty as well.
Simple and to the point, is it not?
Pusat Penyelidikan PAS (PPP) melihat kenyataan media, Chong Zhemin, Ketua Biro Pembangunan Ekonomi DAP Perak, menyesali kenyataan beliau mengenai sekatan atlet Israel ke Malaysia, sama sekali tidak merungkaikan persoalan apakah hubungan antara DAP dan Israel? Kenyataan media Chong Zhemin tidaklah begitu serius berbanding dengan dakwaan bekas Pegawai Khas Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng, saudara Mohamed Razali Abd Rahman, seperti yang telah tersebar dalam media sejak empat tahun lalu.
Dakwaan yang dilontarkan oleh Saudara Mohamed Razali tentang hubungan DAP dan Israel ini lebih serius, malah apa yang didedahkan itu lebih mengancam keselamatan negara dan sensitiviti umat Islam di Malaysia. Sekurang-kurangnya, saudara Mohamed Razali melontar tiga dakwaan serius yang sehingga hari ini tiada penafian yang jelas dari DAP. Tiga dakwaan tersebut ialah:
1. Pakar perisikan Israel terlibat untuk melatih G17 atau kumpulan seramai 17 orang pakar strategi DAP yang diketuai oleh Tony Phua, yang mana saudara Mohamed Razali mengakui beliau adalah bekas anggota kumpulan itu.
2. Sejak menjawat jawatan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng kerap ke Singapura bertemu dengan wakil kedutaan Israel, dan saudara Mohamed Razali antara yang mengambil maklum urusan pertemuan tersebut.
3. DAP didakwa ditawarkan dana PRU ke 13 sebanyak USD 300 juta oleh Israel, dan seterusnya Mohamed Razali mendakwa sebuah pengkalan tentera Israel baru akan diwujudkan di Port Dickson sebagai balasan jika DAP berjaya menguasai Putrajaya.
Ketiga-tiga dakwaan saudara Mohamed Razali ini jauh lebih serius dan mengancam umat Islam dan keselamatan negara, sekiranya ia benar-benar dilakukan oleh DAP. PPP melihat tiada cara lain untuk DAP membersihkan tuduhan-tuduhan ini melainkan mendakwa saudara Mohamed Razali di mahkamah. Setelah lebih empat tahun berlalu, tiada penafian yang jelas dari kepimpinan tertinggi DAP, sepertimana yang dilakukan oleh Chong Zhemin dalam isu terbaru. Kegagalan DAP menafikan dakwaan tersebut akan menyebabkan persoalan tentang hubungan DAP dan Israel masih tidak terjawab.
Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki
Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan PAS
29 Disember 2015/17 Rabiulawal 1437



Donplaypuks® with $2.6 billion lies, serially lying prime minister!

Power Plants Sold, Land Sold, Still Owe RM28 BILLION !! Pump Up Paid Up Capital?

1MDB president and group executive director Arul Kanda Kandasamy (centre) says its Bandar Malaysia land is worth RM11.5 billion. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 31, 2015.

Here is something sent to me by Ganesh Sahathevan. Thank you Ganesh.

Going by what was presented in the media (please see below) 1MDB sold its power assets for RM9.83 billion cash.

Now they are selling 60% of their Bandar Malaysia land holdings for RM7.41 billion cash.  That is only RM17.24 billion cash.

They still owe about RM28b to RM30b that they must pay.

Here is Ganesh Sahathevan:

They have sold the power plants and they have sold Bandar Malaysia. 

The power plants were cash generating assets. Now the cash generating assets have been sold. So what is there left?  

TRX? How much is that worth? It generates ZERO cash.

They still owe RM28b - RM30b.  Is TRX worth RM28b?  No way.

So how is 1MDB going to settle the balance RM28b - RM30b debt?

This is where Zahid Hamidi let the cat out of the bag. 

He said that the Paid Up Capital of 1MDB will be increased and the new capital (ie taxpayers' money, our money) will be used to settle the remaining debts of 1MDB.

Kekawan Media, please keep an eye on 1MDB's Paid Up Capital.   It is no more RM1.0 million. They have quietly increased the Paid Up Capital. Some say it is now RM2.0 Billion.

Quite soon they may pump up 1MDB's Paid Up Capital to RM30 Billion - cash.  The money will be used to settle 1MDB's outstanding debt.

After selling off all their assets, they have no more cash generating assets. And they still owe about RM30 billion. 

In a totally, completely, absolutely unrelated matter,  things like Wolf of Wall Street, apartments in New York, apartments in Singapore, diamonds, a new house in London, yachts, parties with Paris Hilton all needed huge amounts of money.       And dont forget that remaining balance of RM2.6 Billion, RM3.0 Billion or RM4.2 Billion that was in that personal account? Where did that money go?  That is money too.

In conclusion what type of a stupid 'sovereign investment fund' or 'sovereign wealth management fund' is this?

What has been achieved by 1MDB as a 'sovereign investment fund' since 2009? 

How many new jobs have they created with over RM45 Billion capital employed?

Since 2009, our own jewellery business has given practical job training to more than 20 graduate usahawan and  graduate apprentices.    We have also employed over 30 staff in that time (counting those who berhenti kerja). 

My other property development business has steadily employed architects, engineers, surveyors, construction workers, lorry transport operators etc.  These are all real jobs, paying good money and most important of all creating or building tangible goods for sale and consumption. 

So has 1MDB created 10,000 new jobs?  It is a 'strategic investment fund'.  

Has 1MDB created 1000 jobs? No? 

How about 100 jobs?  Has 1MDB created at least 100 new jobs with that RM45 billion capital employed?

Give me RM45 billion and I will guarante you I can create 10,000 new jobs minimum. I know how to do it.  

So what has this sovereign wealth fund or sovereign investment fund achieved after all this roundabout, merry go round, bullshitting for the past six years? 

You do not need a university degree to do this type of pondan business. You dont need any business acumen at all.

Get gomen land cheap at 10 sen. 

Then get a gomen guarantee to borrow RM1.20. Then the RM1.20 goes missing.  

Then revalue the gomen land at say RM1.20 and sell it for a quick profit of  RM1.10. Use the RM1.20 proceeds to settle the borrowing.

Hooray. But what happened to that RM1.20 that you borrowed? Where did it go? 

Yong: Tough 2015 but Sabahans showing resilience

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Shahbudin: Najib has until midnight to settle 1MDB issue

The Prime Minister promised 1,500 Umno Information Chiefs and Umno Secretaries from throughout the country, who gathered in Kuala Lumpur on June 14, that he would settle the 1MDB issue by December 31 this year.

shahbudin_-najib_1mdb_bank_600KUALA LUMPUR: A political analyst fears that 2016 may yet turn out to be an empty year. The analyst wonders whether the 1,500 Umno Information Chiefs and Umno Secretaries from throughout the country, who gathered in Kuala Lumpur on June 14, still remember Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s promise to them and the nation. “If there had been no promise and guarantee to them by Najib on June 14, would they still have pledged loyalty to him?”
Shahbudin Husin the analyst said in his latest blog posting that Najib, wherever he’s at the moment – Dubai, Hong Kong or elsewhere – still has until 12 midnight on Thursday to make good a promise before the curtains come down on 2015, on a year of trials and tribulations. “He did promise on June 14 this year, before 1,500 Umno Information Chiefs and Umno Secretaries from throughout the country, that the 1MDB issue will be settled by December 31 this year.”
However, said the analyst, nothing much has transpired since then apart from the forced sale of 1MDB subsidiary Edra Global Energy, a valuable asset, to a state-owned firm in China. “The question that arises is when the 1MDB debts would be settled.”
Shahbudin, on second thoughts, has been reduced to wondering whether settling the 1MDB issue meant sacking Umno Deputy President Muhyiddin Yassin from the Cabinet as Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, and also getting rid of Umno Vice-President Shafie Apdal at the same time as a Federal Minister. “The Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail was also removed, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) reshuffled and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) came under pressure.”
Again, said the analyst, if Najib can make good his June 14 promise as generally understood, it would suffice for the moment although he has broken many promises that he made during the 13th General Election in 2013. “If Najib breaks his June 14 promise, then nothing can be expected from him in the new year.”
“It’s clear that besides disappointing the people, Najib would have disappointed Umno members and leaders themselves.”

Zam: Ahmad’s two jobs idea reminds us of Indonesia

Deputy Minister Ahmad Maslan does not seem to appreciate the widespread negative impact given his suggestion that workers take on a second job to cope with the rising cost of living.
zamKUALA LUMPUR: A former Information Minister, commenting on Deputy Minister Ahmad Maslan’s suggestion that workers consider taking on a second job to cope with the rising cost of living, recalls Indonesia going through a similar period under President Sukarno and right up to the time of Jokowi now. “Civil servants in Indonesia hardly worked. They would clock in and by afternoon they would disappear to do a second job.”
“We are headed in that direction. Ahmad’s suggestion shows that our society is crumbling especially among politicians.”
Ahmad’s suggestion is a manifestation of the civil service going to the dogs when something should be done to put things right, added Zainuddin Maidin, the former Information Minister and at one time Editor-in-Chief of Utusan Malaysia. “Things are no longer what they were during the time of Mahathir Mohamad when he was Prime Minister and Daim Zainuddin was Finance Minister.”
Zainuddin thinks that Ahmad’s suggestion, if taken up, would have a negative impact on the morale and work ethics of the civil service. “There’s no doubt that he had the civil servants in mind when he made the suggestion.”
Already, he added, civil servants are goofing on the job, and can also be seen loafing here and there, hanging around the mamak shops even in Putrajaya during working hours. “Teachers are already giving private tuition to their own students, a sign of the erosion in discipline and values in the civil service and in the teaching profession.”
Ahmad, noted Zainuddin, advertently or inadvertently conveys the impression that workers in Malaysia are no better than that in Indonesia, or Thailand for that matter, backward and poverty-stricken. “This is an example of a Minister who doesn’t understand what values mean.”
“The emphasis in the civil service should be on productivity and efficiency in line with the Vision 2020 targets, and not taking on a second job, and thereby being distracted from one’s regular job.”
The former Information Minister looks back on the past 50-odd years. The civil service had then been all about dedication, initiative, and maintaining the values and traditions that saw the nation undergoing rapid development and progress since independence in 1957.


Helen Ang
Helen Ang

Blogger Annie had written a post titled The end of moderation‘ on the morning after (6 May 2013) the Chinese tsunami.
Annie wrote: “The ‘Chinese revolt’, as so proudly predicted by the DAP cybertroopers did come true and it swept through the State [of Johor]”.
Annie said the Chinese community had “totally snubbed” outgoing Johor MB Ghani Othman, causing him to lose in his face-off with Kit Siang in Gelang Patah.
Annie added: “The Malays, who feel jealous with his attempts to assist the Chinese punished him. The Indian community just stabbed him in the back for no real reason.”
Annie further said:
“And that’s the fate of a man who believes in moderation and being judged by his track record instead of the color of his skin.
“It’s the same fate that befell Prime Minister DS Najib Razak, whose moderate ‘1Malaysia’ and BN’s ‘kongsi’ concepts were rejected.”
Najib sedih

Chinese spat in face of the Malays — Annie

Explaining the Chinese tsunami, Annie said, “The Chinese community’s rejection of those concepts was total. They rejected the hands of friendship of moderate Malays such as Ghani and Najib.”
Annie believed that “the Chinese community had not only refused to accept the friendship of the moderate Malays, but they spit in their face”.
Annie lamented the polls outcome for “the loss of my belief in the concept of moderation”.
Annie wrote:
“I’m also bitter for my failure of not seeing how the Chinese community could totally refuse to share this country with the Malays.
“Yes, I’m putting it here on record. The Chinese want to have everything they can get their hands on.” — 
Hannah Yeoh wicked regime

There’s no dialing back, the course is set

Almost 90 percent Chinese throwing their support behind the opposition in GE13 has led to the impending GE14 situation of Umno-BN vs DAP-Harapan.
The two anchor parties are a proxy for the political battle between Malays and Chinese. Winner takes all.
In the ‘either you are with us or against us’ equation, today 95 percent of the Chinese are not with MCA. They’re do-or-die against the BN.
Okay, now let’s have a look at Annie’s piece yesterday titled ‘Johor Umno has no need for gung-ho soundbites‘.
Do please remember that Annie had earlier said the moderate ‘Johor Way’ had died on the night of 5 May 2013. Annie’s words: “they [Chinese] spit in their [moderate Malays] face“.
There is nothing moderate about the Chinese 95:5 partisanship. Moderate is 55:45 or 60:40 where a check-and-balance can operate. At 95 percent, it’s just a steamroller.
This is Sparta
ABOVE: “This is Sparta!” … die

Johor Umno and “gung ho soundbite” of YB Kempas

In Annie’s blog posting yesterday responding to me, the crux of the matter (as presented by Annie) is whether Umno men in Johor who are not with Najib as well as those in the Protun gang generally should be “chopped off”.
Annie’s answer is ‘No’.
My view is ‘Yes’.
The truth of the matter is that Muhyiddin, who is Umno Pagoh-Johor division chief, has already been “chopped off” — sacked as DPM, removed from Cabinet and blocked from speaking at the recent Umno general assembly. This is a fiat accompli.
On the other hand, emanating from the anti-Najib camp is only bluster full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
Adun Kempas YB Tengku Putra Jumat is a Projib patriot. He has urged his party president to “take no prisoners”. I agree.
BELOW: Muhyiddin expressing his disaffection
Gif by Cil!sos
Gif by Cil!sos

No quarters given, no quarters asked

Annie described the Umno MP for Pulai, “the rather liberal Nurjazlan” as being “biologically just a quarter Malay”. His mother is of Chinese descent.
Nonetheless having all that Chinese heritage did not soften the heart of the Chinese voters who gave Nur Jazlan the tsunami treatment anyhow. He survived but with a much reduced majority.
Raja Nong Chik – who also trotted out his Chinese wife during the election campaign – failed to unseat Nurul Izzah in Lembah Pantai.
Umno Chinese moms and Chinese wives cut no ice with the Chinese electorate.
It is the same with the Umno Malays who are now stridently anti-Najib. Nothing can persuade them otherwise. Tun is the embodiment of ‘No retreat, no surrender’.
Umno should take protective and preventive measures by jettisoning the anti-Najib and the Protun. Throw them overboard. That’s just politics.
This Is War (2)

Politics is war

Do recall what Annie wrote in the aftermath of the last general election — “The end of moderation”.
“It marks the death of the moderate ‘Johor way’,” Annie had said. And wasn’t ABU-“Ini kali lah” an all-out war on Umno?
Yet Annie argued yesterday, “Johor Umno that I knew didn’t rely on being macho or gung-ho to win elections. It relies on being dignified, service-oriented and upholding good values to win over the hearts and minds of the people, especially the Johor Malays.”

Between joceline and helen - who is more absurd? @zairilkj @fahmi_fadzil

Yes, make them walk the plank

Annie also hoped “everyone including Helen can stop making nonsensicalsoundbites such as ‘This is Umno Johor! ‘We take no prisoners’.”
It is rather rich of Annie to accuse Helen of being making gung-ho soundbites when it was Annie who had announced the end of moderation and the death of the moderate ‘Johor way’.
But never mind.
We preceed. I shall now approach the question of whether Umno should take the approach proposed by Annie, i.e.
“dignified, service-oriented and upholding good values to win over the hearts and minds of the people”
or the approach suggested by YB Kempas – “take no prisoners”.
Muhyiddin crystal ball

Let’s be realistic lah, shall we?

I’ll go with Tengku Putra Jumat’s idea, i.e. guns blazing. After all, I’ve been saying that Najib must be a war general.
I do not see how Umno will be able to “win over the hearts and minds of the people” – as suggested by Annie – while Tun the Wrecking Ball keeps swinging and knocking over everything in sight.
Tun has embarked on total warfare against Najib. He may be 90 years old but in this confrontation, he is the aggressor.
Annie’s ‘handsome old man’ is even willing to see Umno deregistered if this was what it takes to topple Najib. In the pursuit of his vendetta, the always interfering ex-premier is like a man possessed (dirasuk).
Tun poke PMs

Umno people must choose their side

Be “dignified”, Annie says. That’s far from what’s happening currently. It’s a brawl out there. And it can only get worse the closer we get to GE14.
The Red Bean Army are equally destructive. And Tun rubbed shoulders with them at Bersih 4.0! (twice!)
If the rebels still refuse to get on with the programme, then we can’t blame Najib for refusing to give them the kid glove treatment.
A war general or admiral has to run a tight ship. With only two years-and-four months to go before the 14th general election must be held, there is no room for dissent on deck.
Najib made punching bag

No point being nice and accommodating

There are six Parliament seats in Johor where the current BN majority is shaky. The element in common is that all have a significant percentage of Chinese voters.
  • Labis (MCA)  –  353 vote majority  –  47% Chinese voters
  • Segamat (MIC)  –  1,217  –  46 percent
  • Ledang (Umno)  –  1,967  –  41 percent
  • Pasir Gudang (Umno)  –  935  –  38 percent
  • Tebrau (MCA)  – 1,767 – 38 percent
  • Muar (Umno)  –  1,646  –  35 percent
As a comparison, Batu Pahat – lost by Umno’s then Deputy Education Minister Puad Zarkashi – has 46 percent Chinese voters. Puad’s opponent had a winning majority of 1,732 votes.
Will any Umno-BN candidate striving to be “dignified, service-oriented and upholding good values” (as per Annie’s admonishment) be able to sway the Chinese voters? Nope.
Raja Nong Chik was service-oriented. Nurul Izzah is hardly ever glimpsed in her constituency; she’s more busy flying around the world to lobby for daddy’s release from jail. Nong Chik lost to her.
The Chinese voters don’t care about dignity (think Tian Chua and his biting policemen), service-orientation or “good values” (sneaky bastard MPs are okay, what). They just want to kill Umno.
When someone is hell-bent on killing you, how can you shy away from taking an adversarial stance in self-defence?
Mat Sabu stooge

Tun is the de facto Opposition Leader

There’s no hope of recovering the Chinese vote. Now what about the Malay fence-sitters, as in the Protun voters?
Annie wrote yesterday, “I once heard [Johor Menteri Besar] Khaled said (sic) that 83 percent of Malays in the state voted for BN in the last general election, which was why the state didn’t fall to the opposition despite the massive Chinese tsunami on polling day”.
This reported claim by MB Khaled that Umno drew 83 percent Malay support in Johor is quite believable. See my calculations below in the endnote*.
The issue at hand is how far the sizeable pro-establishment Malays in Johor would boycott Umno in GE14 due to either their unhappiness with Najib or loyalty to Tun.
It’s reasonable to assume that Tun would be able to successfully bleed away some Malay support from Umno. In Johor, there might also be a slight dissatisfaction due to the Muhyiddin factor.
I would however evaluate the hardcore Protun people as just like the Chinese … no hope, no cure.
Najib had bent over backwards to try and appease the Chinese but to no avail. Similarly with Protun. No amount of explanation on 1MDB will be able to satisfy them.
Their attitude, e.g. calling for Najib’s resignation and for Malaysia to be ruled by an unelected tribunal or Council of Elders, is just like Kit Siang and the DAP.
Hence Umno should consider that support from the Tun segment – just like support from Chinese – cannot be recovered. It’s more strategic to work on alternatives to make up the shortfall in Malay support caused by Tun’s relentless attacks on Najib and Umno.
Learn from history. Tun’s attack on Dollah Badawi contributed to BN losing its two-thirds majority in 2008. He did not back off even though the damage inflicted on Umno and BN was considerable.
Likewise, Tun will not back off from attacking Najib and he will continue with his attacks right up to 2018. Hence Najib should treat Tun as an opponent who is aligned with the objectives of the opposition.
Annie is wrong to keep coddling the “handsome old man”.

Building a new alliance with PAS

Let’s project a GE14 scenario in Johor. We shall assume that Umno’s Nur Jazlan will defend his Pulai seat in 2018.
He might be fighting Salahuddin Ayub in a rematch, let’s say. But this time, Salahuddin is deputy president of PAN, having already deserted PAS.
The contest in Pulai, thus, is (a) Umno vs PAN in straight fight or (b) Umno vs PAS vs PKR in a three-cornered fight.
PAS is staying out after having reached an agreement to cooperate with Umno.
Nur Jazlan will possibly lose some Malay votes due to unhappiness with Najib and Umno. These are abstention votes: Umno’s loss but not necessarily the opposition’s gain.
Salahuddin will likely keep all the Chinese votes and could perhaps even gain a couple percents more. But he loses those Malay votes he obtained the last time as a PAS candidate because PAS and PAN are enemies.
Could Protun or PAS Malays be persuaded to support a PAN man? I think not.
But even if the Protuns merajuk to the extent of crossing over to the opposition, I believe that the shift by PAS Malays (voting against Harapan as an anti-DAP protest move) to the side of the establishment will outweigh the shift by Mahathir supporters crossing over to the opposition.
In the balance of things, I assess that it is just as futile for Najib to extend an olive branch to the Tun camp as it was to have tried and make peace with the Chinese in the last election. Any such peace overture will not be reciprocated.
As for Tun’s fans and followers, if they were willing to be objective, they would realise and acknowledge that it is their icon’s own actions that are torpedoing the BN.
So rather than trying to appease the Tun renegades, it is really more tactical to work on winning the heart and mind of potential converts from PAS.
Najib cannot afford to waste any more time on the rebels. Give them an ultimatum to return to the fold. If they choose not to do so, declare open season.

walking cat
* Let’s examine Nur Jazlan’s Parliament seat of Pulai.
Voter turnout was 85,762. Valid votes were however only 84,276 as 1,486 of the votes were spoiled.
Assuming an even rate of turnout for all the races, there would have been – hypothetically – 34,533 Chinese voters who showed up and cast their ballot papers properly.
Giving Pakatan 90 percent of the Chinese vote means the Pakatan candidate (Salahuddin Ayub of PAS) for Pulai would have gotten 31,080 Chinese votes.
For the Indians, let’s take a ballpark figure of 40 percent opposition supporters. Indian voter turnout could have been in the region of 8,427 and thus – let’s say –  3,371 Indian votes going to Pakatan’s Salahuddin.
Salahuddin had 40,525 votes on polling day, 5 May 2013. Taking away the estimated 31,080 Chinese and 3,371 Indian vote share would leave Salahudin with possibly 6,074 Malay votes.
Based on the hypothetical estimates above, Pakatan had 15.3 percent support from Malays. This means Umno had 84.7 percent Malay support in Pulai. This figure is close to the 83 percent reportedly cited by Khaled Nordin.
A better but more painstaking method to get the numbers is by inputting the data for all the Johor constituencies and plot a regression graph. This would yield the percentage of Malay support for Umno/Pakatan.


LSS Report

1MDB has just announced that it has signed to sell a 60% stake in the 486 acre Bandar Malaysia to a 60-40 consortium of Iskandar Waterfront Holdings Sdn Bhd and China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC).

The deal was announced after an international open tender - which attracted initial interest from dozens of parties - called by 1MDB as part of its rationalization exercise.

IWH is the holding company for listed  company Iskandar Waterfront city Bhd and is 60% owned by tycoon Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo and 40% owned by Johor Govt's Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor (KPRJ).

In Oct, 1MDB had announced that they have finally received planning approval from the govt for Bandar Malaysia, which includes a 4.05 gross development ratio and the planned HSR terminus, and two MRT stations.

40 per cent of the land is taken up by infrastructure such as transport facilities, parks, schools, and police and fire stations - leaving 60% of the land for development.

With the planning approval raising and giving certainty to the value of the land, 1MDB had initially expected a value of RM11.5b.

But after a keenly fought competitive tender, the IWH-CRCC consortium emerged the winner with the bid for 60% of Bandar Malaysia at RM7.41b - which values the project at RM12.35b.

3 1/2 years ago, 1MDB had paid an estimated RM1.6b (RM400m cash plus buying various pieces of land for MINDEF- including a 750 acre new RMAF airbase in Sendayan, a plot for a PDRM airbase in Subang and the 31 Royal Artillery Regiment base in Kajang.

On top of that, 1MDB also committed to pay RM2.1b to build and equip 8 military sites for MINDEF as compensation which brings the estimated cost of the land to RM3.7b.

But selling it for RM12.35b is a significant gain for 1MDB since it only had a RM4b valuation in their last financial statements.

This would mean that 1MDB could potential post a profit of RM8.6b out of this transaction.

After selling the 60% stake, the remaining 40% stake will be retained by 1MDB and will probably be eventually transferred back to the 1MDB's sole shareholder, the Ministry of Finance - thus Bandar Malaysia will be 76% owned by Malaysia and 24% owned by the Chinese firm.

And since the Johor state govt owns a 40% stake in IWH, this means that Bandar Malaysia will still be 54.4% owned by government.

It is anticipated that CRCC will be bringing in about RM3 billion of foreign direct investment into the country for this deal.

And if you add that to the Edra deal bought 100% by China' CGN group for RM9.83b (plus assuming debts of RM8b), that would mean a total of RM12.8b worth of foreign investments will come into the country just from 1MDB's last two deals.

This Bandar Malaysia deal is the 3rd major rationalization step for 1MDB and also fulfills Najib's promise to settle 1MDB by the end of this year - a move forced on Najib and 1MDB amidst heavy and sustained political attacks:
  1. Asset-swap deal with IPIC signed in May 2015 - RM16b
  2. Sale of Edra in Nov 2015 - RM17.3b
  3. Today's Sale of Bandar Malaysia - RM12.35b
All in all, those 3 deals means that about RM46b of value (either cash or assuming of debt) had flowed to 1MDB - which vindicates 1MDB's frequent claims that their asset is worth more than their debt.

It also proves that despite Tun Mahathir's frequent and ever-changing claims, RM42b or RM27b or billions didn't lesap - in fact there is a surplus!

After those 3 deals, 1MDB will still be left with 100% of the TRX project with remaining plots to be sold and construction well in progress, the RM300m Pulau Indah and the RM1.1b Penang land to be sold - meaning more billions to be gained too beyond the 3 milestones.

Here's a video of the TRX construction progress as at Nov 2015.

After today's signing, there would no longer be any fears that 1MDB will be a financial problem or sovereign risk for the government or for Malaysia anymore or any problems related to contingent liabilities related to 1MDB.

There should also be no more concerns that those bonds and loans given by KWAP, EPF, Tabung Haji etc would be at risk.

And hopefully, people finally realizes that no GST money was used to "bail out" 1MDB.

There's no doubt about it. Najib and 1MDB had worked hard and have delivered on their promise to "solve" 1MDB - exactly on schedule.

Here is wishing the Bandar Malaysia and TRX development all the best! Eventually, we will be left with two major developments that will help drive continued growth for Malaysia.

Here's a video giving you an idea of what TRX, the planned Islamic Finance Capital of the world, will look like when completed:

At this stage where the majority of the debt have been settled, 1MDB will still have:
1) 100% of TRX that will continue to be developed and bring economic gains and spin-offs to Malaysia
2) 40% of 1MDB with another effective interest of about 18% by Johor State Govt - that will continue to be developed and bring economic gains and spin-offs to Malaysia
3) delivered 8 military facilities to MINDEF
4) Pulau Indah and Penang land yet to be sold off/developed

All the above for initial RM1 million capital injection and two land deals.

It was never 1MDB's initial intent to have gone on to this rationalization plan but the continued political attacks on 1MDB, which prevented 1MDB from receiving a much-needed capital injection and unable to tap capital markets further, have forced the govt hands to do this.

But in the end, what is important is the debt is resolved but many people will still be unhappy with 1MDB - which begs the question of what do they want?

That 1MDB's RM42 debt be resolved or for 1MDB's RM42b debt not to be resolved?

You can never please them.