
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Umno Youth, defend your dignity in a dignified manner

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YOURSAY | ‘Dignity has no colour or smell nor physical attributes.’
Quigonbond: Rural and Regional Development Minister Ismail Sabri, every time Umno Malays become angry over small things, it really reflects on Umno Malays' lack of dignity.
If you are an enlightened species, you will say your piece - like how lowly it is for a politician to say these kinds of things and how children should not learn from such a politician because it spoils Malaysia's image and our culture for tolerance and good manners, and let it be.
I'm sure Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming will say - so sorry this happened, it's not something within my administration, I'll try to find out. Perhaps the police can help.
That would have been cultured. Culture begets culture. Umno has no dignity to begin with when its president can get away from thus far badly explained billions in his bank account.
If you have dignity, you will act like boy scout Jack Ryan - do the right thing and kick him out from his office.
FellowMalaysian: It is ministers like Ismail Sabri whose thoughts and expressions which never fall short of embarrassing their own political party as a result of their narrow mindedness that has brought so much confusion and controversies into our local politics.
Isn't equating a satirical lampoon of children receiving 'duit raya' with the seriousness of 'insulting' the dignity and integrity of the Malays a little too far-fetched to chew?
In the first instance, Nga has denied it was his doing. In the same breath, why was there dead silence from Ismail Sabri when news of venerated idols in Hindu temples are being desecrated?
Anonymous 1890491455255851: This minister is another strong example of where Umno is heading. To the rubbish bin.
His comments are so backward and so divisive, it is an outrage that he can even utter these words. To support this kind of behaviour is unconscionable and he should be told to resign for making such comments.
He has a responsibility to all the people of this country. With this man in charge of rural and regional development, one wonders what kind of progressive ideas required for development would someone devoid of intelligence have. He is an insult to the human race.
Tan Kim Keong: Who are the ones insulting the integrity and dignity of the Malays?
Judging from the mindless statements issued by their political and religious 'leaders', including those from the NGOs, I think the insults are from within. What a tragedy.
Dr Suresh Kumar: As much as I detest the childish acts of DAP politicians Nga and Teresa Kok for coming up with trivial videos and caricatures mocking others as though they are perfect themselves, I equally deplore the thuggish behaviour of these defenders of Malay dignity.
Defend your dignity in a dignified manner.
Light: Dignity has no colour or smell nor physical attributes. It is about how one carries oneself. Dignity exists where there is respect, honour and humility.
Children should be taught from small to have self-respect, first by way of working hard and that rewards should be accepted with grace and never for granted.
Anonymous #19098644: Malays are polite, dignified and civilised race. The behaviour of Umno Youth members is thuggish, uncivilised and ‘biadap’.
They are a disgrace to the community and they don't represent the Malay race. They represent the culture of uncultured, uncouth barbarians which the minister is now trying to justify.
JD Lovrenciear: If it is proven that Nga did upload the said postings, then it is plain stupid of him and disastrous if DAP did not punish him.
If it, on the other hand, was a set up by enemies of DAP then the police must pin the culprit. And any BN politician who shot through his/her mouth before the truth is sealed deserves equal condemnation.
Not Convinced: It does look like a “manufactured hurt”. Initially, they said the caricature allegedly posted by Nga was anti-Islam. Yet no one has bothered to explain how this can be so.
Now, it is argued that the caricature is an insult to the Malays as it suggests that the children ate ‘dedak’ (animal feed).
So which is which? Anti-Islam or anti-Malay? But I guess it doesn’t really matter, so long as Umno could kick up a stink on the issue and paint DAP as either anti-Malay or anti-Islam, or both.
Anon1: Why aren't these youth defending and speaking up against the various scandals and looming bankruptcy of the nation caused by some very dignified Malays?
Oh wait, they weren't paid for that.
Existential Turd: I wonder how is acting like hoodlums shores up Malay dignity. If the situation is reversed, would he excuse the non-Malays for using such tactics?
Mojo Jojo: People who always blame others and never themselves are beyond salvation. All they do is ride on the coattails of others when things are good and point fingers when things are bad.

Brace yourselves for tremendously difficult times ahead as the finger-pointing intensifies. - Mkini

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