
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Siti Kasim lambasts ex-religious minister’s call for cabbies to decline sending passengers to ‘vice dens’

ADVICE proffered by former religious affairs minister Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri on e-hailing drivers to avoid accepting fares to ferry passengers to places of vice has not gone down well.

He made the statements in response to a question from a netizen regarding the ruling on e-hailing services and receiving bookings to transport customers to entertainment centres associated with the exposure of aurat (parts of the body that cannot be exposed or should be covered according to Islam), alcohol and similar activities.

Source: The Sun

“If they can politely decline without affecting their livelihood, they should do so,” explained Zulkifli.

He further said that when it is extremely difficult to find a job, it is permissible and may Allah SWT forgive their ‘slip’. However, he added, these drivers must allocate a portion of their earnings from these fares and channel it to the benefit and welfare of the Muslim community.

The proclamation provoked a stinging rebuke from social activist and lawyer Siti Kasim who questioned on her Facebook page why place the onus on e-hailing drivers who are already having a hard time to decide if a ride was permissible or not?

Citing Quranic verses, the outspoken lawyer claimed that the advice proffered was incorrect.

“Why do we have these kinds of people making statements as if the drivers will be carrying their passengers’ sins? There is no such thing in the Quran. Surely, he would know verses 35:18 and 6:164 of the Quran,” she lamented.

“To be a Muslim in Malaysia is not easy. Every aspect of your life is being monitored, dictated and governed by these lot who think they hold the key to heaven. They have plenty to tell us on what to do and what not to do but will they be answering God with us when the time comes? I don’t think so. ðŸ™„

Many of the comments observed the encroaching religious conservatism in all spheres of Malaysian life.

Another demanded to know what gives these figures the right to dictate how people live their lives, in this case earn a living. Though to be fair, the former senator was responding to a query on this specific subject rather than making a decree.

One netizen pointed out that many e-hailing riders also delivered non-halal foods. What was the difference there?

One surmised that these utterances were just a ploy by the uztaz with a Perikatan Nasional (PN)-slant to attract some publicity.

One netizen summed up the prevailing sentiment of comments on the legal eagle’s Facebook page with a damning indictment that it was a recipe for ‘enslavement’.

This episode highlights a few issues.

Firstly, as pointed out by Siti Kasim, it is unfair to place the onus on the e-hailing drivers. One cannot be sure what passengers are up to, whether at a night club or private residence. Furthermore, it is none of the drivers’ business.

Secondly, this is yet another clear attempt to create schisms in an already divided society by creating ‘us and them’ scenarios. Such grandstanding only encourages people to get on their high horse which is unhelpful.

Thirdly, by suggesting that Muslim drivers are complicit in sinful activities only creates further resentment and will lead to more calls for a total ban on entertainment centres.

Fourth but not least, is it preferable for the inebriated to drive themselves rather than take a cab home?

What next?

Will e-hailing drivers be asked to stop ferrying kafir passengers to their places of worship? Yes, ridiculous, isn’t it? – Focus Malaysia

Typhoid breaks out in Kota Bharu school, five cases confirmed

Five students in a cluster of 22 suspects at a secondary school here have been diagnosed with typhoid.

Kelantan Health Department director Dr Zaini Hussin said another 17 students were screened in isolation rooms at Tumpat Hospital and Tengku Anis Hospital in Pasir Puteh.

He said since June 20, the Kota Bharu District Health Office has been conducting screening tests on staff and students who are experiencing typhoid symptoms.

“Among the symptoms of typhoid are fever, diarrhoea, stomach ache, vomiting, nausea, constipation, headache, fatigue and lack of appetite," he told Bernama today.

Zaini said typhoid is a type of contagious disease caused by a bacterial infection of the digestive tract, namely salmonella typhi.

According to him, the life-threatening bacterial infection spreads through several ways such as ingestion of food or drink contaminated with faeces containing the germ (due to poor sanitation or hygiene).

“Therefore, I request that if there are staff or students who have symptoms of the disease, they are asked to inform the school management immediately for a health clinic assessment.

“Any questions can be sent to the Kota Bharu District Health Office’s WhatsApp at 013-978 3378 or the Epidemiology health officer at 019-3086126,” he said.


Commotion in Parliament over Mkini's Kelantan gold mine report


PARLIAMENT | The Dewan Rakyat descended into chaos today when RSN Rayer (Harapan-Jelutong) raised the issue of gold mining in Kelantan which Malaysiakini reported last year.

Perikatan Nasional MPs, especially from PAS, objected to Rayer bringing up the issue while debating a bill on amendments to the Audit Act 1957.

Rayer (above) highlighted the gold mining issue involving the Kelantan government-linked company Akademi Yakin Sdn Bhd (AYSB).

As Rayer continued his debate, a PN parliamentarian interjected: “Malaysiakini is owned by DAP.”

This was followed by an objection from Awang Solahuddin Hashim (PN-Pendang), who claimed that Rayer's point was against the standing orders.

“It has nothing to do (with the debate), he is a troublemaker... he used to attack Umno, and now he is with Umno," said Awang.

For the record, Malaysiakini is not owned by any political party or political figure, nor do its co-founders represent any political interest.

Insult to Kelantan

Syahir Sulaiman (PN-Bachok) raised a point of order, claiming that the issue Rayer brought up had no connection to the amendment bill.

Syahir Sulaiman

"Standing Order 36(1) states that a member of the house, when debating a bill to amend a principal act, must stick to matters related to the bill.

“Which clause in the bill is this? (It has) deviated (from the purpose of the debate),” Syahir said.

Several other MPs from PN also stood up to challenge the issue raised by Rayer, accusing him of “ill intentions”.

Rayer tried to continue his speech but was disrupted by PN parliamentarians, forcing Deputy Speaker Alice Lau to intervene.

Khlir Mohd Nor (PN-Ketereh) also raised his voice, describing Rayer's statements as an insult to Kelantan.

“You insult Kelantan,” shouted Khlir, prompting a reprimand from the deputy speaker.

Malaysiakini report

Tan Kar Hing (Harapan-Gopeng), however, defended Rayer's speech that quoted Malaysiakini’s article.

Tan referred to Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal's (PN-Machang) speech in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, where he cited an anonymous letter alleging a mastermind behind the sale of Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd shares to a Blackrock-linked company.

“Earlier, you mentioned Facebook; yesterday it was an anonymous letter. We were patient.

“Now, why are you upset with Malaysiakini's report? Just wait and listen,” he said.

The commotion continued until it was the Pendang MP's turn to debate, at which point Lau adjourned the session until tomorrow.

The Malaysiakini report published in September last year was regarding AYSB’s gold mining project spanning 199.7ha in the Jentiang Forest Reserve, Gua Musang.

It was reported that the project had been operational since 2017 before proper environmental impact assessments were carried out. The issue was also raised in the 2020 auditor-general’s report.

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan, who was also an AYSB nominee director in his capacity as a former state exco, had said the Kelantan Environment Department could pursue action against AYSB if it carried out gold mining without the necessary approvals. - Mkini