
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, October 31, 2015

Muhyiddin Yasin Targeted For The Gani Patail Treatment?

Image result for najin ku nan, muhyiddin

Here is the latest post from Zam's Blog


Muhyiddin Yassin tidak boleh dipecat dari jawatan Timbalan President UMNO kerana beliau  dipileh oleh Perhimpunan Agung 

tetapi  pemecatannya sebagai ahli UMNO secara automatis akan  menggugurkannya dari jawatan penting itu.

Pemecatan sebagai ahli boleh dilakukan jika ada bukti yang kukuh.

Inilah yang sedang digerakan oleh Tengku Adnan dengan kenyataan siasatan terhadap tujuh pemimpin UMNO  sedang dijalankan 

Usaha untuk mengkondisikan UMNO telah pun didahului dengan dakwaan 75%-95% ketua bahagian UMNO menyokong tindakan ini.

Ismail Sabri Yaacob juga mendesak tindakan tegas tanpa mengira jawatan

Barangkali Muhyiddin menyedari perancangan terhadapnya 

baru ini beliau menganggap "pengecut" pemimpin UMNO yang menyokong presiden

penyokong-penyokong Najib menjadi semakin agresif .

tidak nampak masalah penyingkiran Muhyiddin, sebahagian besar anggota MT adalah juga ketua bahagian."

Mereka tahu apa untuk dilakukan pada mesyuarat MT akhir bulan ini" katanya ( Star 30 Oktober)  (Tapi mesyuarat Mt itu tak jadi pula)

mencantas Muhyiddin mesti dilakukan sebelum PAU tidak lama lagi 

kehadiran Muhyiddin akan menimbulkan kekecohan, menjatuhkan maruah Najib 

Mencantas Muhyiddin perlu dilakukan awal supaya bakal timbalan dapat  dipromokan 

dan supaya  Najib berkuasa sehingga pilihanraya umum itu

memberi peluang kepada Najib mengkosolidisasikan kekuatannya dalam parti 

negeri-negeri mahu mengadakan pilihanraya DUN berasingan seperti Sarawak supaya tidak menampakan penglibatan imej Najib

Muhyiddin mestilah bersedia untuk dicantas 

Ketua bahagian melihat menyelamatkan kepentingan peribadi  Najib perlu untuk kekuatan parti dari menyelamatkan parti untuk kepentingan seluruh rakyat

Keputusan ini mereka buat  oleh kerana Najib adalah King of Money yang mempunyai pengalaman lama dalam UMNO bahawa Money Is The King.

My comments : This is a very sharp critique by Zam, cloaked in polite Malay. Except for that last line of course. King of Money and Money is King.

UMNO is now all about money. One fellow got bought over for just RM1.0 million. Another fellow did better, he got RM2.0 million.

The real targets here are Muhyiddin and also Ku Li.  The people who are targeting them are the hangouts and hangers on around Najib and Zahid. 

This was supposed to happen at that last Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi scheduled for 30th October, 2015 but which got cancelled. They chickened out. Couldnt put all the pieces together.

Lets say they manage to take out Muhyiddin and Ku Li (kick them out of the party - thats why Tengku Adnan is conducting that "investigation") what happens next?

Well first of Najib remains and of course Zahid gets a huge boost. 

Talk is there will be a scramble for the THREE Vice president's posts next. Guess who is eyeing them folks - get this - Ismail Sabri Yaakob and that Hamzah guy from Perak. So the story goes.  Imagine Ismail Sabri as an UMNO VP?  Elok UMNO pi jual pisang goreng bawah jambatan.  This is the party of doom.

The big question mark is when does Zahid do an Operation Barbarossa on Najib? I think that may happen too.

What should Muhyiddin Yasin do?  He does not have much choice - if he does nothing he will become ZERO. It is better if he goes all out to edge the No. 1 out and take over from there.

Up the road from Merapoh the royal prince and gentleman from Gua Musang is rounding up  his supporters.  It will be good to team up with Muhyiddin. So many possibilities.

The nation, the entire nation is with them. The nation really needs heroes. Leaders, to stand up and save the situation. The nation is not just ready but we are waiting.

And who is the enemy?  Almost insignificant.

Jasin: 1 Pelajar Perempuan Zinahi 8 Pelajar Lelaki. Dasar Pendidikan UMNO..

JABATAN Pendidikan Melaka akan melakukan siasatan terhadap kes seorang pelajar perempuan berusia 15 tahun yang melakukan kegiatan tidak bermoral dengan beberapa pelajar lelaki di sekolahnya di Jasin. 

Pengarahnya, Abu Bakar Sahari berkata tindakan itu bagaimanapun hanya akan dilakukan selepas siasatan pihak polis selesai bagi mengelak sebarang gangguan. 

"Kami akan meminta pihak sekolah untuk membuat laporan penuh berhubung kes ini selepas siasatan polis selesai untuk tindakan lanjut yang perlu diambil di peringkat sekolah. 
"Kami terkejut apabila mengetahui perkara ini. Kes ini adalah terpencil ... pihak jabatan memandang serius hal ini," katanya ketika dihubungi. 

Sebuah akhbar hari ini melaporkan kegiatan tidak bermoral seorang pelajar tingkatan empat yang dikesan ibunya melakukan hubungan seks dengan beberapa pelajar lelaki di sekolahnya. Turut dilaporkan keluarga pelajar berkenaan telah membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Jasin dan lapan pelajar lelaki berusia antara 15 hingga 16 tahun ditahan polis semalam bagi membantu siasatan kes itu. 

Mengulas lanjut, Abu Bakar berkata semua pelajar yang terbabit dalam aktiviti tidak bermoral itu akan dipanggil pihak sekolah dan diberi sesi kaunseling secara intensif bagi memberi kesedaran kepada mereka. 

"Pihak sekolah dan jabatan juga akan terus memantau perkara ini agar tidak berulang atau berlaku pada pelajar lain atau di sekolah lain," katanya. -Bernama-

Komen Weblog Ibnu Hasyim: Inilah contoh gagalnya dasar tarbiah dan pendidikan UMNO yang dipaksakan ke atas rakyat. Termasuk kepada penganut beragama Islam dan percayakan Hari Akhirat, yang tidak mahu anak-anak mereka jadi penzina. Begitu juga kepada penganut agama lain yang menolak aksi perzinahan yang tidak bermoral.


While top MCA leaders have left former party president Ling Liong Sik out in the cold, Segambut MCA has lauded Ling’s defiance against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
This is over Najib's defamation suit against Ling who had raised the discovery of RM2.6 billion in the prime minister’s personal bank accounts.
“Segambut MCA respects Ling’s comments as a concerned MCA honorary life member.
“Ling has since issued a press release stating that he will not apologise and stood by the remarks he made.
“Segambut MCA division applauds the courage of Ling and respect his decision,” it said in a statement today posted on its Facebook page.
In contrast, MCA’s central leadership had dismissed the suit as a private matter between Ling and Najib.
Segambut MCA also questioned why was Ling being targeted, pointing out that the allegation was also reported by the Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report.
“Why has the prime minister only singled out Ling with legal action and not the others?” it said.
Najib has threatened to sue Wall Street Journal but had yet to follow through.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had confirmed the deposits of RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal bank account but said the amount was not from state-owned 1MDB.
Najib had denied taking public funds for personal gain while his supporters claim the money was a “donation” from the Middle East.
Segambut MCA said it supported the Oct 6 statement by the Conference of Rulers to expedite the investigations into 1MDB.
“The quicker this 1MDB issue is resolved, we can move on to focus on more urgent matters such as the economy, social relations and good governance,” it said.
The MCA division said that it was also against racism be it from the opposition or BN component parties.
“We believe that as citizens of Malaysia, we need to speak up without fear or favour on issues which affect the nation and not just when it affects our own race,” it said. - M'kini


Former MCA president Chua Soi Lek has shed some light on where some of the RM2.6 billion in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s personal bank accounts may have gone to.
Chua, when asked about the RM2.6 billion in a Mandarin interview with Cari.com.my, recollected how Najib had in a BN supreme council meeting before the 13th general election made an unprecedented pledge to fund BN component parties.
“I must admit, during the BN supreme council meeting approaching the May 5 general elections, he (Najib) in his capacity as prime minister and BN chairperson, did reveal that in that election, BN will support its component parties’ finances.
“I remembered clearly, I was the first to thank him.
“I said that I have joined politics for more than 20 years and gone through five general elections, (we) have never received a single sen from BN before.
“So everyone agreed and many thanked him. When the election came, he delivered - he was able to disburse some funds (to the component parties),” he was quoted as saying.
When asked by the interviewer if Chua was convinced that the money was purely for the general elections, the former MCA president said he did not know.
“Of course, if there are some parts that was not used for the general elections, no one knows.
“That is why we need to wait for the investigations to be completed,” he said.
'Najib needs to do more convincing'
In July, both Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report cited leaked investigation papers which found RM2.6 billion had been deposited into Najib’s personal bank accounts.
The reports claim that US$681 million came from Tanore Finance Corp while another RM42 million came from state-owned SRC International, a former subsidiary of 1MDB.
Sarawak Report later claimed that US$650 million of the money in Najib’s account was remitted to Singapore.
Coincidentally, funds from state-owned 1MDB for its joint venture with PetroSaudi International in two tranches of US$700 million and US$330 million were reportedly misappropriated after they were diverted to an unauthorised third party account - Good Star Limited - which is controlled by Penang-born billionaire Jho Low (photo), a close associate of Najib's family.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) confirmed the RM2.6 billion deposits in Najib's personal bank accounts but ruled out 1MDB as the source.
It is, however, still investigating into SRC International.
Najib had denied taking pulic funds for personal gain while his supporters claim the money was a “donation” from the Middle East.
‘No one wants to ride on Najib’s image now’
In the interview, Chua said he had still met Najib even though the former had retired from politics and told the prime minister that while his support in the top echelon appear intact, much work still had to be done at the grassroots level.
“I told him you still have a lot of work to do, you need to convince people that the money that entered your account, in law, is not wrong.
“So long as the money did not come from the government or 1MDB, there is nothing wrong.
“Because in Malaysia, there is no law to say that when people donate money to you for the election, you need to report it,” he said.
However, Chua conceded that people were not convinced as the sum of RM2.6 billion was too big.
Chua said he was fortunate that these tough issues had exploded only after he had stepped down as MCA president.
However, Chua said there was nothing wrong if the MCA president publicly speaks out, including on alleged interference in the investigations against 1MDB.
“There is nothing wrong; I’m sure Najib will accept it,” he said.
Chua also acknowledged that confidence in Najib had eroded.
“On the lack of confidence in him, I can understand it because in the May 5 general election, many people used Najib’s 'rock star' image to promote (themselves).
“Now, I don’t think anyone wants to use Najib’s picture; this is the reality,” he said. - M'kini


By a reader:
Shahrir Samad said in JB on Saturday that Umno has a history of smothering dissent, dating back to the time of Tunku Abdul Rahman.
As a flippant, loosely revisionist Umno historian, the senior-veteran MP didn't offer specifics except for his own episode which was blurry at best.
Shahrir is a one-agenda politician and super proud of it. And that has always been to oppose Dr Mahathir Mohamad. For that he has been consistent and unforgiving.
He reminded his listeners the other day that he was a Team B stalwart, referring to the movement that challenged Dr Mahathir in 1987 with a view of ousting him at the party polls.
Shahrir said the likes of Muhyiddin Yassin should not be complaining about leadership issues because the current political leadership belonged to Team A!
Shahrir must be extremely proud of his role in Team B.
They went on roadshows to denounce Dr Mahathir. This movement eventually was supported by two former Prime Ministers. These personalities were not investigated with a view of expelling them from Umno.
Shahrir did contest as an Independent in 1988 retaining JB in a by-election with a 15, 000-majority.

He returned to Umno and by 2000 was describing Dr Mahathir, then Prime Minister, as a leader who "is a liability to his own party."
Shahrir polled significant number of dissenting votes in the 2000 party elections. He stayed in Umno and subsequently made a brief return to the Cabinet.
Vindictive trio
The Tunku-era expulsion from Umno must be Dr Mahathir's.
Dr Mahathir left Umno during the leadership of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The long-serving MP for Kubang Pasu was prevented from going to the Perhimpunan Agong as a G7 delegate.
Johari Baharom, Mahadzir Khalid and Osman Aroff reportedly ganged up to see to it that Mahathir failed in his attempt to win one of the seven slots.
Dr Mahathir returned to the Umno fold minus rancour. He had a hand in ensuring Najib Razak assumed the leadership but did not fuss about the presence of the Kubang Pasu conspirators - Johari Baharom and Mahadzir Khalid who is Minister of Education.
One could sense, judging from the Minister's public remarks, that he has been one of those working to get seven Umno personalities suspended or removed outright.
Shahrir is supposedly supporting this move as well. He was merely defending the Johor MB who in his reckoning has not sinned against Umno to be including in the Gang of Seven.
Khaled Nordin was Shahrir's political secretary. - http://zamkata.blogspot.my/

'NO NEED FOR PLOT, JUST SACK HIM': Umno warlords may support Najib but Muhyiddin has more backing from the people

'NO NEED FOR PLOT, JUST SACK HIM': Umno warlords may support Najib but Muhyiddin has more backing from the people
According to media reports, some Umno division leaders are tight-lipped over an apparent move to oust Muhyiddin Yassin and a group of his supporters.
"There could be a plot, I don't know. I can't tell you. If there is, then there is," said Kepong Umno division chief Rizuan Hamid.
A Malay daily report quotes Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Yunos as saying that there is a plot to get rid of Muhyiddin and some other Umno leaders.
Jamal was quoted as saying that more than a hundred Umno division chiefs had attended closed-door talks on removing the Umno deputy president.
The topic was also discussed in a Telegram chat group comprising Umno division heads, but Jamal said he was puzzled as to how the matter was leaked to the media.
When contacted, Jamal said there was indeed a move to get rid of a group within the party but never mentioned Muhyiddin by name.
"If he thinks that he's one of them, then it could be," he said.
The above report was carried in The Star Online yesterday.
No one is really surprised with this purported plot to oust the Umno deputy president. I, for one, am the least surprised by this turn of events.
Not one political party in Malaysia is spared of internal strife at one point or another. We have witnessed them all, whether within BN parties or those in the Opposition.
This time, the internal struggle within Umno is huge – not since the Mahathir-Razaleigh fight for the Umno presidency in 1987 has there been anything this serious.
The difference this time is that it involves alleged corruption at the very top. When the position of the PM and its holder is personally affected, then it becomes a national problem, not just Umno’s alone.
Unlike Umno’s internal problems of the past, Muhyiddin seems to have a lot of support from those outside Umno. This is the great difference and Prime Minister Najib Razak is in a very precarious position. While Najib claimed the majority in Umno are behind him, his estranged deputy can safely claim that the majority of Malaysians are behind him.
And for one reason only – they want a change of leadership. Muhyiddin is not necessarily their choice as PM but they need him to take the lead (along with Mahathir) to push Najib out.
The two Umno division chiefs, Rizuan and Jamal, quoted in the report above are not Muhyiddin’s men. Rizuan charged that Muhyiddin was the one causing problems for Umno while Jamal called the former DPM a hypocrite.
Trouble maker of hypocrite, let me tell Rizuan and Jamal the truth. Events over the past few months have made one thing quite clear – Najib has the support of Umno but Muhyiddin has the backing of Malaysians.
Rizuan and Jamal should try swallowing that. And why the need for a plot to get rid of Muyhiddin, anyway? The party can just suspend him and later sack him. Simple, no plot necessary! - Theantdailly.com

NOT UNEXPLAINED NAJIB, JHO-LOW-LINKED TRANSFERS? Failed IPO listing biggest cause of 1MDB’s debt - Arul Kanda‎

NOT UNEXPLAINED NAJIB, JHO-LOW-LINKED TRANSFERS? Failed IPO listing biggest cause of 1MDB’s debt - Arul Kanda‎
1Malaysia Development Berhad's (1MDB) failure to publicly list its energy companies was the biggest contributor to the strategic investment arm's cash flow problems, Arul Kanda Kandasamy said today.
The 1MDB president‎ said the company had acquired debt to generate money and buy assets, but it was unable to service the debts due to the delayed initial public offering (IPO) listing.
"Debts were the basis for 1MDB. When you use debts, there is a need to pay back the debts and service the principle (payments).
“If you do not meet debt repayments, the repercussions are very high. There was a cash flow mismatch because of the failed IPO. The company faced a big challenge to pay back the debt,‎" Arul Kanda told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur.
He said the IPOs failed to happen due to "internal and external factors", and the debt had piled up due to the RM2.4 billion interest it had to pay each year.
He added that the internal factor arose from the need to "harmonise the platforms" across all three energy companies it acquired, and the external factor was the "significant brickbat and criticism" that came "almost exclusively" from the opposition.
But Arul Kanda assured that 1MDB was taking steps to sell its assets in order to reduce its RM42 billion debt.
"This is a business problem, a business challenge, and, frankly, it can happen to many businesses. It isn't unique to 1MDB alone," he said of the cash flow problem.
"1MDB was based on a good idea, it was unique, but because of business challenges, because the IPO didn't happen, and because we had a cash flow problem."
When asked why it had resorted to raising funds through debts, Arul Kanda said it "creates a certain discipline" in the company, and allowed the government to use its funds for other purposes, such as development for the people. – ANN