
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Minister zips lips after grilled on Yapeim

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom refused to answer when grilled by reporters on Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (Yapeim), which is now accused of wastages.
Among others he was asked why Yapeim needed public contributions, when it said its Ar Rahnu business is making millions and can fund the overseas programmes it is under fire for.
“I will answer everything in court… I don’t want to end up giving contradictory statements,” he told reporters in Kuala Lumpur.
He was also asked on the 3,000 Yapeim contributors who cancelled after an NGO questioned if it spent RM100,000 for a programme in New York.
Yapeim, a charitable foundation under the purview of the Prime MInister's Deparmtent, is aimed at aiding orphans and the poor.
PKR-linked NGO National Whistleblower and Oversight Centre (NOW) in multiple exposes alleged that Yapeim spent hundreds of thousands on programmes overseas which only benefited a handful of people.
NOW also revealed that an Umno leader and her family are earning close to RM2 million annually in positions in Yapeim and its related businesses.
Jamil Khir is taking legal action against NOW's Akmal Nasir over the matter.
Jamil Khir today also denied a report by The Malaysian Insider and TV3 that two senior Yapeim officers were instructed to go on leave pending investigation on the exposes.
He added that a taskforce has been formed to improve Yapeim’s management. -Mkini

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