Is the real reason for the 46 days of government inaction against the two school principals for incendiary, racist and insensitive statements because they cannot be faulted as this was exactly the “official ideology” which BTN had been indoctrinating civil servants past two decades?
By MP Lim Kit Siang
All Malaysians want to know whether the scandal of the 46-day inaction by the Najib administration against the two school principals who made incendiary, racist and insensitive statements against students in schools will be top on the agenda of Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting or whether Cabinet Ministers would be like the traditional three monkeys with eyes that see not, ears that hear not and mouths that speak not!
Noises are being made by MCA, Gerakan and MIC outside the Cabinet protesting against the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement claiming that he is powerless to do anything against the two principals as this falls within the ambit and jurisdiction of the Public Services Department and the Chief Secretary – but all these are empty posturings by these political parties when their Ministers in Cabinet maintain a discreet and self-serving silence on this issue.
In fact, the question must be asked in Cabinet, Parliament and the country whether the real reason for the 46-day government inaction against the two school principals who publicly made a mockery of Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Raza’s 1Malaysia policy is because they could not be faulted because what they said was exactly the “official ideology” which Biro Tata Negara of the Prime Minister’s Department had been indoctrinating civil servants in the past two decades!
Is this the reason why Muhyiddin had been thunderously silent in not condemning the two school principals for their incendiary, racist and insensitive statements, telling Chinese students to go back to China and likening Hindu prayer bracelets to a dog leash, because such offensive remarks were quite in line with the poison which BTN had been dishing out to civil servants in the past two decades?
In the Cabinet in the past 18 months, Muhyiddin had stood out as the champion of the anti-national and anti-1Malaysia poison spouted by BTN, which was why Muhyiddin had done the following:
• Defended the racist “brain washing” and indoctrination on “ketuanan Melayu” by Biro Tata Negara despite criticisms and expose of its racist, divisive and seditious content for the past two decades;
• Mitigated the Nasir Safar outrage claiming that it could have been “a slip of the tongue” when Najib’s senior political aide labelled Indians and Chinese in Malaysia as “pendatang”, alleging that the Chinese came as beggars and the Chinese women as “prostitutes”; claimed that Umno was solely responsible in drafting the constitution sidelining the contribution of MCA and MIC; and issued the threat to revoke the citizenship of those vocal about the subject cap for SPM examination.
• Maintained a conspicuous silence at the JAKIM (Islamic Development Department of the Prime Minister’s Office) forum at the end of January for 800 civil servants tantamount to an insurrection against Najib’s 1Malaysia concept – with government speakers making inflammatory and incendiary speeches, blaming Christians for provoking Muslim anger by challenging the ban on the use of the word “Allah” and Umno/BN politicians for failing to defend Islam, with one speaker suggesting that a repeat of the May 13 riots was possible if the Christians, whom he accused of practising “extremism” did not “back down”, uttering the threat: “Who knows, there might be a Feb. 13?”
• Also kept a conspicuous silence when the racialist rantings of Umno executive secretary Datuk Abdul Rauf Yusoh at an Umno club function in London in March this year was exposed;
• Aided and abetted the inflammatory and incendiary campaign by Umno-controlled media like Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, government television and radio stations, playing the race and religious cards to viciously and falsely paint Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Pakatan Rakyat Penang State Government as “anti-Malay” and “anti-Islam”; and
• Declared that he is “Malay first and Malaysian second” which is not only against Najib’s 1Malaysia concept but served as a rallying point against Najib and any meaningful flowering of the 1Malaysia concept.
The proclamation by the BTN deputy director Hamim Husin to a Puteria Umno closed-door function that Malay rights is a mandate to rule the country (Malaysian Insider) is the latest proof that the biggest enemy to Najib’s 1Malaysia is from within his own camp, not only Umno but also BTN in government.
When the BTN can continue its offensive, insensitive and racist “brain washing” not only among civil servants but extend it to political activists in Umno circles like Umno Putri, it is clear that Najib is facing an open revolt, which clearly has the backing of Muhyiddin.
This shambolic anarchy in the Najib premiership cannot continue or it will drive away all interested investments in Malaysia, whether foreign or domestic and condemn Malaysia to the fate of a new failed state in the world.
The Cabinet meeting on Wednesday must take a stand, not only to end the 46-day government inaction against the two principals for their incendiary, racist and insensitive statements; on firm action against BTN by closing down the government “brain-washing” unit which is openly revolting against Najib’s 1Malaysia concept but also on whether the Cabinet fully endorse Najib’s 1Malaysia policy or otherwise.
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