
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, November 16, 2023


 I received this video below via WhatsApp today. Lets listen to the video first, it is very short:

I do not know the date of this TV news above but lately another video has been going viral showing one lady professor saying all kinds of wild horse stuff (kuda liar) about Malay sailing ships having been the largest in the world, Malay sailors having traded with the Roman Empire etc.  

For a long time now we have been hearing our local PhDs and local professors saying all kinds of kuda liar or wild horse stuff that are clearly nonsensical. 

Worse than that these local PhDs and local professors often seem to be carrying a racial and / or religious chip on their shoulder. In Malaysia of course both Islam and Malay are deemed as one and the same so the confusion often gets amplified.  They seem to be carrying a Malay-Muslim agenda on their shoulders, without giving two hoots about making themselves look really foolish, plus deserving that moniker "professor kangkung".

1. A long time ago I read a "history" book by a local PhD who had a really wild horse or kuda liar theory about Mani Purindan (Maniam Purindan) who is deemed the father of the Sultans, bendaharas and temenggungs of the Melaka Sultanate. 

  • Tun Seri Lanang menyebut tentang kemunculan seorang anak raja dari benua ‘Keling’, iaitu Mani Purindan, yang datang ke Melaka di akhir abad ke 14 atau awal abad ke 15 Masihi. 
  • Dari zuriat Mani Purindanlah asalnya susur galur Raja-raja Melayu Melaka (dari sebelah ibu) melalui perkahwinan puterinya, Tun Ratna Wati dengan Sultan Muhammad Syah. 
  • Mani Purindan juga merupakan moyang kepada seb'ahagian bendahara-bendahara, temenggung-temenggung Melaka dan keturunan-keturunan mereka melalui zuriat puteranya, Tun Ali

But the local PhD said that this "benua Keling" history of Mani Purindan was wrong. Why? Because Mani Purindan (Maniam Purindan) could not have been from "benua Keling". Why not? Because the Sulalatus Sulatin sejarah says that Mani Purindan was a rich merchant who had his own ships. So ? Well, the PhD writer said,"We know that the 'Keling' people are all poor. They could not have been rich merchants and owners of ships" !!  

She was transposing or grafting  her knowledge of poorer Indians in Malaysia today (as well as her obvious racial prejudice against 'Keling' Indians) onto a historical figure from the 14th century India - over 700 years ago. If Indians in Malaysia today are poor, the Indians in 14th century India must also have been poor. That was her reasoning.

Her solution : Mani Purindan was not from benua Keling. He must have been a Muslim of noble blood and high birth and since there were many rich Arab merchants who had lived in India and sailed to the Nusantara therefore Mani Purindan must have been of Arab descent. He could not have been of the 'benua Keling'. And since he was an Arab (wild horse imagination had now become fact) he must also have been a 'Syed' (Syed Maniam Purindan??)  That means he was a descendant of the "prophet".  Conclusion : the Melaka Sultans, bendaharas and temenggungs were all of Arab Muslim ancestry, going back to the "prophet". Somersaults and cartwheels all in one.

The idea is to deny the Indian and possibly non-Islamic origins of the ancestor of the Melaka royalty and aristocracy. Indian is bad. Arab is good.

2. Then there was another local professor who made his own wild horse kuda liar theory that the Bujang Valley civilisation in Kedah had nothing to do with India or the Indians. He said it was not a Hindu linked civilisation on account of some building foundations (supposed to be a temple) facing a different direction (compared to other Hindu temples).  Because of that there was no Indian civilisation in the Bujang Valley in Kedah. It was some other pagan civilisation. (Maybe they fell from outer space??)

But the fact is the Bujang Valley Museum at the Bujang Valley in Kedah houses numerous Indian artifacts and idols found at the Bujang Valley. As well as Indian artefacts with Indian writing.

For example the statue of the Hindu god Ganesh (below left) as well as Sanscript inscriptions written in the Pallava script (below right) were excavated at the Bujang Valley. Were they Made in China? Or 'Made in Arabia'? I dont think so.

 click to open a full-size photo (2-7 MB)        click to open a full-size photo (2-7 MB)


To an ordinary observer like me the Hindu Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia is a remnant of an Indian influenced civilisation (or possibly an "expatriate" Indian civilisation). 

Then the entire Indonesian archipelago is rooted in the Indian civilisation including the Buddhist Shailendra Dynasty which built the Borobudur Temple in the 8th century. Shailendra itself is Sanscript.

And of course the other highly Indian influenced and also once Indian aristocracy inhabited civilisation in South East Asia is Suwarna-bhoomi, also known to us as Thailand. The present king of Thailand has a "Rajakumaran" at the very end of his name and his official title is King Rama X. That is pretty Indian.

So we have quite ancient Indian influenced, Indian ruled, and/or Indian aristocracy inhabited civilisations in Cambodia, in Thailand and of course in the Indonesian archipelago. Ancient Vietnam used to "import" Indian princes to marry Vietnamese princesses.  

But despite all this Indian presence in South East Asia, our local professor says somehow the Indians gave the Bujang Valley a miss. Despite all the Indian artefacts found and exhibited in the museum at the Bujang Valley.   

Again it is a lame attempt by local professors and PhD holders to deny or subdue any history of the Malays that has an Indian or non Islamic link. These are the Thalidomide babies of ketuanan Melayu.

3. The lady professor who created wild horse stories about Malay sailors trading with the Roman Empire aboard gigantic sailing ships showed a graphic of a multi-masted sailing ship which was actually featured in Gavin Menzies famous books  '1421' and '1434'. I bought and read '1421' when it was published in 2008. Menzies showed a graphic of gigantic eight masted Chinese ships (junks) which he said Admiral Cheng Ho (Zheng He) sailed to all corners of the world in 1421 and 1434. 


Going by the lady professor's wild horse findings, Admiral Cheng Ho's type of gigantic eight masted ships had already made an appearance much earlier during the Roman Empire - ferrying Malay sailors to trade with Rome. There was no Suez Canal at that time so they must have sailed across the Indian Ocean, around the southern tip of Africa, up the Atlantic Ocean, entered the Mediterranean and then to Rome.  Obviously they forgot to tell anyone about this when they got home because this is the first time anyone is hearing about all this.

The lady professor also said that the giant Malay ships sailed to China where one Malay ship  could destroy 20 Chinese ships. 

Why sail all the way to China to engage in a 'mine is bigger than yours' type pissing contest?

Without a doubt the Malays were ancient mariners. From the Malay homelands in the Peninsula, Indonesia and the Philippines they sailed the oceans and populated the lands from Madagascar to New Zealand and Hawaii. The ancient Malays saw the oceans as penghubung. They did not see the oceans as pemisah. They did not go to other lands to "destroy" other people's ships.

These kangkung professors are similar to the flat earthers. Those weirdos who insist that the earth is flat. To further their flat earth crap they put forward all sorts of wild horse arguments.

Some dunggus even quote the Quran to back up their claim that the earth is flat. They quote verses like the following to "prove" that the earth is flat.

Surah 71:19   وَٱللَّهُ جَعَلَ لَكُمُ ٱلْأَرْضَ بِسَاطًۭا  

Sura 71:19 And Allah ˹made the earth for you stretched / spread out.

So they insist that stretched or spread out means flat earth. The word in yellow highlight ( بِسَاطًۭا  ) bisaatan and it derivatives appear 25 times in the Quran. It simply means stretched out, laid out, spread out. It does not mean flat earth.



The same word is found in :

Sura 18:18  Thou wouldst have deemed them awake, whilst they were asleep, and We turned them on their right and on their left sides: their dog stretching forth (baasitun /  باسط ) his two fore-legs on the threshold...

The dog had stretched out his legs.  In 71:19 it means Allah swt has made the earth a wide and spacious expanse for the human beings. The earth is stretched out wide and large for the benefit of the human being.

The earth is not flat. The sun rises in the east but it does not rise from Japan. The sun can set beyond swamps but the sun does not set into a muddy swamp. 

Looks like we have these flat earther types in our country. But they are PhDs and professors. That suggestion to shut down all PhD programs in our universities is not without merit.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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