
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 21, 2015

Malaysians Refused To Give Way To VIP – A Sign Of People’s Uprising?

When do you feel like giving way to another motorist during a busy day? Well, when you’re happy, of course. And when do you think you would be happy on the road? Of course, when you don’t have to worry about paying bills, putting food on the table, rushing for a business appointment and the list goes on.
Happy Driver on the Road
When Fadzil Khairil wrote on his Facebook about how motorists refused to give way for police outriders of a VIP convoy, which turned out to be escortingPrime Minister’s official car, it immediately went viral on social media. While there’re those who think motorists should make way for the VIP convoy, majority of netizens applause Mr. Fadzil’s naughty stunt.

Apparently, Fadzil was stuck in heavy traffic while on his way for a class at Sri Petaling when some policemen on super-power bikes escorting a VIP approached from behind and signalled for motorists to clear the way. Amusingly, he played dumb at the policemen’s orders until finally, the convoy gave up and had to use an emergency lane to the right of his car.
Sy dalam perjalanan ke sri petaling utk 1 lg kelas personal coaching.
Tiba2 d belakang sy, ada beberapa buah superbike polis trafik yg memberi arahan kpd semua kereta ke tepi bg memberi laluan kpd vvip d belakangnya.
Sy dgn muka bodohnya buat bodoh dgn arahan polis trafik tersebut sehingga kereta vvip tersebut terpaksa memasuki lorong kanan sy. Sy melihat no plat, kereta rasmi pok jib rupanya.
...See More
To Fadzil’s surprise, all the cars in front of him did the same – play dumb and didn’t give way – something which hadn’t happened before, for as long as 30 million Malaysians can remember. One has to remember that Malaysians do not normally display such “rebellious act” because of their public obedience, partly due to the notorious police’s thuggishness and gangsterism.

Hence, for these motorists to stand united and ignored the police’ usual intimidation, as if they were “Rebels” against “Imperial Stormtroopers”escorting the evil “Emperor Palpatine”, is simply refreshing and quite extraordinary. Make no mistake about it – Mr. Fadzil and the other rebellious motorists had absolutely no idea it was the PM Najib’s convoy in the first place.
Star Wars The Force Awakens - New Stormtroopers
Hence, for IGP (Inspector-General of Police) to rush in warning the public that they can be punished under the Police Act 1967 for ignoring VIP motorcades can only be interpreted as what Russian President Vladimir Putin said 3-days ago – “Turkish President Erdogan may have decided to lick the Americans in a certain area (private parts) by downing Russian jet”.

Obviously, VIPs such as Prime Minister Najib Razak and even the IGP Khalid Abu Bakar who enjoy police escorts have little understanding as to why those ordinary motorists were united in not giving way for the convoy, for once. As a start, these people were forced to overpay for their car, the second most expensive in the world after Singapore.
Prime Minister Najib Razak and Wife Rosmah Mansor insider Official CarPrime Minister Najib Razak - Police Outriders
In 2013, Najib administration collected RM7.31 billion in taxes from car excise and import duties alone. Based on 24.6 million cars registered as of 2014 and the assumption each of them pay RM70 in road tax, they’re being milked for another RM1.72 billion every year. If that was not bad enough, motorists were made to pay toll so that they get stuck in traffic jam.

When consumers around the world were rejoicing because crude oil plunged 72% from US$130 to US$36 a barrel, the price of RON-95 had changed very little from RM2.10 to RM1.95 a litre for Malaysians. The compelling reason why the motorists defied the law of physics by refusing to make way for PM Najib Razak’s convoy was due to his brilliant ministers.
Minister Rahman Dahlan - Wake Up Early To Beat The Rush
Last month, one of Najib’s beloved and favourite ministers – Mr. Rahman Dahlan – told Malaysians that they should wake up early and beat the rushon toll-free roads in order to save money. In the same breath, shouldn’t the prime minister wake up early if he wishes to beat the traffic, assuming it was him in the VIP car to begin with?

For all you know, the VIP could be Rosmah Mansor whom the police outriders tried to force their way through. Even if the motorists wanted to give way, they couldn’t. It’s not like they could get out, fold their car and make way for the convoy. It was already bumper-to-bumper and there’s not much space to give way, in case bootlicker IGP hadn’t realized.
Malaysian Police Outrider - Super Power BikeRosmah Mansor RM24 Million Diamond Ring
After all, the motorists paid for their car, road tax, toll, petrol, maintenance and whatnot with their hard earned money, whereas the VIP gets everythingFREE. And now the prime minister and the police, all of whom get paid with taxpayer’s money, aren’t happy because the VIP thought he could make it within 10-minutes in a 60-minutes journey?

Sure, the prime minister may have important event to attend. But so does everybody in the traffic. Although legal expert Jahaberdeen Mohamad Yunos opines that there is no such law stating that motorist are obliged to give way when VIPs pass by on the road, the situation has to be examined on a case by case basis.
Malaysian Police Outrider - VIP Convoy
Motorists can be forcibly asked to make way if the VIP is going for an official meeting but not if using the road in his personal capacity. However, there is absolutely no way to tell if the VIP is abusing his position for personal matters, is there? Fact is: not only all Malaysian ministers and non-Minister-but-UMNO-politicians abuse the usage of police escort; the rich tycoons do it too.

As long as you’re willing to pay, you can actually get policemen to escort you. Public Bank boss Teh Hong Piow had done that, in case you’re wondering. Billionaires such as Ananda Krishnan and Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary could easily enjoy and abuse such privilege, is they have not already done so, as long as money changes hands.
Malaysian Traffic JamMalaysian Police PDRM Helicopter
It certainly isn’t the motorists’ fault that the infrastructure and transportation system suck in the city. Perhaps PM Najib and wife Rosmah should consider using existing police helicopters, which were used unnecessary during demonstrations, if they couldn’t wake up in time for their golf or shopping appointments.

Motorists unanimously believe only ambulance and fire engine should be given way, and to a certain extent the Agong (King), Sultans and Governors. The funny thing is even though a prime minister should enjoy such privilege, very few agree that Najib Razak should be admitted to the club simply because of his RM42 billion 1MDB scandal and RM2.6 billion found in his private account.
Malaysian Ambulance on the RoadMalaysian Fire Engine on the Road

As exaggerate as it may sound, the refusal to give way for VIP could be seen as a strong message or even an uprising from the ordinary people that they have enough of Najib regime’s antic. People give way out of respect. But arrogant, selfish, corrupt and inconsiderate ministers do not deserve peoples’ respect. To them, these VIPs are nothing more than “Very Irritating Person”.

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