
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 17, 2015

If Umno 'marries' PAS, it’s game over for other BN parties

YOURSAY | 'Umno no longer considers any of the BN component parties important.'
Doc: Former MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek, you need to ask yourself this: What are MCA, PPP and MIC contributing to BN? Voters, donations?
If they are of no benefits to BN, then it would be strategically a good idea for PAS to join BN and increase its voter base.
As for the non-Islamic parties' role in BN, currently their only function in BN is as Umno's trusted minions. If PAS were to join BN, I don't see a radical change in this function.
LBS: When Umno and PAS tie up, what are MCA, Gerakan and MIC going to do? These parties were once major partners in BN. Where are they now?
MCA has now become an inconsequential and ineffective partner. It has become a lackey to Umno, an accomplice in Umno's sins and misdeeds.
Has it ever commented on the RM2.6 billion donated and banked into PM Najib Razak's bank accounts?
Has it said anything about the 1MDB crisis, about the free fall of the ringgit, the adverse impact of the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the use of the race card via the 'red shirts'?
They are endorsing Umno and PM Najib Abdul Razak's scandals by not speaking up. MCA and the others can close shop if Umno and PAS were to link up.
HaveAgreatDay: 'Potentially casting them out of the political mainstream...' - really, Chua? You are clearly not speaking on the facts of the matter, even when you were president of MCA.
Umno no longer considers any of the BN component parties important. It is the obvious impotency of you folks against a bullying Umno that has caused many of the thinking rakyat to reject BN.
Yes, PAS with Umno will consign you folks to oblivion, politically.
Why Tell Me?: As for PAS and Umno taking control of the government, so be it. They will fight among themselves and perish. Indeed, they will learn the hard way.
Ib: Who has made MCA irrelevant? All the leaders past and present who were more interested in lining their own pockets.
And why is Umno so rich that they can buy the hearts of the holy ones? Because MCA is willing to close its eyes while the enrichment parties continue.
Anonymous #70881335: Other than Umno, most of the other component parties are mosquito parties. MCA, MIC and Gerakan are pale shadows of what they were before.
They are of no consequence to Umno. More important decisions are made in Umno meetings than BN or cabinet meetings.
Nippon: First of all, MCA and Gerakan are already not in the vote count. Therefore, they have no bearing whatsoever on GE14.
Two, Najib's 'high-income nation' will not be achieved. It is a scam to deceive Malaysians. The sane rakyat knows instead of 'high-income nation', it should be 'high-inflation nation'.
Najib will not be remembered for his deeds but instead will be remembered as the last PM from BN. Remember the 'Rahman' prophecy?
Anonymous_40f4: Umno Baru and Najib don't care anymore about BN non-Muslim parties as their members are referred to as 'penumpang' (passengers).
Fair&Just: The Umno kind are treacherous, just look at the many breaches of the Malaysia Agreement. So beware, Sabah and Sarawak.
Ksn: What is the point of the non-Islamic parties staying in BN when Umno Baru can do whatever it wants?
Is it not better for MCA, MIC, etc, to keep away and salvage a little pride of the communities it claims to represent, if there is any left?
SusahKes: Well Chua, Gerakan via its Baljit Singh, appears to be preparing itself for your inevitable prognosis; he has already started to blame DAP for Umno approaching PAS.
I'm pretty sure the other mosquito parties of BN, would resort to a similar modus operandi - blame DAP, among other things.
The problem is that MCA, MIC, etc, are so blinded by thirst for positions and power, it will be next to impossible to extricate themselves from Umno.
But you are right on one thing - be prepared for a massive rejection come next GE.
Righteous: Now after 58 years of walking together arm-in-arm on a multilane road, only a single lane on this bridge is reserved for the 'chosen ones' to cross. The rest can take a hike or take a dive.
This is simply called “being played out”. So many have seen so much coming, except these now irrelevant mosquito parties. "Fight or flight" is the only survival tool left.
Tpn: Now PAS is MCA's problem.

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