
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 16, 2016

OSA can’t be used against ‘forged’ copy of audit report

Image result for treason act- MalaysiaImage result for treason act- Malaysia

YOURSAY | ‘It would be difficult for a UK national to commit ‘treason’ against M’sia.’
Nil: If the auditor-general’s report has already been tabled in Parliament, it is then no longer a secret. Declassifying it would only be an exercise.
Anyway, an audit report, for what it is, is meant to be read by anyone, as otherwise, why call it an audit report?
Anonymous1: If the Auditor-General's Rreport on 1MDB, published by Sarawak Report, is false as alleged by the government, then it shouldn't be illegal to possess or distribute Sarawak Report's version. The Official Secrets Act (OSA) can't be used to protect a ‘forged’ copy.
If it is illegal to possess or distribute Sarawak Report's version, then the government has in fact admitted to the authenticity of this version.
Now, which is which? Please make up your mind. It's so confusing. Then again, who needs proof to charge and convict the undesirables in a kangaroo court.
Anonymous 2419401464142136: The definition of ‘treason’ based on:
1. Merriam-Webster dictionary - the crime of trying to overthrow your country's government or of helping your country's enemies during war.
2. Dictionary.com - (i) the offence of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign; or (ii) a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state; or (iii) the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
Is Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown a Malaysian citizen? Among other reasons, it would be difficult for a UK national to commit ‘treason’ against Malaysia, wouldn't it?
SuppTulang: Now that the auditor-general's report on 1MDB is out thanks to Sarawak Report, how does it affect ‘national’ security?
Are you sure it isn't Barisan Nasional’s security you are talking about, Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak?
Anonymous_1196: Five days and counting since the expose, and no one from the cabinet has responded to the content.
No-Brainer: Since Sarawak Report has ‘officially and unofficially’ declassified the auditor-general’s report, it is unnecessary to place it under the OSA anymore. Indeed, it is senseless, meaningless and valueless do so.
OSA can't hide or prevent, seal or cover facts, lies and liars forever. All the lies, sins, misdeeds and corruption will be exposed and uncovered eventually.
There is nowhere to hide or run for the guilty ones. Just admit your guilt and surrender to the authorities.
Boeyks: Sarawak Report says it is a retyped copy of the original. How do we know it is an exact replica of the original?
Hence, regarding possession and distribution of the ‘retyped copies’, first it must be verified whether this is a replica of the original.
How do I get this done unless I have the original for me to check through, or will someone come up to confirm that the Sarawak Report copy is a true copy?
Zambri Mahmud: I urge all loyal Malaysians to collect funds for the purpose of suing Sarawak Report in an English court. We need, say, 1 million pounds. Let someone start the ball rolling.
This is a serious matter since Salleh says it is treason to publish the ‘sacred’ document. Since our beloved PM does not want to sue Sarawak Report, let the rakyat contribute to the welfare of their beloved PM.
Dingy: To sue Rewcastle-Brown in London court, we need our best lawyers like Apandi Ali, apparently the most brilliant lawyer in the universe.
As a former Apex Court judge, he could lead the team of Umno legal experts, including our new minister in charge of law.
Speaking Sense: Jesus said the truth will set you free, but in this case it might send those who tell lies to jail.
In which case, it will set the people free. Yes, the truth will indeed set you free, but only if you are on the side of truth.
Fateh: The more those guilty wish to cover up, the more will be dug up and revealed. In the era of the Internet, nothing can be hidden.
Appum: Would our future generations accuse us of pawning the whole nation for one man if we remain deaf and dumb and do nothing now?
Anonymous112233: A promise is a promise. If there’s nothing to hide, why play the child's game of hide and seek?
Sa Tombs: The government of the day has conveniently forgotten that it was the voting rakyat that put them there in the first place, and as such, they are our servants and not the other way around.
Commentable: The government might as well do the honourable thing and declassify the report. That's because firstly it is already in the public arena and secondly, it removes the suspicion of a cover-up.
The longer this thing is kept in wraps, the worse Najib Abdul Razak will look. Thanks to Sarawak Report - "Now everybody can read".

Shibboleth: Sir Humphrey Appleby (from the British TV series ‘Yes, Minister’ and ‘Yes, Prime Minister’) says, "OSA is meant to protect officials, not secrets."
Since the actor playing Appleby is a comedian, it must be true.- Mkini

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