
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 5, 2015


The nation is like a wounded animal, limping around in agony, with an arrowhead lodged in its body. The arrow was shot by Najib Razak, and the arrowhead is a metaphor for the 1MBD scandal, the RM2.6 billion donation, and the many other ills which plague Malaysia.
Bersih was monitoring the crisis, and within days of Maria Chin Abdullah's appeal, to rally for clean governance, the nation donated RM2.8 million to her cause. Tiny, in comparison with Najib's "donation", but it showed the depth of contempt, that Malaysians felt for him and his government.
If the police charge Maria, for contravening the Peaceful Assembly Act, the best form of support, will be to gather outside the major police stations, throughout Malaysia, to show solidarity; but be prepared for this support, to be labelled as a political protest.
The Bersih leader, successfully led Malaysians, both in Malaysia and 55 cities around the world, to express our anger at the worsening national crisis. The Bersih 4 rally in August was peaceful, and the most successful gathering of 500,000 Malaysians. The supporters of Bersih 4 included members of Umno Baru, a former PM and several policemen.
Maria ensured that every penny that she spent, was recorded. She repeated her five demands, and called for true democracy to be restored to Malaysia
There is no sign of outrage, from Umno Baru and BN supporters, for their leader's mismanagement of Malaysia. Where is the roar of disapproval, from the comfortable "middle" class Malaysians?
Senior Umno Baru politicians only show concern for their political survival. A deposed Cabinet minister queried the billion ringgit donation, which appeared in the leader’s personal account; but would he have been as vocal, if the money had been shared with him, and other Umno Baru politicians, or been deposited into Umno Baru's account?
Days before the march, the police declared that the rally and the yellow T-shirts were illegal. The harassment was unnecessary. No one would have stopped them from apprehending troublemakers, during the rally. The rakyat is not the enemy of the police. The police must remember that their job is to serve the rakyat.
Months earlier, in a series of slick moves, PAS president Hadi Awang found himself a key player, in the disgrace of his former colleague, Anwar Ibrahim, and the disintegration of  Pakatan.
The hudud issue diverted the nation, from the problems of bad governance. PAS was probably seduced by Najib's sweet talk of a state, ruled according to syariah law, despite Malaysia remaining a secular and multicultural nation.
The Kajang move, had it been successful, would have brought about a major shift in Malaysian politics, but it was derailed by the judiciary, which allegedly brought forward Anwar's conviction for sodomy.
The opposition coalition was dealt a severe blow. PAS showed its true colours, DAP bared its fangs, and PKR assumed the role of marriage counsellor, attempting to save a failing marriage. A mediator, who is roué, cannot be taken seriously.
With the chess pieces in place, there was nothing to stop Najib from putting his plan into action, but fate, if one believes in that, intervened. The small flame of disquiet about the 1MDB scandal and RM2.6 billion donation, grew until it became a firestorm.
Former attorney general Gani Patail was replaced, and officials of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption commission (MACC) were harassed by the police, for investigating the alleged wrongdoing in 1MDB.
The ringgit, investor confidence, and the rakyat's patience have all taken a beating.
The 1MDB issue did not happen overnight.  Anwar had highlighted the 1MDB scandal in 2010, but we failed to heed his warning. Umno Baru ministers, who were aware of the ramifications of this behemoth, feigned ignorance. The various institutions kept quiet.
Today, the nation is at the point of no-return. Maria stuck her neck out and risked her reputation to galvanise Malaysians, in showing concern for their country. Today, she is being hunted, like a verminous pest.
The national leaders, senior politicians and civil servants allowed the 1MDB and other scandals to continue, for too long. That is the national disgrace; not Maria and her Bersih 4 rally.
We live in a warped world, where tensions flare, at the slightest provocation, or an imaginary lack of respect for Malays, but billions of ringgits which go astray, barely raise an eyebrow.
Maria dared to lead Malaysians, who care for their country; now is our chance to show her our support and gratitude. - http://theantdaily.com/

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