
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Beware the DAP sneaky bastards — warning by PAS

“PAS ingin menasihatkan PKR supaya lebih berwaspada dengan tindakan licik rakannya dalam Pakatan Harapan iaitu DAP” — warned PAS Sarawak commissioner Jofri Jaraiee in a press statement yesterday.
According to Jofri, the DAP – in pursuing its lofty ambitions – is not shy of stealing/”mencuri” native Sarawakians to serve the party’s political needs. (This applies as well to Malay youth spokesmen who are used by the DAP as its bumiputera front, such as Dyana Samad hitting out at UiTM.)
Nonetheless, the DAP’s sneakiness has finally caught up with the evangelical party and nowadays, even its erstwhile ally PAS has become all antsy. See, ‘PAS cautions PKR about its “cunning” friend DAP‘ reported in FMT.
BELOW: Hannah Yeoh bermuka-muka
Hannah Yeoh pergi ke masjid untuk ma
I do wonder if the women pictured above are PKR, and whether they will be taking to heart PAS’s warning about how sneaky their DAP friend is. Hopefully PAS people have now stopped inviting such munafiqs to their mosques.

Yellow fever: Bersih launching boot camp

And here we go again. Bersih is once more pushing itself onto the centrestage.
The Yellow Shirts will be fanning a five-day Yellow Fever mania in early January next year – see poster.
Click to enlarge
Bersih mania
Source: Bersih official Facebook

How fitting for Bersih to run a boot camp

Among the Yellow Fever programmes is the launch of a Bersih Boot Camp.
Although Bersih is ostensibly an NGO movement, its cadres nonetheless are reminiscent of Dapsters.
Not just PKR but all Malaysians should beware the fascists’ jackboot stepping on the back of their neck.

Bersih boot camp

Malays who mirror the ultra kiasu by labelling others

Although it is the Malays who feel under siege by the evangelical Christian missionaries, yet somehow it is the UiTM folks who get labelled “the fringe, paranoid and crazy-eyed crowd”.
In other words, those Malays who are rightly suspicious of evangelistas are demonized as paranoid and crazy-eyed.
Azira Aziz Bersih takut kotor
Azira Aziz who is Hannah Yeoh’s aide
Malays linked to the DAP are the ones at the forefront demonizing their Muslim brethren. Below, on the left, is Azira Aziz. She is Hannah Yeoh’s aide.
On a separate note, Malay Mail columnist Azrul Mohd Khalib (right) had labelled a segment of Malays, i.e. those who are suspicious of evangelistas, as “the fringe, paranoid and crazy-eyed crowd”.
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - 2015/08/01: A protester was detained by Malaysian police during the "Tangkap Najib" (Arrest Najib) protest in Kuala Lumpur.They demand that Najib resigns as prime minister immediately. (Photo by Rasid Mohd/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

Melayu baru yang cari makan dengan politikus DAP

During the Chinese-dominated Bersih rally on Aug 30, Azira donned a yellow T-shirt and marched carrying a placard that said “Siapa takut Bersih memang kotor” – see above.
Memang kotor? On the contrary, it is Azira herself who is viewed by PAS Malays as doing the dirty work of the Christian-led opposition.
Azira soapbox
Azira in action during Bersih 4.0

PAS: “Siapa dalang di sebalik empat individu?”

Hannah Yeoh’s aide Azira Aziz was one of four Muslim individuals who initiated alawsuit to block Hadi Awang from tabling a private member’s bill on hudud in Parliament.
Their action prompted the PAS information bureau to ask, ‘Siapa dalang di sebalik empat individu?’ – see Harakah Daily‘s Sept 28 report.
Bureau chief Ahmad Amzad Hashim considered the move by the four to be “sesuatu yang sangat janggal” and recalled that “mereka yang mula mendakwa wujudnya percanggahan perlembagaan adalah jelas datangnya daripada DAP”.
In short, Ahmad was implying that Azira is a DAP stooge. Not surprising in the light of PAS’s opinion of DAP as the ultimate sneaky (bastards).
BELOW: Azira arrested during the #TangkapNajib demo while her DAP boss stayed safely at home

azira fru

Why MCA the-walking-dead party should just bury itself

Another face of the DAP sneakiness is the backstabbing MCA.
MCA is the dog that is wagged by its evangelista tail. The party produces characters like Datuk Lee Hwa Beng (pictured below in Bersih yellow together with Syahredzan Johan), its former Adun for Subang Jaya.
lee hwa beng syahredzan
Lee was the MCA Jerusubang Yang Berhormat for three terms until 2008. In aninterview with The Heat on Monday (Dec 21), he told the portal, “The best ideal scenario would be for the Chinese to seek for a short term refuge in DAP”.
If a three-term evangelista YB – who won his DUN seat on the MCA ticket – can advocate that Chinese should stick with the DAP, then what reason is there for MCA to remain in the BN?
MCA should do the honorable thing and commit harakiri.
Lee Hwa Beng The Heat
The Heat article

For MCA, Malays are amokers running around with parang

Of late, the MCA has been more DAP than the DAP. In fact the BN’s Chinese party is beginning to sound quite hysterical.
When MCA looks at the Malay community, all it sees are armed antagonists.
BELOW: Dec 22 press statement by MCA publicity bureau chairman Chai Kim Sen alleging that Malays had “brought parangs” into the Kota Raya mall last Sunday (Dec 20)
In a separate press statement a day earlier (Dec 21), MCA religious harmony bureau chairman Ti Lian Ker said, “Authorities must exercise law on rampaging vigilantes, looters & assailants”
Ti too viewed the group of Malays who rampaged through Kota Raya as parang wielders – see below.

Only The J-Star reported that attackers “brought parangs”

Both the MCA’s Datuk Chai and Datuk Ti got their story (about the Malay vigilantes/rioters bringing parangs) from their party’s media organ The J-Star.
KOMAAs far as I’m aware, no other media reported on the parang detail. From an eyewitnessrecording of the scene that went viral in the social media, the assailants had attacked the Kota Raya smart phone traders using helmets and chairs.
The gunting-dalam-lipatan role played by the EvangeliSTAR is without doubt. Thus MCA must be held accountable for the lethal behaviour of its venomous media empire and the sly scissorati.
BELOW: The dungu on the right is Star Media Group chairman – the MCA’s Fu Ah Kiow
Either MCA has allowed the J-Star to run rings around the chairman or MCA is knowingly colluding with the evangelistas.

When is Umno going to deal with thorn in the flesh?

Former Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin recently observed that the DAP’sMalaysian Malaysia “mendapat dokongan kuat dari akhbar The Star” – see Zamkata blog entry on Dec 20.
Everybody can see that the partisan approach adopted by The J-Star works to the best of Christian DAP’s interest.
PAS has by now realised what sneaky bastards the DAP are. It is only Umno which is unwilling to confront the extent of the damage being inflicted daily on the BN through the MCA’s complicity with its Nest of Evangelistas.
When DAP takes control of Putrajaya, Umno will be strung from the highest tree in the public square. Padan muka! -helanang

1 comment:

  1. kami sekeluarga tak lupa mengucapkan puji syukur kepada ALLAH S,W,T
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    allah saya akan coba untuk membuka usaha sendiri demi mencukupi
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    juta, wassalam.

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    tapi tidak ada satupun yang berhasil..

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    angka GHOIB; malaysia

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    angka GHOIB; laos


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