
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 11, 2015


Prime Minister Najib Razak continues to believe that he is the Chosen One, and no one has the right to take that away from him. His argument is that he is a democratically elected leader while there is a high level conspiracy to topple him. Based on his conduct and performance for the last six years, everyone knows that he is no leader.
The country has been practically running on autopilot with his green horn lieutenants making a stinking mess and ridiculing our Federal Constitution. His brainchild 1MDB is up to its neck with RM42billion worth of debts, SRC borrowings of RM4billion from KWAP, Pembinaan PFI sitting on a RM26billion debtpile, RM4billion lost in one Mongolian mine investment, probably another RM160billion burnt up by Petronas in a Canadian LPG venture.
Lets not talk about the small blunders like NFC, Tabung Haji or the Edge’Financial disclosure that a group of Malaysians swindled billions from the country’s coffers and which got it suspended for a while.
Nearly a trillion ringgit has left the country, while Malaysia’s debt is around RM800billion. And all this is escalating in less than 6 yrs since Najib took power. Not only has the country become very much poor, but we are saddled with humongous debts that everyone knows that, we have no hope of repaying in our lifetime.
If the rich don’t migrate now, their children and ours will be the ones to pick up the pieces and service these debts. And right in the middle of this mess, we find that Najib has RM2.6billion in his personal bank accounts.
Cash is King
And in such crisis, Najib still wants to hand out another billion ringgit worth of BR1M, so that the people will be endeared to him. Tengku Razaleigh revealed that nearly RM10million is given out monthly to 192 Umno Division leaders with each pocketing RM50,000. Najib goes on to buy a new executive jet that even US President Obama would be jealous of.
Billions of ringgit worth of projects are systematically given out to cronies without proper tender exercises while his family is on a buying spree of properties worth millions of US dollars outside the country, and even financed a USD100million movie.
A Police State
Dr Mahathir has lamented that at this rate Vision 2020 is not going to materialize and he condemned Najib for turning the country into a Police State where no one is safe if they dare question his regime.
Instead of performing his duties to the nation, he finds the time to sue his detractors and to hold on to his position by any means necessary.
He removed everyone that went against him including Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, ex AG Gani Patail, reassign high ranking MACC and Special Branch Officers, attempting to dislodge Bank Negara Governor Zeti Aziz, and dismantled the PAC investigation team by promoting PAC members to lucrative Ministerial Positions leading to 1MDB investigations grinding to a complete halt.
All this was done without a tinge of guilt or remorse while he accused the whole world of trying to topple his administration.
Now SB former deputy director DCP Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador claims that there are death threats to his life for speaking out, while Umno Leader Khairuddin and Lawyer Mathhias Chang has been conveniently detained under the Sosma enactment. Matthias has embarked on a hunger strike and his detention will not deter him from exposing Najib’s crimes.
Cartoonist Zunar also continues to be terrorized for his harmless caricatures and many of his books confiscated. There are also attempts to detain or charge Opposition leaders like Tony Pua, Nurul Izzah ANwar and academicians like Azmi Sharom, for merely speaking out against his regime.
Suaram has expressed utter disgust at the blatant disregard for human rights and rule of law shown by Putrajaya and the police in the matter claiming it as a pathetic display of desperation by the government and the police makes it clear that they are willing to ignore the laws of Malaysia in order to safeguard their political survival,”
Investigations into high profile deaths in detention of customs officer Ahmad Sarbani and DAP Teoh Beng Hock, and lately Ambank Hussain Najadi’s murder whose bank was used to remit the illicit RM2.6billion, has come to a standstill.
Sponsoring domestic terrorism
And while the country is going through a rough economic period with the RInggit at an all time low and GST eating away at our economic foundations, Najib is still fiddling with his personal problems and frolicking with frequent overseas trips.
His legacy includes home-grown terrorism in the likes of Ali TInju and Jamal Yunos who has recently become household names for domestic terror.
Ali Tinju just called of the ‘would not be safe’ rally in Malacca after boasting a 10 thousand strong participants with the excuse that it coincided with the Yang DiPertua’s birthday.
Immigration Chief Abu Bakar has condemned the Red Shirts rally saying We never sought any help from Ali Tinju to defend us or utter racially tinged statements,” while Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron was even more blunt.
“Don’t even mention his (Ali’s) name. He is not a good person.” “We don’t need him here. We want a harmonious state and we respect all races. I don’t need him to teach me how to administer my state.”
Meanwhile, another demented character Jamal Yunos was also heavily criticized by Umno mouthpiece KMU.net as being a total business failure trying to be a Malay Hero. His preoccupation with pigs and bloodshed shows that he badly needs a mental check-up.
Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan also condemned him as a certain individual attempting to take advantage of the fragile state of the government for the reason of promoting himself and hope the rakyat won’t be influenced by Ali Tinju.
But sincerely MrDHM, why just issue a harmless statement but lack the guts to arrest that son of a gun? Do we need more evidence or other key witnesses have yet to testify?
Everyone knows that this Red Shirted terrorists which bears a very strong resemblance to Umno by their red glaring colours are not only funded by illicit money, but also remains immune to prosecution, while they seem to enjoy primetime coverage by the MSM and on National TV .
Doesn’t Najib or UMNO know that these two characters are destroying every last vestige of respect and pride that Malaysians still have for the dying party?
Every demonstration actually strengthens the public’s resolve to remain united and to vote out BN for allowing such ugliness to pervade.
Will Najib heed the Conference of Rulers’ Statement?
DPM Zahid Hamidi has stated that the government appreciated and took note of the Conference of Rulers’ pre-council meeting statement urging the government to resolve the investigations into 1MDB as soon as possible and to take stern action against those found guilty.
While Defence Minister Hisahmuddin Hussein has asked us not to presume that the Royalty has lost trust in Najib.
But it isn’t just the Royalty, as most Malaysians have lost complete trust in Najib in handling the country’s affairs. He has no answers to the accusations levelled against him and his impotence to run the country is truly glaring. Everyone is of the opinion that Najib should not be allowed to stay in power for even one extra day.
Ordering the authorities to fast-track 1MDB investigations would be like signing his own death warrant; after he tried so hard to put a spanner in the works; unless he can quickly find another punching bag to take the fall on his behalf? Maybe, the false Sheikh who gave him the 2.6 billion can come in handy again?!
A badly wounded tiger being cornered is dangerous
As pressure continues to build up, with word of a ‘no confidence vote’ during the coming Parliamentary Session, he may be forced to take new steps.
Don’t be surprised if he invokes an emergency or another Operation Lalang in the near future, as it seems a resumption of another May 13th is not about to happen with the Red Shirt rallies fizzling out one by one.
Everyone knows that the Non Bumi’s are the least of BN’s headache, as they barely make up 35percent of the votes. It is the Malays who are deserting Umno in droves which is worrying Umno.
The only way to save Umno is Pas, and PAS President Hadi Awang is waiting in the shadows, ready to resurrect Umno when the time comes, yet Pakatan Harapan and PKR thinks that PAS would be an invaluable ally.
This is why a desperate Najib has no other choice but to pander to the racists and religious radicals to shore up his fledging support, so that he can continue clinging on like a leech. He has checkmated himself along with the whole country and holding it ransom. And until, we burn that fat leech off, our country’s lifeblood will be sucked dry one day. - MAILBAG

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