
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, October 14, 2010

Forced or Not Forced We are Screwed

Evidence without Evidence

BolehLand's most famous remembered world issue, the Sodomy II case is once again taking BolehLand and the world into the private lives intentionally made public with the help of the government machinery and MSMedia.

While the rest of the world are glued and peering in a hole of hope, ie the dramatic rescue of Boliavian miners trapped for 69 days, BolehLand is giving their own minute accounts of a crevice that seem to have been forced upon but showed no force being used but still it was drilled with a grease pole it seems, with or without consent is not the issue.

While the Bolivian hole diggers are getting all praised for their feats, our two fellos in BolehLand, one is seen to be crucified while another is being praised for bravery for surviving the gruelling drilling according to expert with a greased pole whether forced or not forced is not the issue.

While the nation is trying to find out the best alternative to get us out of the rut and need resources and focus of all, no efforts is also being spared to give maximum publicity to the sodomy case.

Punters have already decided the ultimate verdict to all this circus. Public's perception is that this farce trial is aimed at ending someone's career. And to do that you need to drag the carcass all over town to crucify that fello kau-kau with no hope for him to return to haunt you later, no?

No, not the career of the young man, as he has all the taxpayer's money at his disposal it seems to prove he did not wrong. He is supplied top prosecutors a phalanx of them to support to defend his honour and he has done no wrong even if he did a 'Tak Nak' but ended up 'Nak Juga'!

Mat rempits, those accused of statutory rape and rape victims are not even given such taxpayer's money support to protect their dignity.

While we have groups demanding Lambert to take his 'same-same' lifestyle elsewhere not to corrupt the innocent minds of our younger generation and those who love wearing religious garb, we are treated to in verbatim accounts of a small anatomical part related to removing waste. No wonder, the trial and personalities are tagged some colourful concatenation with this 'sh##' word. 'Sh##ful' as an example, no?

The trial has really turned us into a fetish nation and one same-same gender couple even said they would like to meet the 'traumatised' boy because he has finally brought out many closet faggies and potential ones to know that in the one can commit acts against nature without even showing signs such acts were committed.

With the latest revelation that no evidence can still convict a person, is anyone safe at all believing they can get away with murder or rape or consensual sex against nature when they are professionals who can even accuse you have carried out such acts without leaving any evidence or needing one to prove you guilty!

If no evidence is needed to convict someone, they might be yet hope for the still unresolved gruesome death of a certain Mongolian lass,no? You don't need to find any evidence, you need to find a convincing explosive expert to testify that a criminal act can be committed by their own expert opinion without needing any evidence! The real perpetrators not those two dumb puppet servants, must now surely be worried, no?

Whether there is evidence or not, whether one is forced or not forced, we are all going to be screwed in Sodomy II because evidence presented by experts will defy natural justice even upturn precedence in law or evolve new controversies!

In rape and trauma cases, we are often told it is important to bring closure to the case so that the victim will recover and return to normalcy. In our Sodomy II, seemed the longer the trial, one can supposed our poor victim should be a nervous wreck by now. But we see a young fellow with renowed vigour and an ole mam with worries written all over. Sometimes we wonder who is the victim actually!

Let's admit to ourselves, it is not a complex case like trying to discover if billions of ringgit have been squandered or crimes against humanity was committed. It is a boinking case against nature which should have been dealt with swiftly under a religious court since it was committed by persons of the same faith.

Even if it involved some VIP resulting in creating a new VIP in the process, we do wonder if it's the normal SOP of those experts and those in authority to prolong the case, drag out more 'evidence' and discuss in camera details in a public arena.

Hey even the 'victim' is basking in the popularity and fan followers mostly those who never know him but are aligned to interested parties and factions in this case.

In all these clinical evidence, the religious factor seemed so alien and far detached in a nation that boasts of being a model Islamic State. Is it now the norm for same same sex cases to be given top legal assistance as well as media coverage?

We slip ourselves into lots of erroneous conclusions if we are told there is no evidence of force, you don't need to be forced, looks like a force, looks like we got a slippery one that didn't leave any forced evidence - the expert views seem believable now, why all of a sudden?

With so many loopholes evidence surrounding this orifice, you do get suffocated and feel like strangling the experts as well as our two bangers if it really happened!

A fren said the only way for the case to end is for someone who can screw himself to come forward to prove it. Experts these days are useless and they are more philosophers thinking they have a hold on truth and matters of fact without the need for 'facts' as in evidence, tangible ones in this case.

But hey this is BolehLand, even if one can screw oneself a zillion times, you can still prove that some dirty ole man was the one who slip his greasy pole into you. After all, the experts tell you you don't need evidence, they just know for a fact and the court has to believe expert views, no?

So the next time you hear someone accuse 'I got shagged, f#%$ed!' you don't need any evidence to prove it. You just need an expert's evidence who without any evidence, can convince the court that the one you accused is the guilty one!

In Bolivia, the trapped miners are emerging from their hell hole one by one to a new hope and life.

In BolehLand, we are trapped in sodomy land and time one day at a time. And the witnesses and their evidences are dragging us all together to descend into a hell hole in a quest to find out what the f*#$ actually happened and do away with the guilty person because of some political agenda and someone's political agenda, no?

At least in Bolivia there was a stop to all those digging when they achieved success. In BolehLand, we just can't stop digging. huh?

From media report

A forensic pathologist said today that there was evidence of anal penetration on the lead witness in the sodomy trial of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim even though there was no clinical findings to support the conclusion.

Hospital Kuala Lumpur pathologist Dr Siew Sheue Feng told the High Court here that the lack of resistance through the use of lubricants could be the reason why there was no clinical finding of anal penetration on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

“En Saiful informed us what happened to him, he was sodomised by a high profile public figure for several months,” said Dr Siew.

According to Dr Siew, Saiful also said that no condoms were used during the alleged sodomy.

Dr Khairul Nizam Hassan, a colleague of Dr Siew’s who had examined Saiful as well, also told the court today that there were no clinical findings of anal penetration.

But like Dr Siew, he said that anal penetration could occur without signs of injury...

courtesy of YAHMEH!!!

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