
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mahathir was responsible, was complicit and willingly presided over the darkest political period of Malaysia where money politics, cronyism, nepotism, corruption and the draconian use of all the state apparatus against its own citizens to divide and rule them for political gain, reached its zenith!

It is just past 11 pm here in Melbourne. This afternoon I had bought a packet of Hokkien Mee and prawns. I told my wife and son I would cook dinner!

Early evening I had my TV on and was lazily watching Sam Stosur’s (world No. 9) play Jie Zheng (world no 42) at the Sydney International Tennis event (Stosur lost!).At the same time I was surfing the net on my IPad.

What caught my eye was Zaid’s article on Anwar and Mahathir at Sakmongkol AK47….and my intention of frying Hokkien Mee for dinner was no longer a ‘janji ditepati!’.

My son had to cook dinner because Zaid’s article got me all fired up. Dato’ put forward his reasons why Anwar should be Prime Minister in a way that simply demolish any arguments that we might have against Anwar being Prime Minister!

This is an awesome piece of writing! As good as it was I know it was an easy piece for Zaid to write because it came from his heart – and when it comes from the heart, it flows. Syabas Dato’!

At the end of my read I know why our people want Anwar not Najib as Prime Minister! Why they want Anwar with his flaws and all simply because Anwar has earned his shot at the number one job. Anwar, like Zaid, are decent human beings.

Mahathir has simply become an appendix to the page of history now being written about our country’s history. His twenty years in power can be dismissed in a single sentence:

Mahathir was responsible, was complicit and willingly presided over the darkest political period of Malaysia where money politics, cronyism, nepotism, corruption and the draconian use of all the state apparatus against its own citizens to divide and rule them for political gain, reached its zenith!

Zaid comprehensively reduced Mahathir into a bitter old man unable to understand that he is no longer Prime Minister and unable to understand that what he wants for his son is not what we want. The pity of it all is that Mahathir did it all too himself. He used his intellect, his outstanding ability to ‘manage’ people and his undeniable intelligence not for good but for evil!

We must make it our duty to have Zaid’s article read by as many of our friends, acquaintances and Malaysians as possible.

As Zorro Unmasked asked of all of us recently….

“In the interim, we pro-pakatan bloggers and commentators in the Pakatan-friendly alternative media must desist from airing our self-gratifying tirades on perceived apparent miss-steps of the coalition. Nobody is perfect and infallible”

Steadyaku47 is a Pro Pakatan blogger! And so now friends…onwards to Putrajaya.

This is our turning point…tipping point.....call it what you want…but all around us you can all see UMNO crumbling like a house of cards!

Mahathir, Najib and Rosmah can only gasp for air while they desperately look for a way out of their present cesspit of their own making.

Muhyiddin may think his time has come to assume the Presidency of UMNO and what that Presidency promised – but that promises was only possible in the past.  This is 2013 and in 2013 the Presidency of UMNO does not promise its holder Seri Perdana – the Leadership of the Opposition Bench possibly, but certainly not Seri Perdana!

So what is left for UMNO?

For some of them Kem Tahanan Kemunting awaits. For some Sungai Buloh. There are enough holding cells within the Jabatan Penjara Malaysia to hold the whole lot of them.

Let us take our cue from Dato’ Zaid. 
You are one with me we are two…
and now I know Dato Zaid is three. 
Who else will join us?

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