
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 17, 2015

IGP, if Najib can accept ‘donations’, why can't Dr M?

YOURSAY | 'Sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander. No?'
Mojo Jojo: It sounds to me that someone is trying to cast aspersions on former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s character by at least implying that Mahathir is at least as bad as PM Najib Razak.
At the very least, donors to Mahathir's cause have names that may soon be revealed, which is more than I can say about the donor or donors of Najib's RM2.6 billion "donation".
Daniel: Even if true, money allegedly channeled to these politicians are donations. So how is this different from the RM2.6 billion donated to another politician?
Surely what's sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander. No?
Sabahan: Arab(s) funding Najib to maintain political power is okay. Malaysians funding Mahathir to end Najib's political career is not okay?
Ipohcrite: I remember IGP (inspector-general of police) Khalid Abu Bakar said that he did not act on news articles and such, that a proper report must be lodged with substantiating evidence to warrant an investigation.
Why the different treatment in this case? And what plot is he talking about?
Now, the plot thickens.
David: Mr IGP, go do your job and investigate Najib. It has been six months since the explosive 1MDB scandal, have you even commenced any investigation on him?
Tpn: Mahathir need not give money to DAP MPs to get their support. Mr IGP, please find out if any MP from MCA, MIC and Gerakan received any money. Don't waste time investigating this article. You have better things to do.
Saya Pun Nak Cari Makan: Which tycoon would want to topple Najib? They must be insane to do so.
If they can come up with funds worth billions, they are no ordinary tycoons. They must have even more money invested in the country.
For people of mega wealth, the last thing they would ever wish is for a leader to be toppled, as this would cause political uncertainty.
Much as I wish to believe the story, it would be absolutely insulting to my intelligence to do so. Do come up with a more convincing spin.
Simple Malaysian: I am quite surprised the article in Malaysia Today, blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin's (RPK) website, can trigger investigations while exposes by Sarawak Report and The Wall Street Journal are virtually dismissed as fraudulent almost instantly.
What about articles written by the old RPK which had serious allegations? These apparently did not attract the same attention of the police. Interesting contradictions indeed.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Why no investigation into the RM2.6 billion from donors or a donor? What about the RM42 million from SRC International?
Why didn't the police investigate the Perak defections in 2009 or the Sabah PBS defections in 1994 to determine if there were elements of "sabotaging" the respective state governments?
The owner of Malaysia Today is an ex-fugitive who was hiding in the UK and the police had done nothing to extradite him to Malaysia. So what credibility is left in the author who seems to be the voice of Najib now?
Toppling a sitting prime minister through lawful constitutional means is not the same as toppling the government through unlawful means.
Abasir: Isn't this the same man who, before absconding from the country, published a claim that PM’s wife Rosmah Mansor was seen at the Altantuya Shaariibuu kill site?
Rick Teo: Nobody is in a plot to topple the premier illegally. If the premier has committed CBT (criminal breach of trust) by taking public money, then he can be legitimately kicked out by a vote of no confidence.
So the IGP should not invent stories that there is a plot to overthrow Najib by illegal means.
Donplaypuks: Another fairy tale. On the one hand, tycoon Ananda Krishnan is helping 1MDB in re-financing, on the other hand he is allegedly plotting to topple Najib. What utter rubbish.
Joe Gee: This dark road we are headed down was first paved by Mahathir.
QueAnonymous: Mahathir, your era has gone, sir. Yes, we will remember you for what you have done, at least but we're not going to let you run this country again.
The premier has stressed this in his interview, and I stress that on the behalf of Malaysians, we're not puppets.
Eyespye: Just like there have been many paid commenters in recent months on Malaysiakini, there are now websites springing up spreading "their side of the story". The Prime Minister's Office or Umno seems to have hired social media experts to take the war online.
I know I sound like a kook or a conspiracy nut, but I have been watching the online space with growing horror. I think the government has changed tack because it has realised belatedly that there really is no 'Red Bean Army.'
It's just people's opinions and expressions of disgust, which it feels has been stirred up by portals such as Malaysiakini.
So now it wants to challenge this opinion in the manner I have described simply because the government refuses to allow the opposition space to debate the merits of any position in the traditional media.
But it has realised these discussions are occurring online. So now it pits their brand of drivel to oppose that. You have been warned. -Mkini

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