
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 6, 2015

IT'S COMING, NAJIB WILL BE VANQUISHED BY A 90-YEAR-OLD: Warts & all, Dr M has earned his REBORN HERO status

IT'S COMING, NAJIB WILL BE VANQUISHED BY A 90-YEAR-OLD: Warts & all, Dr M has earned his REBORN HERO status
A commentator alerted me to an article by Presidential blogger, Sdr Lim Sian See, about 1MDB. I did glance at the article but am not motivated enough to comment about all the financial stuff written there.
I would however comment on 2 matters that were raised
Upcoming deal to be signed between IPIC and 1MDB over an asset sale
Possible purchase of Edra by Qataris for RM 20 b
On item 1, frankly I don't know whether the deal is on or off. Early in September, the Singapore Business Times reported that the deal was off. A couple of days ago, Najib announced that the deal was on and about to be signed in a matter of days. So, let's wait a week first and see what transpires.
The deal is important in determining 1MDB's immediate financial future as well as putting an end to the speculation about the 1MDB GIL fund. I don't think the deal affects the Cayman Island units because according to 1MDB's post 2014 closing transactions, they reported that a significant portion was already spent.
But I think that abouT $1b was still on the books as of the start of this year, so it is interesting to see what value IPIC will put on this. So let's see the final story, no point shooting the gun and getting proven wrong or right without the facts.
On point 2, any deal to sell Edra to a foreign buyer seems to have attracted opposition from UMNO hawks. The Negeri MB has opposed it and this was echoed by Utusan Melayu. I have accused those opposing it of "menderhaka" to Najib.
I still think if somebody was willing to pay RM 20 bIL for Edra, then go ahead and sell. I think Najib is strong enough to push that deal over the finish line, but somehow none of the PM's highly paid staff had come out to attack the arguments of those attacking the sale to the Arabs ( presumably).
On another note, LSS's posting had the usual anti Mahathir slant. But judging by the reception Tun got at Tawau today, all the attacks against Tun is actually backfiring.
Considering that Tun was visiting the land of Dahlan & Keruak and that the event was only announced with about 36 hours plus of publicity, the full house at the large hall shows that Tun still got what it takes.
People will tune in and come to the same conclusion I came.
Here is an old man of 90 fighting alone to get to the bottom of this 1MDB nonsense. He was Malaysias iconic statesman for 22 years and now he alone is trying to seek justice. All the others are keeping quiet or are "mengampu" Najib.
Makes one feel embarrassed for the country. - http://spin-kings.blogspot.my/

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