
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 2, 2015

DPP gifts thee yet another TANTALISING BF treat: MURDER, DEJA VU!


by no shit sherlock , donplaypuks®

CLICK HERE for my earlier blog post on 29 October regarding the Hussain Najadi murder.

Pascal Najadi, Hussain Najadi's son, is convinced that his father was murdered for reporting to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the police about corruption at Arab Malaysia Development Bank Group (AMDB). In particular, this involved the RM2.6 billion (US$700 million) channelled into Prime Minister Najib's personal bank account with AMDB in 2013CLICK HERE  for Sarawak Report's article on Pascal's claims.

Najib claims that this $2.6 billion was a donation from a friendly Arab source. But every other person in the universe knows that this is another load in the litany of lies that Najib has been spewing ever since he became prime minister in 2009. Everyone knows that this RM2.6 billion is linked to 1MDB and fraud there. 

Najib's further lie that he did not personally benefit from that money was laid bare and in tatters by ex-MCA chief Chua Soi Lek, who confirmed yesterday that all BN component parties received millions of ringgit from Najib for their GE13 campaig funding. It is a blatant act of corruption and serious money-laundering that would have seen any leader in any other country hung by his family jewels a long time ago.

The Hussain Najadi police report has apparently gone "missing"; police claim there was no such report, while Pascal is unflinching in his stance that there were independent witnesses when the report was made. 
Meanwhile, BNM Governor Zeti, despite the passage of two years, has yet to give the nation a satisfactory answer as to whether AMDB reported the suspicious RM2.6 billion transaction in 2013 and she approved it blindly, or AMDB did not report it. Either way, the sloth and silence at BNM is a clear indication of gross oversight failure and a massive cover-up by Zeti and BNM. The fact that Najib is prime minster, finance minister and chairman of 1MDB's Advisory Board also explains how and with what degree of arrogance, anyone could ride rough-shod over our laws and institutional safeguards. BNM might have continued maintaining total silence had not the whole sordid corrupt act been exposed by Sarawak Report and The Wall Street Journal.
Pascal Najadi has now revealed that shortly before his father was gunned down on 29 July 2013 in front of a Chinese temple in Lorong Ceylon, he (Hussain) had a meeting there with a certain Datuk Richard Morais. The details of what they discussed is not clear, but the police subsequently came to know about it, but did not inform Pascal.
In September, Richard Morai's brother Kevin Morais, a Deputy Public Prosecutor from the Attorney-Generals' Chambers and seconded to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) MACC investigator, was abducted in broad daylight, bludgeoned to death in captivity, and his body stuffed into an oil drum filled with concrete. Within weeks 8 men were apprehended and charged with Kevin's murder. Apparently he was killed for investigating an army pathologist for corruption. CLICK HERE for The Malaysian Insider's report on the murder.

DESIDERATA: DEAr ER: It's only right/rite/write you now surf to donplaypuks.blogspot.com for ORI writing. LIKe finger-lickin' gOOd KFC,writHIng and eating is goOd for BReak ing fast! YL, DEsi PS: I'm going for mine, you jom? PLease bring along thy AMERICAN EXPRESS if you wanna meet at ALLSON KLANA: othervice, it's to LObak BAu roadside stall where nazi lemak is still 70sen, and kuih-muih is 40sen pp, and tehtarik RM1.

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