
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Will Johor be the rise, and fall, of Umno?

YOURSAY | ‘The trembling of the volcano can be felt; it’s a matter of time it will erupt.’
Send in the Clowns: No political party can rule a nation forever. Signs are already emerging.
Najib Abdul Razak, thank you, you gave us valid reasons why the Umno government should be removed for good. The trembling of the volcano can be felt; it is just a matter of time it will erupt.
Let Johor be the rise, and fall, of Umno. The rakyat will be too glad to build a shrine for the evil regime to remind us of our bad dream.
Hopeful123: Well said, Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang. Focus on Johor in the next general election (GE). Johoreans are a forward-thinking lot.
Let us together create a new Johor with the blessings of HRH the Sultan of Johor. It is a beautiful state with a lot of resources. Let us make it world class.
That is, if we are unable to capture Putrajaya. But it’s best if we can change the whole of Malaysia.
Lone_Star: In the present state of the nation, here are a few questions Pakatan Harapan need to answer.
1. With the mentioned five scandals and the rakyat divided by race, religion and regions and the southward-heading economy; is Pakatan Harapan ready to step up to bat?
2. If yes, what are the plans and strategies? Do let the rakyat know.
3. When will your shadow cabinet be ready and be presented to the rakyat?
4. Is PAS going to be in or out of the coalition?
5. Can Pakatan Harapan agree on the one to lead if it manages to reach Putrajaya in GE14?
The Analyser: Has Kit Siang completely lost his marbles? PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang isn’t even 10 percent of Pakatan's problems, although they would like you to think Hadi was responsible for 110 percent of their problems.
Their problems are internal and deeply-rooted and as there is no sign of those problems being addressed let alone resolved, then I think we must assume that Pakatan is a lost cause.
Lone Star, I can suggest another four million questions that need to be answered by whatever is left of the opposition before they become a credible alternative for government.
The fact that they aren't even answering your simple questions but are in fact basing all their political strategies on hate, criticism and race is proof beyond doubt that at best they would just be another Umno.
Kookie: Former DPM Anwar Ibrahim's time has come and gone with no tangible results.
It's time for Pakatan Harapan to field a righteous and morally untarnished individual to lead the coalition and its electoral partners if it wants to lead the country. Where is this individual?
You cannot even get together to decide on a shadow cabinet, let alone a leader, so where is the hope?
Fairplayer: Pakatan Harapan looks more promising than Pakatan Rakyat. It looks like DAP and Amanah have to forget about PKR, which is so eager to continue to embrace PAS.
A multi-cornered fight is a good test and filter to pick the best candidates for Putrajaya.
N1: The story will repeat again if DAP gives in to PKR and collaborates with PAS under Hadi.
Non-Muslim voters do not buy the PKR-PAS story and Amanah-DAP can go for three-cornered fights and challenge all the seats if necessary.
Winning Putrajaya should not be the first priority. The key to long-term success is to get the basic principles correct.
Dont Just Talk: PKR secretary-general YB Rafizi Ramli, your views on having PAS to be with Pakatan Harapan, without which the opposition will be unable to capture Putrajaya, are unacceptable, with the latest revelation by PAS Youth leader to work closely with Umno Baru.
PAS’ influence is strong in rural kampong areas with the elderly Malays support but is waning, owing to younger, literate Malay youths leaving the kampong.
It is better to sleep with the devil that you know than PAS, a flip-flop party, with narrow-minded religious leaders leading the party, daily shouting nothing but hudud this and hudud that.
Drngsc: We all have to work hard for Impian Johor. The whole Umno general assembly 2015 was about being loyal and obedient to the emperor without clothes, and nothing about cost of living, how to help the common folks and how to improve the economy.
Umno has lost touch with the people. Basically Najib wants Umno to be a robot party bowing to the dictator's every wish, no matter how bad or wrong the dictator is.
Umno may be robot-like, Malaysians are surely not. -Mkini

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