
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, October 3, 2015


This is from The Asia Sentinel here. Can someone translate this into Malay and get the Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, the Cabinet Ministers, the Ketua Bahagian UMNO and the prepaid bloggers to read and understand this? Utusan does not have the capacity to understand this or write about this.
I will try to summarise this for easy reading but these folks must understand what this whole report means.
perfect storm of bad economic news appears inundate rudderless govt in M'sia
political squabbling paralyzes leaders
Fiscal revenues going through floor
currency is diving
inflation rise from 0.1% in Feb to 3.3% in July (inflation jumped 33 times !!)
huge projected fiscal deficit and steep bond indebtedness
country may be faced with borrowing on international markets.
sliding currency, massive corruption, borrowing costs likely to go through roof
Najib remains insulated from overthrow by "paid for loyalty" of 192 UMNO KBs
major financial crisis could change equation
Najib skips town
economy grows weaker, scandals percolate, Najib left country
first to London then to New York
he and Rosmah to fly to Milan where she is to sponsor Islamic fashion show
M'sia entering financial crisis according leading global economists
Central Bank reduce foreign reserves substantially to support currency
M'sia paralyzed by corruption scandal
US$861m into PM's private account at AmBank in 2013
disappear to a Singapore account, then disappear altogether shortly after.
rocked by RM42 billion 1MDB financial scandal
billions siphoned off, billions more lost to bad investments
losses faced by government-linked banks threaten financial system.
Stock market heads south
Attempts to prop up stock exchange using RM20 billion
two-day bounce on Sept. 16 before market slide resumed
At 1623.27, now 14.57% off April peak, worst-performing in region
ringgit fell to 4.4570 this week, a 19.93 % drop
central bank spent US$60 billion over past months – a third of country’s reserves.
Sept. 15, reserves fallen to US$95.0b, enough 7.3 months of retained imports
concerns how long country can support currency
falling currency raising cost of imports, 69.9 percent of GDP in 2014.
International investors bail out
External debt reported by BNM reached all-time high in 2nd qtr at RM79.4 billion.
World Bank’s forecast GDP 2015 4.9%, down from 6.5% July 2014, may get worse
weak commodity subtract almost 1% growth annually over 2015–17 compared 2012–14
Petronas drag larger, about 2¼ % avg over same period, sharp downturn in prices
current fiscal year, Petronas contributed RM18b to budget
another RM18b from Petroleum Development Tax
total of RM36b from Petronas reserves.
Officials privately forecasting two funds will contribute only RM7b each
leaving a shortfall of RM21b
Tax collections fall sharply
income tax collections expected to fall 20-30% from RM111b in 2014
drop of another RM21b to RM35b weak consumer sentiment, slow business
Opex for Fiscal 2015 is approximately RM160b
“They can’t reduce it unless they begin to cull civil servants,”
“deficit 52%, off-balance-sheet contingent liabilities another RMB18 b
That’s like Italy and Spain, haven’t taken into account 1MDB yet
How are they going to borrow? ratings horrendous next year
cost of borrowing high given Msia’s junk status.
start selling crown jewels, assets in government companies
45% of bonds held by foreigners, likely to bail out and redeem them
RMB33 billion in bonds are expected to come due in the next quarter.
My comments : There are other things happening that are killing business. Listen up. The GST was imposed six months ago in April. Buisness has just died since then. Someone said a well known kopitiam chain has suffered 60% drop in sales. Everyone is suffering loss of business.
To the morons who argued the GST will not cause inflation more than 6%, please go and jump in the sea. Bodoh.
There is NO net effect, as some of you argued before April.
The GST has caused a compounding effect on prices. When the wholesaler sells to the retailer he adds 6%. The retailer adds his profit markup then adds another 6% and sells it to the customer.
The netting off is between wholesaler and retailer only when they pay the collected GST to the Customs. But the price rise is compunded. This is what is happening on the ground. Your foolish theories say otherwise but what is happening on the ground is different.
The people suffer because they only have the same amount of money to pay for all the higher priced goods. So they buy less. Businesses also suffer.
Here is something else. After GST in April, sales have crashed. Because sales have crashed businesses are not ordering new inventories from manufacturers and suppliers.
So there is less GST paid to suppliers to be "netted off" against the GST collected from their own sales. (I hope the morons in the cabinet can understand this).
Since most SMEs and other business do not segregate their GST collections from their sales proceeds, (meaning semua duit masuk satu akaun lah) they use up the GST money for their business expenses.
Now they have no money or less money to pay the GST. This is the reality on the ground.
Or those who pay the GST on time do not have enough cash left in the account to pay their rentals, salaries, pay the bills, bayar hutang, buy new goods etc.
Argue all you want morons, this is the reality on the ground. How many of you morons have run a real business ever in your life? Projek dan kontrak dapat buta not counted ok.
The economy is just grinding to a halt. If business continues to die like this the gomen will not be able to collect much GST, Income Tax and any other tax. Gomen juga bankrap.
Abolish the GST now. - http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my/

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