
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 17, 2015


I don't see eye to eye with many agendas brought forward by the so-called G25 because it is beyond the scope of regular living Malaysians. Simply put, not all Malaysians today have had the privilege of living abroad or can reminisce about the good old days of the 1970s when the nation was supposedly more liberal and less active in moral policing.
But at the same time, there has been a worrying trend among the Malay Malaysian population. When the G25 decided to start yet another campaign — after starting multitudes of others and leaving them in the wind — against khalwat, I just rolled my eyes and pictured the multiple roundabouts we have around Shah Alam.
Because this is what it is, another 'roundabout' issue. We have had people die during khalwat raids since 2005. I remember this because we have had writers such as Marina Mahathir write passionately against it.
It is nothing new, nor will it have any impact.
In fact, the only impact it had was on a Malay dog rescue volunteer who thought it was a calling to break into G25's Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin's home and wait for her on her bed for a face to face meeting before — well, he leaves the sentence hanging as such but we all can read between the lines well enough to know where it leads.
All of us except Aura Merdeka's Tariq Ismail, no doubt. In fact, he goes so far to defend the guy by saying it was just "a joke done in poor taste" and did not openly threaten to rape Noor Farida. I'm guessing the above is scientific prove that aura does have density and mass.
So we are back to yet another Malay Muslim dilemma that we can refer back to the Islamic Development Department or Jakim. Maybe they would like to answer this query on one of their weekly Friday sermons.
So Jakim, where in high holy scripture and your teachings thus far does it justify the raping of a woman in her elder years simply for a disagreement on her opinion?
Perhaps we can take this one up all the way to the Council of Rulers in the form of a nationwide fatwa?
The reason I ask of this is because I am perhaps the worse person to comment on matters regarding Islam. That being said though, I am an expert in seeing secular stupidity in the form of politicians, train operators and even the entirety of most of the politically ignorant Malaysian population.
So do shed some light on how Islam suddenly condones the act of rape. And while you are at it, perhaps you can also justify how a marriage course in Paris can somehow stop the spread of the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender community here in Malaysia?
And if it wasn't part of religious ethos, then where did it come from?
Is there perhaps a growing trend among Malay Malaysians in watching rape porn online? But how can that be, seeing the rather stellar job of the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission which can censor anything from Bersih to Sarawak Report at a blink of an eye and keeping thousands of porn sites out of the reach of our noble countrymen who would never view porn.
Yes, this article has a huge dose of sarcasm but I assure you it is warranted. For a population of so-called morally inclined Malay Malaysians, we seem to be inclined on social media towards threatening rape, murder, being judgmental about leotards and can't even look at former child actresses without commenting on bra sizes.
It gets even worse if you read the Utusan Malaysia Facebook comments on Pluto, especially when they thought there was a human being sent in the probe to take a photo of the dwarf planet.
Islam in history was credited with 300 years of scientific discoveries before orthodoxy got in the way. As it stands now, Islam in Malaysia is being used and abused by the population to justify being judgmental of others, and the sheer hypocrisy of Malay Malaysians is reaching a point too dumb to continue.
From stopping the LGBT community using marriage courses in Paris to threatening people with rape for a disagreement on imposing moral authority, we do need more people speaking out loud enough to point out just how dumb Malaysians are getting.
And if the religious authorities aren't even looking at this as a calling, then they should really reconsider their reason for existing in the first place. - http://www.theheatmalaysia.com/

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