
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 14, 2016


No Malaysian had bargained for such a hard, harsh life ever since independence or Merdeka from the departing British colonialist in 1957. Conditions this Hari Raya have become so bleak, somber and sober that there is hardly anything for not only Muslims in this country but for Malaysians of all walks of life to cheer about.
If life in Malaysia was a rising crescendo from the time of Merdeka, it is now on a fast downward spiral as going about in my battered car to visit Muslim friends in the Klang Valley will suggest. No, it was not about Hari Raya, it was all about politics, all about the way how life had gone awry in this country.
Whatever has happened? In the past it was easy to celebrate Hari Raya and there was much to cheer about. It was a festivity marked with joy and fun but this time round it was really subdued and muted as if the rug had been pulled from under the feet to cause us to collapse.
Not only are Malaysians personal finances and well-being collapsing but there are indications on the horizon that there are more signs of badness than goodness forthcoming. While some might claim that all is well and others might like to state that all this is scare-mongering, the reality on the ground this Hari Raya is that the nation of Malaysia has lost its way.
In saying this, there is a wide and a far-ranging gamut, streams of independent analyses and research and facts and figures all over the world wide web, that if you care to surf and choose to believe, instead of government-tinkered statistics that are a mere propaganda to convince and persuade us that all is well.
The government says everything is well, under control and on board. If that is so why is is the human condition in this country such that more and more Malaysians are testifying of hardship, pain and suffering. It's not just that life has become hot under the collar because of the scorching Malaysian sun, not just environmental change, but a host of factors contributing to deplorable conditions in this country during Hari Raya.
Yearning for a better change
While there are definite indications that life in this country is set to get worse in the near future, some opt to migrate to greener pastures while others seek overseas transfers or postings while biding their time and adopting a "wait-and-see" attitude.
But never has it become more apparent and real that the time to change for the better is now. There are only two ways that every Malaysian can opt for and there are no other options available.
Malaysians either can choose to do nothing and sink with the present government. or opt for a change, the only option being for a change for the better by swimming with any other government formed other than that of Barisan Nasional (BN).
This Hari Raya holidays is a good time for Malaysians, not only Muslims, but for the rakyat as a whole to put on their thinking caps and do some soul-searching and see where they want to steer, the direction in which they want to take this country.
It is right now almost pointless to look to BN leaders, therefore it is high time for the people of this country to start to think right and decide collectively how they want to save this nation from going down the way of other failed and doomed nations.
People make a difference
It's Malaysians that are going to make a difference. Every Malaysian count and matter in the effort that is needed to be put in to get this country back on the track of globalization and back towards being a healthy, happy and harmonious state.
There is enough evidence and proof to suggest that all hell is starting to break loose in this country and because of the spate of corruption, collusion, cronyism and nepotism, the apathy and indifference has set in among the leaders of this country who are self-seeking, self-serving and of no relevant use in serving the rakyat.
With each passing day, as life becomes even more increasingly difficult, not only for Malaysians but also for legal and illegal migrant workers, the situation is rising from an uneasy calm to great stirrings of dissent and discontent.
Hari Raya is one of the most important celebrations in this country and if it can be marked with so much gloom and doom, if there is such a feeling of dismay and discomfort in this country during these celebrations which should be marked with grandness and much festivity and gaiety, there is therefore no mistaking the fact that Malaysians must brace themselves for worse things to come, unless they choose not to sit still and be idle, but to stand up and be counted in the fight to save this democratic state from the hands of evildoers.
This Hari Raya is the right time also not only to claim pure democracy back but to put this nation back on track as Malaysians of all walks of life are urged and encouraged to take part in saving this nation and put it back on the right track to being a Great Nation as it rightly should be among the leading nations of the world showing the way forward in a multi-racial and multi-religious setting. - MAILBAG

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