
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, October 10, 2015

Even lawyers not spared from Sosma dragnet

YOURSAY | ‘Sosma, which is intended for the terrorists, is now being use against a lawyer.’
Vijay47: As he always was a close associate of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Matthias Chang was never one upon whom I would place any affection or admiration.
But reading the no-holds-barred statement he made even as he was under detention, I must say I admire the man's pluck.
The ball is now in your court, PM Najib Razak. In addition to the criminal offence Chang is now facing, you could also institute civil action for all the unkind things he said about you.
The best part is, your lawyer does not even need to get the views of The Wall Street Journal.
Mushiro: Fighting the powers-that-be is always tough, especially if they turn eccentric and paranoid.
But such a leadership cannot be left to their own psychosis to ruin the country with their greed and ego.
Matthias, for whatever he was, has decided to do his part to fight this demon. For that he deserves kudos.
BTN: Matthias, we are all with you. Evil will never be able to triumph over good. May the force of justice be with you and your family during this trying time.
Now is the time that good citizens of this country ask themselves this question - what can they do for the country and not what the country can do for them as the country has no more ability to provide under such situation.
Anonymous #523894157: What a totally messed-up country Malaysia has become. Sosma, which is intended for the terrorists, is now being use against a lawyer, while the real terrorists are only placed "under observation".
Franco: This is a message to the Bar Council and its members. A fellow lawyer has been unlawfully detained by the powers-that-be on illegitimate grounds. There is no stopping that it will happen to anyone of you in the future.
I call upon the Bar president to rally its members and carry out a public protest at the police station where Chang is held. This has to be done now and immediately.
There is no need for permits and no need for maintaining protocol or politically correct statements. Something has to be done.
Remember that many reformers and fighters for independence were lawyers. Only people from this profession had shown the way for justice and now they must lead the way once again.
We, the people, will be behind you.
BTN: Gone is the rule of law in this country. No wonder we have people and their goons spewing racial hatred against the non-Malays and no action is taken against them.
All Malaysians brace for the worst to come as our PM is willing to let this country drown just for his own political survival.
Anticonmen: Outraged but powerless, in a country where rule of law was dismantled by Mahathir.
Old Timer: I don't think that we should arrest lawyers representing terrorists or murderers. Doesn't the idea of fairness rests on having a lawyer represent you to help present your case within the confines of the law?
So what has Chang done against the law of the country? Have we become such a lawless country that law enforcement people can do whatever they like either because they don't know how to read the fine prints of the law (poor English) or to maintain their position power by threatening others to obey them?
Has our country really gone to the dogs?
YHJ: The rulers urged that the probe on 1MDB be made public but the AG (attorney-general) had just announced that the reports submitted by Bank Negara had been binned. He said 1MDB had done no wrong. What now?
Wong Fei Hoong: Lawyers should march like Bersih in protest of Sosma. Talking is useless without any action. What's the point of having lawyers if they cannot represent their clients?
Anonymous_405: PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) under IGP (inspector-general of police) Khalid Abu Bakar is adept at selective persecutions and prosecutions.
We are living in a police state worse than communism. The faster we get rid of Najib and DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the IGP and AG the better.
Beep!: How many lawyers are there in and around Kuala Lumpur? Thank you to the 30 who came to the vigil to support Chang, but where were the others? -Mkini

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