
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 30, 2019

High court strikes out durian farm's suit against Orang Asli

The Kota Bahru High Court today struck out a suit by a durian plantation firm against Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Kelantan (Jaringan) chairperson Mustafa Along in relation to the Gua Musang Orang Asli blockade.
The statement of claim by M7 Plantation and an injunction against Mustafa Along was struck out by Judicial Commissioner Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh.
According to lawyer Siti Kasim, the suit was struck out as there was no basis to the claim by M7 Plantation Sdn Bhd.
“We managed to strike out the suit... we are so happy,” she said when contacted by Malaysiakini.
The suit was filed in August, last year, when a group of Orang Asli, reportedly led by Mustafa, had blockaded the entrance to the company’s durian farm.
The Temiar community erected the blockade as it said the company was encroaching on native customary land.
M7, meanwhile, deemed the blockade “illegal,” and denied using force to dismantle it.
Siti added that they hoped for a similar outcome to another similar case against the Orang Asli, filed by another company. - Mkini

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