
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hisham, it’s your Jamal who’s twisting sultans’ words

YOURSAY | ‘People like Hishammuddin and Jamal do not understand innuendos.’
Res Ipsa: It appears that Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Md Yunos has now propelled himself into uncharted waters.
This man is taking on the rulers by claiming that there were hidden hands that convinced the rulers to discuss about 1MDB and now acts as the ‘mouthpiece’ of the rulers by claiming that the intended target of the royal rebuke was the opposition.
Jamal should understand that Bersih 4 had clear-cut intentions and objectives, which was to call for free and fair elections and the removal of PM Najib Razak due to his misdeeds and financial scandals. Can this be termed racist by any standards?
The same cannot be said of the Sept 16 rally where a number of people who turned up had no inkling as to why they had gathered. There was a clear racist element when some ingenious people started propagating the idea that the dignity of the Malays was compromised.
Whatever the case, the rulers’ response should be forthcoming soon and Jamal would be made to eat humble pie.
Swipenter: Those behind the red shirts must be thinking that attack is the best form of defence.
Now they are twisting the words of the Conference of Rulers. Isn't that showing great disrespect to the sultans?
Thinking Citizen_1403620863: It’s amazing that people could be so shameless as to twist the words of the Conference of Rulers to suit their own agenda.
Everyone knows the ones who started this round of racist rants and which political party is behind them.
Anonymous 560221439180274: It is very clear that the royal council wants peace, harmony and unity among the races in Malaysia, and its statement was a warning to fanatical groups that want to destroy what we have built.
As sultans, it does not matter to them if it is the opposition or government. They are against all kinds of violence and division among the races.
Jamal and Mohd Ali Baharom (aka Ali Tinju) threatened to hurt a particular race, and this does not have the support of most Malays in the country. These two guys do not represent the Malays.
What I cannot understand is why these men are allowed to roam freely and not put behind bars for acting like seasoned thugs.
Unafraid: This racist is clearly in denial. Umno is the most racist of the lot and people like this man makes Umno to be beyond redemption.
Time and again, Umno stalwarts play the racial card to deflect the attention of the Malays away from their sins and vent their anger at the Chinese. This is so obvious that it does need much neurons to see through the devilish agendas of these racists.
That's what alienates Umno from the non-Malays as well all right-thinking Malaysians who only wish for peace and harmony among the races in this country.
CQ Muar: The Conference of Rulers’ statement was clearly aimed at Najib for his poor handling of the country and the 1MBD and RM2.6 billion scandals, among others.
The sultans are concerned, and wish to see a happy, just and progressive society in Malaysia. And yet, you interpret it as targeting against the opposition.
Jamal, leave the matter in accordance with the rulers' wisdom, and don't confuse or complicate the issue. Stop stirring trouble by bothering others for nothing, you numbskull.
Tholu: "BN and Umno have never played up racial issues...," said Jamal.
So Jamal, are party leaders like Ali Rustam and Ahmad Maslan who attended the Sept 16 red shirt rally from DAP? Go tell this to the marines.
The rulers know whom they are directing their decree to and so do the rakyat. Only nincompoops and spinners of truths like you and your ilk would not realise it, or pretend not to realise it.
GE14NOW!: This man is both stupid and mad. The Chinese and the Indians will stand to lose most if they were to play the racial card as they are the minority. What could they possibly gain by that?
That said, Jamal’s interpretation of the rulers' decree is understandable - the man is loyal but totally unintelligent. That is what the ‘chief fund-raiser’ wants anyway.
Kaksali: Jamal Md Yunos, ‘sudahlah’... You are twisting the words of our most respectable rulers to your advantage and to gain mileage. There has never been any anti-Malay sentiment among the opposition or the Bersih 4 rally supporters.
And the Malay community has been enjoying most perks and special privileges all along and we are not complaining. You are the one who's playing the racial card. The whole world can see, the rakyat can see. But you can’t see.
The Mask: People like Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and Jamal do not understand innuendos.
The Conference of Rulers was just being diplomatic and giving face to the government. Now with Jamal's outburst, maybe it’s better for the rulers to be direct because these people do not understand the meaning of innuendos or insinuation.
To start with, maybe Jamal should be banned from Selangor for causing so much trouble to the sultan's subjects in the state. -Mkini

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