
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 5, 2015


In a way MACC has now become the opposition’s ‘Ali Baba’ partner. That is not so surprising when the PAS breakaway party, PAN, can be set up as yet another Ali Baba of DAP. At the end of the day it is the same whether in business or in politics. Behind the Malay is a Chinaman who calls the shots and who uses the Malay to do its dirty work.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The recently retired MACC deputy commissioner, Zakaria Jaafar, said he was happy that the approval rating or the level of public confidence in the commission had risen from 39% in 2009 to 68% in 2014. “We wanted to know the public’s confidence levels in us so we carried out a survey, and at that time it was only at 39%. That really shocked us. But it increased to 68% and our target for 2015 is 70%,” said Zakaria.
One very crucial point that Zakaria did not mention, and which is a very important point, is that MACC was suffering from a crisis of confidence because the opposition was constantly attacking it day in and day out non-stop. Hence there was no way MACC could improve its rating until and unless the opposition stops attacking it and starts singing its praises.
And that was when MACC thought it would be best to sit down with the opposition and try to hammer out an alliance of sorts. MACC will assist the opposition if the opposition will stop attacking MACC.
The opposition realised it was lacking one very crucial weapon. While the ruling party had the Special Branch to act as its intelligence agency, the opposition had nothing. Hence if MACC is now offering to be the intelligence arm of the opposition and if all the opposition has to do is to stop attacking MACC then that would be absolutely perfect. It would be a win-win situation and a marriage made in heaven.
MACC has unlimited power and resources. They can raid your home and office and confiscate whatever they find there. They can bug your home, office and telephone and even place cameras to record all your secrets. Hell, they even do that to their own officers who are suspected of wrongdoing. So MACC as your ally is worth its weight in gold.
The fact that MACC was the opposition’s number one enemy and now is its partner-in-crime is a non-issue. The opposition has entered in many unholy alliances before this so one more is of no consequence. For example, The Star is now serving DAP while its salary is paid by MCA (and before this DAP used to condemn The Star like there was no tomorrow).
And remember how the opposition used to condemn Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and called him the Great Pharaoh (Mahafiraun) and said that once the opposition takes over they are going to throw him into jail and throw away the key?
The opposition used to condemn Anwar Ibrahim as well and called him a liar and said that he should be jailed for lying to Parliament when he denied that Malaysia had lost RM30 billion in playing the money market. Now the opposition says Anwar is the only person out of 30 million Malays who is suitable enough to be the next Prime Minister.
And DAP, who used to condemn Ling Liong Sik for robbing PKFZ of billions, and who hounded Liong Sik non-stop and wanted him put in jail (and were very angry when Dr Mahathir saved him from going to jail) now want to help pay for Liong Sik’s legal cost in the civil suit that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is bringing against him.
So there you have it. People who the opposition once wanted lined up against the wall and shot are now the greatest friends and allies of the opposition. Their sins have been forgotten and they have been rehabilitated. Anyone, even Hitler, can become their friend as long as they can benefit from the association.
In a way MACC has now become the opposition’s ‘Ali Baba’ partner. That is not so surprising when the PAS breakaway party, PAN, can be set up as yet another Ali Baba of DAP. At the end of the day it is the same whether in business or in politics. Behind the Malay is a Chinaman who calls the shots and who uses the Malay to do its dirty work.
RIP Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed. You are now just pawns, dead pawns on top of that, in the dirty games of politics.

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