
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 27, 2024

New EC boss: Bersih rues broken promises, opaque appointment

Electoral reform group Bersih has voiced its dismay over the process that led to Ramlan Harun’s appointment today as the Election Commission (EC)’s new chairperson.

It said the appointment, along with another postponement of the Parliamentary Services Bill and the use of the Sedition Act 1948 to investigate Borneo Komrad activists, vindicates the “F” grade it gave to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

“For Anwar, he has been preparing for the country’s top job since becoming deputy prime minister in 1993.

“One must really ask, is this all the reform he can deliver after 31 years of preparation?” said Bersih in a statement today.

It said Ramlan’s appointment was made without consulting Parliament, despite Pakatan Harapan and BN promising in their election manifestos that nominees for such appointments must first be vetted by a parliamentary select committee.

Dewan Rakyat Special Select Committee (PSSC) on Human Rights, Elections, and Institutional Reforms chairperson William Leong had already voiced his committee’s readiness last month to vet the nominees.

Bersih also raised concern that Ramlan’s appointment may have gone against Article 114(1) of the Federal Constitution, which stipulates that the EC chairperson’s appointment shall be made by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong after consulting the Conference of Rulers.

“As far as we know, there has been no Conference of Rulers meeting recently.

“Here is a question we put to the prime minister, ‘Did this appointment bypass the Conference of Rulers?’.”

The last Conference of Rulers meeting was held in February.

265th Meeting of the Conference of Rulers at Istana Negara, Feb 22, 2024.

‘Maintain open door policy’

Meanwhile, despite its misgivings about Ramlan’s appointment process, Bersih said it wishes him all the best in his duties and said it will engage with him on electoral reform.

“We hope that he has the will to implement electoral reforms, and will maintain an open door policy engaging with stakeholders from civil society.

“The new EC chairperson should also be bold and proactive to drive the electoral reform agenda including making the conduct of elections fairer, especially given the rampant abuse of government resources during the campaign period.

“Bersih will hand over a memorandum containing the demands of urgent and necessary electoral reforms to the new EC leadership at Menara SPR (EC Headquarters) in Putrajaya in the near future after the Sungai Bakap by-election.

“We trust the new EC chairperson will engage us in a professional manner as this will be a litmus test whether the new EC leadership is keen on the reform agenda or not,” it said.

Polling day for the Sungai Bakap by-election falls on July 6. - Mkini

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