
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 29, 2019

Pakatan Harapan Suffers From Diarrhoea Of The Mouth

How much did Pakatan Harapan spend in GE14? It is said PPBM spent RM600 million while DAP and PKR spent RM1 billion. Can they show us their bank statements for the last two years from 2017 to 2019? Does this RM1.6 billion appear in these bank statements? If not then why not? Where did the money come from, and how was it spent, when legally Pakatan Harapan should not have spent more than RM100 million for GE14?

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang boasts that he has spoken/written ten million words in his entire political career (that is “10” with another six zeros at the end). That is actually true because back in 1969 Kit Siang attacked the Malays with devastating results, in 1977 he attacked Exxon and got into trouble, then he attacked BMF Hong Kong, and after that he attacked Hati Budi Sdn Bhd, UEM Berhad and the Plus Highway but lost his case in court, and so on.
Yes, Kit Siang is like a dog sitting beside the road that barks loudly and chases every car that passes by — but in the end never manages to catch the car. For 54 years since 1965 (long before many of you were born) he has been doing this — bark, bark, chase, chase. However, in the end, nothing happens and he just shuts up again.
How many crusades has Kit Siang embarked upon since 1965 when PAP set up DAP as its Malaysian arm? Okay, maybe Kit Siang has spoken/written ten million words but how many crusades has he embarked upon? Honestly, I do not think even Kit Siang remembers because as soon as he launches a new crusade he chucks the old crusade aside and forgets about it.

Latheefa Koya, just shoot, stop talking!

I suspect Kit Siang now wishes he did not talk too much over those 54 years. I mean, ten million words are a lot of words and the more words that come out of your mouth the more mistakes you make. And eventually those mistakes are going to come back to haunt you.
Because of Kit Siang’s example, the whole of DAP began to adopt the same culture of diarrhoea of the mouth. They soon began to love the sound of their own voice and talked about so many things, some of which they should not have talked about.
For example, DAP leaders such as Superman Hew should not have revealed that DAP is using the Malays to fight the Malays and that Kit Siang is just using Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to kill Umno. Everyone knows that is what DAP and Kit Siang are doing but no need to mention so openly lah!
The most damaging crusade of Kit Siang’s is regarding the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara forex losses where Kit Siang promised that if DAP comes to power they are going to make sure that Tun Dr Mahathir, Tun Daim Zainuddin and Anwar Ibrahim are going to be punished for that crime.
Well, DAP is now in power — in fact, Kit Siang’s son is the Finance Minister — so what happened? Why are Mahathir, Daim and Anwar not being punished for the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara forex losses? Is this not what you promised?

Is the MACC investigating how this ah long boss lost RM40 million in cash and RM400 million in valuables from the Pavilion Residences seizure?

And the list goes on. So many promises within those ten million words but not a single one delivered.
And today, not only has the diarrhoea of the mouth culture rubbed off onto DAP, the whole of Pakatan Harapan suffers from that sickness as well.
Look at one example, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission or MACC. It has become just like Kit Siang and DAP — talk, talk, talk, non-stop. Why don’t they just do their work instead of talking non-stop with very little results?
Who cares whether they have a list of 41 names or a list of 408 names of people/entities that received money from 1MDB? Just drag all those 41 or 408 people/entities to court and charge them. Why have they not been charged yet?

When is the MACC going to charge Najib for the RM1.1 billion cash and valuables they seized from the Pavilion Residences or is there no proof it was from 1MDB money?

Before the May 2018 general election, they talk so much. They said they have all the proof and within 24 hours of Pakatan Harapan forming the new government they are going to arrest all those ‘kleptocrats’ and put them in jail.
What 24 hours? It is almost 10,000 hours. What happened? Why “civil forfeiture”? Is that even legal? If a crime has been committed then go for criminal action. Why civil action? Sebab takde bukti ke?

READ MORE HERE: Illegal application of civil forfeiture law would back-fire badly

As what Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said: since 1957, under six Prime Ministers, the Umno divisions have been receiving money from the Umno headquarters. And 22 of those 61 years were under Mahathir. Never in the past have the divisions first questioned headquarters as to where the money came from. Now you say the Umno divisions should have first question HQ as to where the money came from before accepting it?

Pakatan Harapan spent RM1.6 billion in GE14 so why is the MACC not investigating that crime?

What nonsense is this? Do the DAP, PKR, PPBM and Amanah divisions do the same? How do the DAP, PKR, PPBM and Amanah divisions know that the money they receive is not dirty money? How do the DAP, PKR, PPBM and Amanah divisions know that the money they receive does not come from the Chinese underworld gambling, drugs, prostitution and loan shark syndicates?
How much did Pakatan Harapan spend in GE14? It is said PPBM spent RM600 million while DAP and PKR spent RM1 billion. Can they show us their bank statements for the last two years from 2017 to 2019? Does this RM1.6 billion appear in these bank statements? If not then why not? Where did the money come from, and how was it spent, when legally Pakatan Harapan should not have spent more than RM100 million for GE14?
Yes, the MACC should stop talking as if they are a political party and do their work. They appear to be talking non-stop to create an impression they are working so hard when in actual fact there is not much progress. When you talk you distract the people from the fact you are not doing much.
But soon the truth will emerge. People will soon see that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. You can talk till the cows come home but if there is nothing there is nothing. And that is what is happening in the MACC, nothing. Maybe the MACC thinks that oral sex means just talking about sex but not actually doing it.

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