
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Baru: Muslim scapegoating of Christians must stop

Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian said the phenomenon of Christian-bashing by sections of the Muslim population has been tolerated for so long now that its continuance threatens religious tranquillity in Malaysia.
“On the peninsula this phenomenon has taken the form of looking for the ghost of Christian proselytisation of Muslims,” observed the lawyer representing Ba’ kelalan in the state legislature.
“In the last eight years of this phenomenon's emergence, not one iota of proof for the actual existence of this alleged proselytisation has been furnished, yet the phenomenon is not ceasing but instead is resurrected periodically to hurt and impugn Christians,” said Baru, who speacialises in customary rights cases in the courts.
He said the latest instance of this “irrational” phenomenon was the seminar at the Malacca campus of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) on Dec 12 which sought to promote awareness of apostasy among Muslims through alleged attempts at their Christianisation.
“In spite of the fact that in all the last eight years of this phenomenon’s emergence there has not been one instance of proof of its occurrence, the claim that Christian proselytisation of Muslims has occurred and is occurring has not ceased.
“This can only mean that the phenomenon is irrational and is owed to a psychosis that is beyond Christians’ capacity to remove or placate,” argued Baru.
He said this means that Christians, who constitute a majority in Sarawak, are subject to victimisation at the hands of people who from time to time desire to assuage their insecurity or fear through bashing Christians.
He suggested that one way to check this phenomenon is for the moderates among Muslims to speak up against this phenomenon.
“There has been a dearth of willingness among this moderate element to denounce Christian bashing. As a consequence this phenomenon is raised periodically and, though no proof is furnished as rational basis for its existence, it continues and goes on unchecked,” he said.
Baru said the participation of an officer from the Special Branch in the seminar in Malacca was more “proof of the phenomenon’s irrationality”.
“Institutions of state are now complicit in fanning this phenomenon to a level that is surreal. Prior to this, the public has been apprised of the Special Branch’s concern about the existence of covert and actual sympathisers of Islamic State among the population.
“Now we are given to understand that there are Christians who are also a threat to national security simply from promoting apostasy among Muslims.
“But unlike covert and actual recruits for Islamic State, there are no figures, no charges preferred against these Christian threats to national security,” said Baru.
“That's why I contend this phenomenon is irrational and I urge moderate Muslims to speak out to bring a halt to it,” he added. -Mkini

1 comment:

  1. Yes YB BB. I totally agree with you. I must emphahsise that Evangelist Prayers are heard by our GOD.


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