
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 15, 2016

A Solution To 'Kill The Disbelievers'

The Wahhabis / Salafis / ISIS and their ilk say that it is permissible to kill someone who is not of  their fake religion.

History records a long list of tribes and cults who have inculcated hatred against people who are not of their perversion. 

The Quran too, which is over 1400 years old, talks about one such people. 

The word 'hadoo' is commonly translated as the Jews. Literally 'hadoo' means 'guided'.  (Which is why I believe we should read the Quran literally).

The 'hadoo' claimed that they were the closest to Allah (awliyaa or friends / allies) to the exclusion of all other people.  If so then they should wish for death. 

The same applies for those 'holier than thou' shaitans and the spawn of shaitan who pollute the world today.

If they think they are better than other people, calling others deviants, kafir harbi and such because they feel they are closer to Allah, to the exclusion of other people (just like the 'hadoo'), then they too should just long for death.

If you think you are closest to Allah to the exclusion of others, then just mampus and be gone. 

Dont kill other people. Why not just kill yourselves?  Put yourselves out of your misery.  The world will become a much better place.   

If it was wrong for the 'hadoo' to feel 'holier than thou',  how can it be right for you to behave like them?  

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