
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 6, 2015

AT THE HEART OF IT, PURE RACISM: Migrants in Chinatown now being targeted by Umno, govt

AT THE HEART OF IT, PURE RACISM: Migrants in Chinatown now being targeted by Umno, govt
‘Why only investigate the large number of foreigners doing business there?’
Turvy: The excuses get more and more idiotic. What spooked this retarded fringe was Bersih 4 - that huge gathering showed again what other Bersih rallies did, that Malaysians have come of age.
This was not a rally of the disgruntled or the poor seeking a handout. Bersih 4 was a gathering of Malaysians, young and old and very old, all people of substance, taking issue with the way their land, their home, their nation were being abused by elected representatives.
This was a protest by the patriots against the robbery by a group of thieves who twist democratic processes to deflect their crimes and use their position in Parliament to whitewash them.
Bersih 4's large turnout frightened the fringe that there are so many hundreds of thousands who would stand up for the country, and they are of all races.
So on Sept 16, wearing red shirts and the support of an allegedly thieving leadership, the fringe with nothing but fear and bigotry on their side, picked on Chinese Malaysians. They got nowhere. Leaders now shiver.
Spinnot: Small and Medium Business Enterprise Alliance (Ikhlas) president Mohd Ridzuan Abdullah said: "We want the police to investigate... It is clear that Petaling Street is owned by foreigners. Why is it that only foreigners are doing business there."
Martabat Jalinan Muhibbah Malaysia (MJMM) president Abdul Rani Kulup said: "He (the ambassador) didn't have to go to Petaling Street because there are no Chinese citizens there. There are only Malaysian people there."
Is it a case of the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing or plain stupidity or both?
Speechless: Whoever orchestrated the protests by these associations couldn't have chosen a more confused lot.
First they said Petaling Street is run by migrants which is bad because being a tourist spot, it should be run by Malaysians. In the same breath, they are upset the Chinese control Petaling Street but conceded that Chinese are after all Malaysians.
They probably do not realise it, but we are laughing our heads off at such incoherent statements which kids wouldn't even utter.
Kuasa Rakyat: This bunch is really not interested in foreign workers or illegal workers or anything to do with trading. It clear to everyone they just want to disrupt the business at Petaling Street which they have said from the beginning is controlled by the Chinese.
In other words, they are anti-Chinese and therefore anti-Malaysians. Championing one's race does not make one racist, but putting down or threatening another race makes one a racist. As such, this brainless bunch is racists.
Open Minded: Petaling Street has established itself as a popular tourist spot and was allowed to operate as such with an attractive facelift given to it to enhance its appearance.
Now out of the blue, it has become a bad place and every opportunist tries to gain notoriety as a champion of the Malays to highlight 'the evils' of Petaling Street.
I cannot but wonder how the call for the PM to step down has been turned into an insult and an attack on the Malays. When this PM goes, there will definitely be another Malay to replace him, so what is the big deal?
Fifty-eight years after gaining independence, this nation still thrives on suspicion and bitterness. When will we ever learn?
CQ Muar: Who is this "zoo-keeper" by the name Abdul Rani Kulup (MJMM president) demanding an explanation directly from China's envoy?
Can't these ‘dungus’ distinguish the difference between a visit and those red shirt rowdies creating unrest at Petaling Street? In spite of the shame, they were not charged and got off scot-free.
Must these good-for-nothing, self-proclaimed heroes, be reminded that Petaling Street traders had been in existence from the time they were still running around naked in their kampung?
Onlooker: Yes, who is Abdul Rani to demand a response from an ambassador. He's not answerable to you and has every right to issue travel advisories to his country's travellers. Other countries do it all the time.
Do you think the United States and Australia didn't do a bit of homework before issuing advisories to their citizens a couple of weeks ago?
Balachan Cili: Why only investigate the large number of foreigners doing business in Petaling Street? Go to Chow Kit, the businesses there have been taken over by Indonesians for decades.
Takeiteasy: It is their strategy to create issues so that attention is shifted from their leader's scandal.
Or else they could have question the Home Ministry why there are so many illegal workers in the country and not in a particular place.
Gaji Buta: Indeed without corruption, all this will not be happening.
We always hear there are millions of illegal aliens in the country. Please lodge a police report and catch all the corrupt officials who are not doing their job. - M'kini

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