
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ketuanan Kepala Hotak Senyap-Senyap Pi Jual Negara : Statement by President Obama On The Signing Of The TPPA.

This is from Jebat Must Die.   Here is a snapshot :

What is the TPPA, according to the Americans

Statement by President Barack Obama on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

October 5, 2015

“I’ve spent every day of my presidency fighting to grow our economy and strengthen our middle class. That means making sure our workers have a fair shot to get ahead here at home, and a fair chance to compete around the world. My approach to trade has been guided by a unifying principle: leveling the playing field for American workers and businesses, so we can export more products stamped Made in America all over the world that support higher-paying American jobs here at home.

Over the summer, Democrats and Republicans in Congress came together to help the United States negotiate agreements for free and fair trade that would support our workers, our businesses, and our economy as a whole

When more than 95 percent of our potential customers live outside our borders, we can’t let countries like China write the rules of the global economy

We should write those rules, opening new markets to American products while setting high standards for protecting workers and preserving our environment.

That’s what the agreement reached today in Atlanta will do
. Trade ministers from the 12 nations that make up the Trans-Pacific Partnership finished negotiations on an agreement that reflects America’s values and gives our workers the fair shot at success they deserve.

This partnership levels the playing field for our farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers by eliminating more than 18,000 taxes that various countries put on our products. It includes the strongest commitments on labor and the environment of any trade agreement in history, and those commitments are enforceable, unlike in past agreements. It promotes a free and open Internet. It strengthens our strategic relationships with our partners and allies in a region that will be vital to the 21st century.

It’s an agreement that puts American workers first and will help middle-class families get ahead.
Once negotiators have finalized the text of this partnership, Congress and the American people will have months to read every word before I sign it. I look forward to working with lawmakers from both parties as they consider this agreement. 

If we can get this agreement to my desk, then we can help our businesses sell more Made in America goods and services around the world, and we can help more American workers compete and win.

Jebat Must die said :  Congratulations to all the 11 nations in Asia Pacific that are on the verge of looking after the Americans’ interests and well being. They are Japan, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Thank you for the job well done.

My comments :  The ketuanan morons cannot understand English. 

Folks, did you know that one of the pre paid bloggers, aged about 50 years, put it on his Facebook or something that he just read Famous Five by Enid Blyton. That is the level of intelligence of these prepaids.  

I think Najib may have begun reading Secret Seven. Hippos do not need to read.

To top it all, the TPPA is a secret document. The public does not know  what are the full contents of this TPPA Agreement.  And yet the morons who signed this secret document claim to be public servants.

Never mind. This is OutSyed The Box. Let me summarise for you what the TPPA will do (thanks to Jebat Must Die).  According to President Obama, this is what the TPPA will do :

1. So America can export more products stamped Made in America all over the world

 2. Negotiate agreements for free and fair trade that would support American workers, American businesses, and the American economy as a whole

3. America should write those rules, opening new markets to American products 

 4. That’s what the agreement reached today in Atlanta will do

5. An agreement that reflects America’s values 

6. It’s an agreement that puts American workers first.

7. Help American businesses sell more Made in America goods and services around the world, and help more American workers compete and win.

OSTB : Pay attention to this point by Obama :  " We should write those rules, opening new markets to American products while setting high standards for protecting workers and preserving our environment. 

"opening new markets to American products 

-  Folks, do you know what these mean?  Malaysia may not be able to import cheap RM15 a kilo grapes from China because the grapes were planted on land that once belonged to the great grandfather of some Chinese guy who was wrongfully imprisoned for being a terrorist or something (like in Guantanamo Bay).

So prices of imported grapes will go up. So the Americans can sell their RM50 a kilo grapes here.

Ok maybe I am stretching it. But here is a more likely scenario. 

Malaysia may not be allowed to export hard wood products to the US or anywhere else in the world because that means we are cutting down the forests and contributing to global warming and destroying the environment in the US. 

But American furniture can be imported into Malaysia because theirs is made of err...err..some kind of wood. I like American furniture. My house is full of Made In USA furniture.  But the choice comes at a price.  It should not come at a cost.  

Conclusion : 

(Semua sorak kuat-kuat ikut sorak Manchester United)


(boleh ulang 100 kali)

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