
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 6, 2015

Let’s have the ‘great debate’ in Parliament instead

If there is one arena where the ‘great debate’ should be staged, it is in Parliament.
It is in this dock that the prime minister should take his stand and defend himself in a do-or-die battle. It is from this platform that Najib Abdul Razak should tell the nation the true story about 1MDB. His interrogators will be all the people’s representatives and not just one individual.
The heat and the pressure on Najib will be tremendous because there are no escape routes. He cannot concoct, whitewash, beat round the bush, blame others, or seek refuge behind the veil of innocence or sympathy. He either must give a convincing performance and come out intact or wither and perish in the glare of truth and guilt.
In a parliamentary democracy, the elected representatives are the ones who are the true guardians of the nation’s wealth and well-being. They are the ones who can summon the prime minister and roast him over the fire for any misdeed perpetrated. In the event the premier citizen is found sorely lacking in integrity and transparency and have let down the nation, they have the power to tell him sternly and unreservedly: Pack and go!
But parliamentary democracy in Malaysia has veered off course and what has emerged is an emasculated Parliament. Najib calls all the shots and pulls all the strings. All his ministers dance to his tune and never dare question his role in 1MDB. He enjoys a commanding majority and can easily stop his opponents in their tracks. There is no way the opposition can marshall its forces for a decisive showdown.
It is tragic that the Dewan Rakyat has been reduced to a virtual ‘property’ of the prime minister. Repressive laws are easily passed to clamp down on liberty and justice. These laws are used not to fight external enemies but to beat down on ordinary people striving for clean governance. Members of Parliament are no longer walking on hallowed ground but stepping on floors stained and defiled.
Issues that are of critical importance to the nation such as 1MDB and shady political donations must be vigorously tackled in Parliament.
It is in this chamber that the prime minister will be completely exposed to a hail of questions and criticisms from the other side of the divide. Based on his performance, sterling or execrable, he will either float or sink.
PM’s personal kitty
But Najib is staying well above the fray. The war of words is mainly being waged by his political pages in Parliament and business knights outside the ring. Even an amazon is doing all in her power to shield his boss from all the flak originating from the opposition trench. So much of noise is generated but not one iota of truth has emerged to explain a troubled business venture and the alleged diversion of funds into the personal kitty of the prime minister.
It is pointless to hold a debate on the 1MDB debacle outside Parliament when all the 222 MPs do not have a real chance to grill the prime minister to the core. Even lawmakers from the ruling party may have something unpleasant to say to their captain for jeopardising the ship of state with his unsavoury conduct.
In the end, a suave businessman has to step forward to take the heat off Najib. It is farcical. A lone businessman cannot answer for the great sins of a politician, more so a prime minister. He is not elected by the people and therefore he is not obligated to tell the truth.
1MDB is owned by the state, with Najib as the chairman of the board of directors. The ‘bold’ and ‘daring’ venture is his brainchild. Only Najib holds all the answers to the dark workings of this so-called strategic development company.
Let the ‘great debate’ begin but hold it in Parliament - and let the main culprit be the one and only witness to take the stand and declare: “My worthy opponents, let me tell you the whole story of 1MDB.”
If, at the end of this narration, he is found guilty on all counts, then the House speaker can bang his gravel and thunder at him: ‘Mr Prime Minister, pack and go!”

PHLIP RODRIGUES is a member of the Malaysiakini team.

1 comment:

  1. saya ingin berbagi cerita kepada semua teman-teman bahwa saya yg dulunya orang yg paling tersusah,walaupun mau makan itu pun harus hutang dulu sama tetangga dan syukur kalau ada yg mau kasi,semakin aku berusaha semakin jauh juga pekerjaan dan selama aku ingin berbuat baik kepada orang lain semakin banyak pula yg membenci saya karna saya cuma dianggap rendah sama orang lain karna saya tidak punya apa-apa,dan akhirnya saya berencana untuk pergi mencari dukun yg bisa menembus nomor dan disuatu hari saya bertemu sama orang yg pernah dibantu sama AKI ALHI dan dia memberikan nomor AKI ALHI,dia bilan kepada saya kalau AKI ALHI bisa membantu orang yg lagi kesusahan dan tidak berpikir panjang lebar lagi saya langsun menghubungi AKI ALHI dan dengan senan hati AKI ALHI ingin membantu saya,,alhamdulillah saya sudah menang togel yg ke5 kalinya dan rencana saya bersama keluarga ingin membuka usaha dan para teman-teman diluar sana yg ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI ALHI,di 0823 1366 9888 saya sangat bersyukur kepada allah karna melalui bantuan AKI ALHI, dan kini kehidupan saya sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ingat kesempatan tdk akan datan untuk yg kedua kalinya Atau


    saya ingin berbagi cerita kepada semua teman-teman bahwa saya yg dulunya orang yg paling tersusah,walaupun mau makan itu pun harus hutang dulu sama tetangga dan syukur kalau ada yg mau kasi,semakin aku berusaha semakin jauh juga pekerjaan dan selama aku ingin berbuat baik kepada orang lain semakin banyak pula yg membenci saya karna saya cuma dianggap rendah sama orang lain karna saya tidak punya apa-apa,dan akhirnya saya berencana untuk pergi mencari dukun yg bisa menembus nomor dan disuatu hari saya bertemu sama orang yg pernah dibantu sama AKI ALHI dan dia memberikan nomor AKI ALHI,dia bilan kepada saya kalau AKI ALHI bisa membantu orang yg lagi kesusahan dan tidak berpikir panjang lebar lagi saya langsun menghubungi AKI ALHI dan dengan senan hati AKI ALHI ingin membantu saya,,alhamdulillah saya sudah menang togel yg ke5 kalinya dan rencana saya bersama keluarga ingin membuka usaha dan para teman-teman diluar sana yg ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI ALHI,di 0823 1366 9888 saya sangat bersyukur kepada allah karna melalui bantuan AKI ALHI, dan kini kehidupan saya sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ingat kesempatan tdk akan datan untuk yg kedua kalinya Atau



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