
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 27, 2024

PM must be seen as neutral, Tok Mat says on Russia invite

PARLIAMENT | Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim must be seen as neutral when considering official invitations to visit other countries, said Foreign Minister Mohamad Hasan.

Speaking in the Dewan Rakyat today, Mohamad (BN-Rembau) disclosed that many official invitations, including from Russia, had been sent to Anwar as well as the Foreign Ministry.

However, he said his ministry has advised Anwar to be cautious before accepting any invitation in a bid to prevent Malaysia from falling into the complex politics of the world.

“In the current unstable geopolitical climate, it’s all very fluid. The prime minister’s presence and visit must be properly planned.

“We need to be very careful in positioning our country. The prime minister and Foreign Ministry’s visit is considered as a recognition of our foreign relations.

“As of now, we have good relationships with Russia, China, and other countries,” he said during the Minister’s Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat today.

‘Middle state’

Mohamad (above) said this in response to Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal (PN–Machang) who asked when Anwar would accept the invitation for an official visit to Russia.

Wan Fayshal said he had received information that Russia had repeatedly sent invitations to Malaysia to make an official visit to the country but had yet to receive a response from Putrajaya.

Further, Mohamad, popularly known as Tok Mat, pointed out that Malaysia is a trading nation and, thus, should position itself as a “middle state”.

“We don’t want to be seen leaning towards the left or the right. This is our foreign policy.

“Trade diplomacy is our priority,” he added.

Previously, Anwar on June 18 expressed Malaysia’s wish to join Brics to Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

He added that Malaysia will initiate the formal process to join the Brics bloc soon.

“We have made our policy clear and we have made our decision,” added Anwar.

Brics, initially comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, was established in 2009 as a cooperative platform for emerging economies.

In January 2024, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates joined the grouping as new members.

While Moscow welcomes new members to Brics, it has set a key criterion that countries seeking to join the group should not participate in illegal unilateral sanctions. - Mkini

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